Smoke Signals 7 MARCH 15, 2011 Sheridan man injured while logging on Reservation Tribal employees assist in quickly getting man to Salem hospital By Dean Rhodes Smoke Signals editor A Sheridan-area man broke both bones in his lower right leg while logging on the Tribal Reservation and, with the assistance of numer ous Tribal employees, was flown to a Salem hospital for treatment on Thursday, March 3. Contract timber faller Mike Dearth, who was working for Grand Ronde-based Hofenbredl Logging, was bucking cutting into mar ketable lengths a log at ap proximately 9 a.m. when it rolled against his legs and pinned him against a large standing tree in the Eastside Thin Logging Unit, which is approximately 500 feet south of the end of the 756C road on the Reservation. Dearth's cutting partners Cabe Lincoln, Shane Williams and Brad Clemmons responded quickly and helped Dearth by cutting the log that had pinned him against the tree and administering first aid. Lincoln then called Hofenbredl Timber Side Rod Darryl Coblentz, who was in Willamina, and 911. Coblentz met two West Valley ambulances in Willamina and led the ambulances to the end of the 696 road at the trailhead for Coast Creek Trail, which is where Lincoln and Coblentz had agreed to take Dearth because of the steep slopes, felled and bucked timber and deep 3 o wife Photo courtesy of Natural Resources Department Sheridan-area resident Mike Dearth is carried down the Coast Creek Trail on the Tribal Reservation on Thursday, March 3, after a logging accident broke his right leg. Quick responses by his co-workers, Tribal employees and the West Valley Fire District helped in getting Dearth flown to a Salem Hospital for care. snow that was between Dearth and the 756C road above them. Coblentz contacted Tribal mem ber and Hofenbredl Logging owner Larry Hofenbredl, who was on another logging job 45 minutes away. Hofenbredl headed toward Indian Arts and Crafts Board releases brochure The Indian Arts and Crafts Board, an agency of the U.S. Depart ment of the Interior, has released a new intellectual property rights protection brochure entitled "Introduction to Intellectual Property for American Indian and Alaskan Native Artists." The brochure provides an introduction to the various intellectual property rights protections trademarks, copyright, design patents and trade secrets afforded to American Indian and Alaskan Native artists and artisans. . Intellectual property protection is important to every business, including American Indian and Alaskan Native artists, and the bro chure will help teach artists and artisans how they can protect their intellectual property, economic livelihood and cultural heritage. If you would like copies of the brochure, they can be obtained from the board toll free at 888-278-3253 or through e-mail at The brochure also can be viewed at the Web site the Coast Creek Trailhead and also called Tribal Forester Jason Bernards. Bernards, along with Tribal Silvicultural Technician Chuck Chapin, who is a certified emer gency medical technician, left the Natural Resources office on Hebo Road and headed for the Coast Creek Trail. They notified Tribal member and Tribal Forest Protec tion Officer Jake McKnight, who was only a short distance away from the accident scene on the 690E road. McKnight met the ambluance crew of five medics and Coblentz near the trailhead and they pro ceeded down the trail to the ac cident. Dearth's partners had cut a rough trail through the brush from where Dearth was down to the Coast Creek Trail, which made it easier for Dearth to be carried out by emergency responders. Dearth's cutting partners led the medics, Coblentz and McKnight to Dearth, who was about 500 yards up the slope. The medics administered an IV and called LifeFlight, believ ing Dearth had broken both legs. In the meantime, Hoftenbredl and his wife, Barbara, as well as Bernards and Chapin arrived at the accident scene. Bernards headed up the "rough cut" trail and found the medical crew about 200 yards from the Coast Creek Trail. He assisted Larry Hofenbredl with improving the trail in front of those who were carrying Dearth out by removing tripping hazards. Once on the Coast Creek Trail, the three medics, Lincoln, Wil liams, Clemmons, the Hofenbredls, McKnight, Chapin and Bernards took turns carrying Dearth down the Coast Creek Trail to the await ing ambulance, where they arrived at about 12:30 p.m. Bernards and Chapin led the two ambulances out the Coast Creek Road, followed by McKnight. Dearth was taken to the Wil lamina school campus, where an awaiting LifeFlight helicopter flew him to Salem Hospital. He had bro ken both bones in his lower right leg about three inches above the ankle, and his left leg was badly bruised. Dearth had surgery that night on his right leg and was released from the hospital on Tuesday, March 8. B tiarctt SO -v 503-879-5211 Ad created by George Valdez K 5 PROGRAM LITERACY NIGHT AW K5 Program families and families that receive tutorial services are welcome to attend the next K5 Program Lit eracy Night. Literacy Night will be held from 5:15-7 p.m., Wednesday, March 30 at the Tribal Community Center. Dinner, activities, prizes and a great family time will be provided. A Village Tale from Kenya amffm Kr fcUiy and Rich Chamhcrlin Jwrmluf ty Julia Cairns Please contact Emily Hemes to RSVP, with food allergy concerns or with questions. 503-879-2318 emily.