10 AUGUST 1,2011 Smoke Signals Upcoming opportunities and deadlines: American Indian Services Scholarships Fall 2011 Deadline: Aug. 15 www.americanindianservices.org Chinulc immersion classes available 201 1-12 Youth Education Elementary K-5 Afterschool Program Completed applications are being accepted Aug. 1-5 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Youth Education front desk. Along with an application for each youth, the following will need to be included to register a child: D A deposit of $20 needs to be included with the application. A sliding- scale fee is available for those who qualify. CTGR youth are eligible to access youth sponsorship funds if they wish to. D A copy of the youth's Tribal identification or proof of enrollment. If the child is a direct-descendant please include a copy of the parent or grandparent's proof of enrollment. Please contact Youth Education at 503-879-2101 for additional infor mation. Application forms can be found at the Youth Education building. Positions in the program will be filled according to the time and date a completed application is accepted. Important notice to full-time undergraduate students All full-time undergraduate students (pursuing a bachelor or transfer degree) must submit verification that you have applied to a scholarship outside the Tribe before Fall 2011 funding will be released. Verification can include a scholarship award or denial letter, e-mail verification that an application was submitted, a copy of the application or your financial aid award letter that lists an outside scholarship. All undergraduate students that have completed their first two years of stud ies must also submit a degree evaluationaudit before Fall 2011 funding will be released. Please contact Education at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2275, if you have any questions. FULL-TIME STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. All full-time students are required to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. A copy of the FAFSA and Student Aid Report (SAR) must be submitted to the Tribal Education Program. 2. All full-time students are responsible for having their grade reports sent to the Higher Education Programs upon completion of each term semester. 3. All full-time students must maintain a 2.00 GPA and successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per termsemester to remain eligible for funding. 4. Full-time students who do not meet the minimum academic re quirements will be placed on academic PROBATION. Students who are placed on PROBATIONARY STATUS will not be awarded the following term until they have provided a copy of their grade report transcript. NO AWARD WILL BE MADE UNTIL GRADE REPORT TRANSCRIPTS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED. 5. Failure to meet the minimum academic requirements during the probationary termsemester will result in SUSPENSION. 6. Full-time students must notify the Higher Education Programs of address, telephone and e-mail changes as soon as they occur. 9. Each year full-time students must sign a "Release of Information" form allowing correspondence with the school of attendance regarding financial aid, educational budget, attendance and grade reports. 10. Students who withdraw or do not complete a termsemester will be required to reimburse the Higher Education Programs for funding received for the termsemester. Please keep in contact with the Higher Education Programs; we are here to provide assistance and support you while you are attending school. The Tribe has two Chinuk im mersion classes that are available to preschool and kindergarten stu dents. The Tribal Preschool immer sion class is for 3-to-5 year-old children. The Pre school is housed at the Head Start building and the class follows all the Head Start standards with focus on the Chi nuk language and culture. The class enrolls 10 students every year and usually has a waiting list. There is still room to enroll your child for the 2011-12 school year. If you are interested, call Sandy Bobb at 503-879-2161. Be sure to specify that you want your child to be in the Immersion class. The Chinuk Kindergarten class also is housed at the Head Start building. The children attend Willamina Elementary in the morning for literature and math and then they are picked up by the Grand Ronde bus after lunch and bused out to Grand Ronde for the remainder of the day. Whatever the children miss in the afternoon at Willamina, they are taught in Grand Ronde using our language and culture. One example is the unit on life cycles. In Willamina they learn about the life cycle of a butterfly and out here we teach them the life cycle of salmon. One advantage of the Tribal Kindergarten class is smaller class sizes and a better teacherstudent ratio. We are accepting applications for the 2011-12 school year. We are on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested or have any questions, call Kathy Cole at 503-879-2249. CTGR Higher Education Program Applications are now available online for all CTGR Higher Education programs. Visit the Tribal Web page at www.grandronde.orgdepts education to learn more about the various funding programs. Call Education at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2275, if you need assistance determining which program application to submit. Program deadlines: Bachelor Degree & Adult Vocational Programs April 30: Fall TermSemester Aug. 30: Winter TermSpring Semester Nov. 30: Spring Term Feb. 28: Summer TermSemester Competitive scholarship (all categories) April 30 each year Part-time college Ten days prior to first day of class Non-credit program Ten days prior to the first day of the class, training or conference FAFSA (required for all Bachelor Degree & Adult Voca tional Program students) By Feb. 15 to the Tribal office each year. fJ4liiJ4iIihdflllVJiIs m,i I iwilllini.lir,.n, EMM m F Kfll I 1111 Mill I I.I. II II IH M Mr m !-C233 Est. 2222