16 SEPTEMBER 1,2011 Smoke Signals Cascade Crossing Oral History Project Grand Ronde's Site Protection Program, in The Cultural Re sources Department, is seeking Tribal members who have: 1. Hunted 2. Fished 3. Gathered 4. Participated in other traditional practices within the vicinity of: D Detroit, OR D Breitenbush Hot Springs D Olallie Lake D Molalla Table Rock n Silver Falls D Santiam State Forest We are seeking information on our people's connection to the land in these areas both past and present. Information collected will be used by the Tribe in confidential consultation with state and federal agencies regarding proposed and future development in these areas. If you have information or know someone who does about our people's traditional use of the areas stated above, past or present, please contact the Tribe's Cultural Protection Specialist David Harrelson at 503-879-2320 or by e-mail at david.harrelson grandronde.org. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Willamina High plans potluck reunion Willamina High School is planning a potluck reunion for the classes of 1946 through 1956. The reunion will be held at noon Saturday, Sept. 10, at 385 S.W. Hill Drive, Willamina. For more information, contact Marilyn Rosenbaum at 503-876-6773. U'Si ' (DHS Sr''' . ".'IT.!'!""?. A HEALTH TEXT MESSAGING SERVICE FOR AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS WE NATIVE For weekly health tips, contests, and life advice text NATIVE to 24587 Please encourage young people in your community to sign up. Topics include: Teachings from Native leaders Wellness and Life Balance Family Relationships Mental Health Tobacco, Drugs and Alcohol Violence and Bullying Peer Pressure Sexual Health Healthy Relationships School Pressures Getting Help Quizzes, polls, and discussions Scholarships, conferences, Internships 'Standard rates apply. Irt Just like textlng your friends and family. In 201 2, the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board will launch a companion website: www.weRnatfve.org. The site Is being designed for Native youth, by Native youth, to encourage healthy behaviors, share youth-friendly media and current events, Increase cultural identity and pride, and share the positive Impacts Native youth are having on their communities. Fundtd by the National IHS HIV Program For mora Information, plMM contact Jessica LKtorc Jarstonenpalhbxxg or vtilt us at hflpyAvww.rhbioytplccntrptoJctproJctfdnton WERNATIVE Annabtll Dolorls McG Bom July 19, 2011 -6 lb. 15 oz. Daughter of Fred & Angela Mc Gee (Very proud and happy). Granddaughter of Fredrick and Oeloris McGee Great-Granddaughter of Richard and Teresa McGeeHolmes. vawaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai vV - T - m ; I ail- ii '- ' 1 1 i Happy 50th Anniversary! August 19. Love, your family. fit Summer Run Ada DTK A CKITC it t L Miali''''i' r.'i in iii i 'ii i 'i 7810 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97206 5037748885 Sponsored by the native american people of portland, wmi-wa.inc, through a grant the urban indian council secured from hud. Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments Affordable Rent, No Costly Buy-Ins, or Application Fees Federal Rent Subsidies Available For Those That Qualify Ideal Urban Location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and more! Small Community Atmosphere relaxed and friendly 'Caring for each other is what members of our community do. Paid ad j 11 1AU mmjiwimii na)iiun mil., w aa t-wmp Ts J:2 atJH. -i m iVendoro & Edtrcr ' ' onai Bod (h Fc aaOM I M WO 91 Uam Gx-liMf m CM3.41U.U23U ;: is .v This event is free and open to the public A Drug, Alcohol, Commerical Tobavcco and Violence FREE event. Sale of sacred items are forbidden. The committee is not responsible for lost or stolen items of any travel or parking cost For more irformatjon about the Wofthwesl PorHrid Ales Indaan I Win Boaid or Iha 43 FedaoHy nxogrM&J Tttbet at ksarw. ef ' . Oregon and WbsfMngton pleaae vmt am' rHWpjjrfl. ' j.y w, ...j, . , ,