Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, July 15, 2011, Page 2, Image 2

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    Smoke Signals
NOTICE Monthly Tribal Council Wednesday Meetings
Wednesday, July 20 5 p.m.
Please note that these timet and dates are subject to change If needed.
I Lkmsre I
Tribal Council Candidate Forum
Wednesday, July 27 6 p.m.
Tribal gymnasium
2 JULY 15,2011
Dear Tribal members:
I wanted to include this letter as a follow-up to ray letter of May 15.
Just to be clear, I have no intention of getting into a war of words with
Mr. Good, but his letters are due responses. I would hope and certainly do
not expect Tribal Council to base their decisions upon pressure from him,
especially when his beliefs change without explanation.
When I was on the Tribal Council, Leroy Good had differences with
members of the Enrollment Requirements Ad Hoc Committee. If that is
not the case, then hopefully he will take the time to clear this up. But if I
didn't know any better he appears to be advocating against those portions
of the Constitutional Amendment that would help these people, when in
the past he championed enrollment justice for everybody affected by the
1999 amendment.
If anybody is wondering why that is my perception, then let me refer you
to a document from several years ago. In 2007, prior to our final decision to
move forward with a Constitutional election, we held a public hearing on
enrollment. Mr. Good flew over from Michigan to offer testimony. On the
Tribe's Web site, in the Archives section, there will be a list of transcripts
of Tribal Council meetings, including the hearing of June 3, 2007. On pages
28-29, you will find one Leroy Good submitting the following testimony:
"Leroy Good, Roll 892. When I was previously up here, my wife said that
I misspoke myself when I give the definition of what I thought Grand Ronde
was to be. And I think that the determination of all that was a mistake on
my part but before I go back and address that, I would like to approach
the issue that the proposed amendment to the constitutional membership
requiring us to be presented as one unit, as a whole, and the voters will
vote on one proposal. I think in doing this we might have more of a com
promise in thinking. Some are on all on one issue that pertains to them
only and they're going to say no to the rest, uh, the ad hoc committee has
worked hard. Council has looked it over. Legal has changed it just a little
bit, the proposal, and I think that it would be better for a one vote, one
proposal, uh, my thoughts only. To go back I on the I think it's really
important that we define Grand Ronde blood as the soul and heart of why
we're here today. There is an Elder here, was here, I wish she would talk,
so she could tell us what their intentions were when we were reinstated
and (unintelligible) because that is the basis of our (unintelligible). Now
Betty Bly and Perri mentioned the fact that there's not any one particular
Tribe. Grand Ronde was a reservation. There were people dumped in here
from all over and (unintelligible). And restoration was for those people
that were on the rolls and records of the Grand Ronde reservation. I have
proposed a (unintelligible) and sometime we relate this time, Grand Ronde
blood is defined as all Indian blood derived from a direct ancestor whose
name validly appears on any official Tribal membership roll previous to
the restoration of November, 1983. Thank you."
As you can see, in 2007 not only was Leroy advocating for the Tribal
Council to conduct the election as a single vote, but he also wanted the
definition of Grand Ronde blood to be based on any official Tribal mem
bership role. In other words, he was advocating for the exact opposite of
what he is asking Council and the General Membership to do now, as per
his last two letters in the Smoke Signals. He has completely reversed his
This saddens me because he used to be a champion for those negatively
impacted by the 1999 amendment. Now it appears he wants to under
mine some of the solution due to personal differences. I hope I am wrong,
because this issue is divisive enough. For the first time in a while, I feel
like there is hope.
Whatever your issues Leroy, please help solve the problem instead of
being a part of it.
Angie Blackwell
Roll 1089
Culture Camp set for Aug. 8-1 0
A three-day Culture Camp for sixth through 12th graders will be held
Monday through Wednesday, Aug. 8-10.
Participants will stay in the Tribal plankhouse overnight for all three
days. K-5 youth are welcome to attend between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Activities will include singing and drumming, cedar weaving, stick
games, team games and other events.
Space is limited, so youth need to RSVP to Brian Krehbiel by Friday,
July 29.
For more information, contact Krehbiel at 503-879-4639 or brian.kreh H
Elders' garage sale seeking donations
Tribal Elders are regularly seeking donations of items for their fund
raising garage sales. To donate an item or items, call Tribal Elder Linda
Brandon at 971-267-0918. D
961 5 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347
1-800-422-0232, FAX: 503-879-2173
Web site: www.grandronde.orgnews
O Twitter: CTGRgov
Facebook: Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
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. SMOKE SIGNALS, a publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Com
munity of Oregon, Is published twice a month. No portion of this publication may be reprinted
without permission. .
Our editorial policy is Intended to encourage Input from Tribal members and readers
about stories printed In the Tribal newspaper. However, all letters received must be
signed by the author, an address must be given and a phone number or e-mall address
must be Included for verification purposes. Full addresses and phone numbers will not
be published unless requested.
SMOKE SIGNALS reserves the right to edit letters and to refuse letters that are determined
to contain libelous statements or personal attacks on Individuals, staff, Tribal administration
or Tribal Council. Not all letters are guaranteed publication upon submission. Letters to the
editor are the opinions and views of the writer. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of SMOKE SIGNALS, Tribal staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council.
Members of: Native American Journalists Association
The Associated Press
Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association
201 1 Tribal Council
Cheryle A. Kennedy Chris Merder
Tribal Chairwoman ext. 2305
eXk 2352 Q wjnk Soderberg
D Reyn Leno ext. 1 444
Tribal Vice Chair
- ext. 2399 q Toby McClary ex 4555
Kathleen Tom
Tribal Secretary Jack Giffen Jr.
- ext. 1 777 ext. 2300
D Steve Bobb Sr. q Valorie Sheker
- ext. 2353 ext. 2355