Comiri v' feck, I I HI P-2 P53 uTZSZL giving! St 3 (I KNIGHT LIBRARY "itKE? Y ' '-f ) - ?v 1299 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON salem.or , , y . EUGENE OR 97403-1203 'Pr f ft) (t 1J ...l.Hl'll'lll'l'l'H'll'('llll''l , moke y o agnails A PubUcaUon of the Grand Ronde Tribe V BT K v Vfe "CnVTPQTJA. a MOLALLA n PLOGTJE RIVEB ca KALAPUYA ca CHASTA rVViaBTjs -EUfr T:t?Plr. 4Tie v i '30" 1 8 e iK sast nr sn V TV v . 1 'V ;;; r U) V Veterans Powwow set for July 8-10 By Dean Rhodes Smoke Signals editor The newly-christened 2011 Marcellus Norwest Memorial Veterans Powwow renamed in honor of U.S. Army veteran and Tribal Elder Marce Norwest, who walked on on May 22 will be held Friday through Sunday, July 8-10, at Uyxat Powwow Grounds off Hebo Road near Fort Yamhill State Park. Grand entries will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, 1 and 7 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. Gourd dancing is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Norwest's family will hold a tradi tional giveaway at 6 p.m. Friday. Veterans Powwow master of cer emonies will be Nick Sixkiller and whip man will be Tony Whitehead. Tribal member Deitz Peters and his wife, Rose, will be the head man and woman. The Mek Mek Haws restaurant in Grand Ronde Station will serve din ner at 5 p.m. Saturday and breakfast at 8 a.m. Sunday at the Powwow Grounds to attendees. Veterans, dancers and members of the public are invited to attend. There will be arts and crafts and food vendors. Free camping and parking will be available, but no drugs or al cohol are permitted, and pets are not allowed in the powwow arena. The first 10 drums are guaranteed session pay. For more information, contact Tribal Veterans Committee member Chris Tinney at 503-883-3610 or D By Ron Karten Smoke Signals staff writer Seventeen Tribal members were nominated to run for three open seats on Tribal Council at a special General Coun cil meeting held Sunday, June 26, in the Tribal Community Center. Of the 17 candidates, eight are either currently serving on Tribal Council or have served on Tribal Council. The nominees, in the order they were nominated, are: Jean Turman, Roll 837, nomi nated Westly "Buddy" West, Roll 842. West is retired from both military and Tribal Council service (2004-07) and lives in Salem. Lonnie Leno, Roll 935, nomi nated Reynold Leno, Roll 453. Leno is the current Tribal Council Vice Chair and serving his fifth consecutive three-year term on Tribal Council. He lives in Wil lamina. Leon Tom, Roll 818, nominated Kathleen Tom, Roll817. Tom is current Tribal Council Secretary and serving her second consecu tive three-year term on Tribal Council. She lives in Keizer and Grand Ronde. Chris Mercier, Roll 1821, nomi nated William "Wink" Soder- berg, Roll 777. Soderberg is currently a Tribal Council mem ber and finishing his second consecutive three-year term on Tribal Council. He lives in Grand Ronde. Jolanda Catabay, Roll 3424, nominated Denise Harvey, Roll 1874. Harvey is chair of the See TRIBAL COUNCIL continued on page 11