Smoke Signals 9 NOVEMBER 1,2011 Request for Proposal CLASS INFORMATION The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde has approximately 4,800 members who access cultural education classes in three offices. We are seeking to attain a variety of proposals for cultural education classes that can be offered to our membership. SUPPORTING EFFORTS (awarded contractor shall) Provide all general contracting services requested within this Request for Proposal if awarded. Provide all material for the class that is being offered. Contractor shall be responsible for providing a syllabus for the classes being offered by the end of the class. Provide a sign-in sheet for each of the classes, where contractor delineates between Tribal members or non-Tribal members. Contractor shall act as a liaison between the Cultural Resources Department and the General Membership. They will assist in providing a positive vision of the program. Contractor is responsible for all travel-related expenses including transportation, housing, meals or supplemental receipts. Mileage will be reimbursed, but contractor will not get paid an hourly rate while traveling to offices from their home. SCOPE OF SERVICE Please be sure to respond to each question explicitly when asked for information requested within this Request for Proposal. For purposes of submission, answer questions according to the numerical order listed below. Submissions not formatted correctly will not be considered. 1. Give a detailed list of the class or classes that you would like to teach. Please include any relevant background information as to why Grand Ronde should be hosting these classes. 2. What is your distance from Grand Ronde office, Portland office and Eugene office? Are you willing to travel to each of the offices to teach your class, or classes? 3. How long have you been practicing your art? 4. List any recent shows or exhibits where your art was displayed or demonstrated. 5. Describe the materials that you will need to instruct your class. If they are specialized materials, describe how you will obtain these items. 6. Will your class need specialized classroom space? If so, describe what will be required for your class. 7. Please include a detailed list of the cost per class in your pro posal. 8. Describe any particular features of your organization that have not been addressed or you would like to elaborate upon. Submit bids no later than Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011, to Brian Krehbiel, Cultural Education Specialist, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347. Phone 503-879-4639 or fax 503-879-2126. For questions, e-mail B Elders7 Christmas Party set for Dec. 1 6 The Elders' Christmas Party will be held starting at 3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16, at the Elders' Activity Center. The event will start with snacks followed by dinner served at 4 p.m. In lieu of a gift exchange this year, Tribal Elders will be accepting blankets or lap blankets for needy Elders, or toys, hats or mittens that are unwrapped for the Willamina Tree of Giving. The party is for Tribal Elders 55 and older. For more information, contact Linda Brandon at 503-428-7596. Bill comes with a five year sunset provision GRANT continued from front page state's open records law and adopt evidence protection standards, all requirements currently in use by federal, state and local police. The federal grant also requires the Tribe to fund the two new police positions for a year after the grant expires. "Over the next three years," said Wakeland, "Tribal Council will have discussions about what this police force will look like in the fourth year." Before the passage of Senate Bill 412 in July, Tribal police either worked out details of the job with the local sheriff or had police pow ers limited to the reservation and to policing Native Americans on the reservation. The bill also came with a five-year sunset provision. The last-minute compromise with bill op ponents requires legislators to pass it again, and with that requirement comes a ready-made chance for legis lators to amend or kill the law. A Tribal police force is the latest step in the Tribe's continuing effort to reclaim its sovereignty. As early as 1985 in the Grand Ronde Tribal Reservation Plan, the Tribe called for a Tribal police force. "This is an opportunity for the Tribe to play a more active role in local law enforcement and further develop relationships with local counties." said Wakeland. B Graves teaching weekly basket weaving class Tribal Elder Connie Graves teaches a basket weaving class at 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays in the Elders' Activity Center. The class is open to the public. For more information, contact Tribal Cultural Education Specialist Brian Krehbiel at 503-879-4639 or B m IJrqsliEgElgJ iiiiinvjiii SP1RJT MOUNTAIN CASINO Hwy 1 8, Grand Ronde, OR 1.800.760.7977