Smoke Signals 20 DECEMBER 1,2010 Happy 1st Birthday to our baby boy Tyler Dean Gilkerson 10-01-2009 Love you lots, Mom, Dad, Granny and family. ' VI vf i V 4. ::f ! Congratulations to Brett Hanson and Caressa Aguilar on your marriage. Nov. 20. Love, Mom. . Happy Birthday Dominick Eastman , Amanda Layman Jason Layman, Kiiush Kimbol Love, your family. Furnished home for sale One bedroom park model mobile home for sale. Furnished. Located in a quiet location in Grand Ronde RV Park, two miles from Spirit Mountain Casino. $35,000. 503-857-6684. A v" Happy 18th Birthday Kaliska Love, your family. I MM ID ndM together, ere- Niw feo Had to rt seems like we were neverapart and avaryona knaw wara bestfriends. WmiM iiimi fPl artioH we made sure we wan gomg to ba iDornmate. wm yaw in mi m M ak 'riaawlMaAlMIMHISIW congratulations."--. 1M t "Let's do It together.'' . mm a Mm whM mm MM jha M wu I mental health problem, -depression anxiety. Now I know that anyone can anparlanca mantf haaMi proolamm. avan Native PeoDle.wtxijMw.kni wmiymt. 1 1 m, ni understand difference -wbowim IM, I im ma tor you. I will ba tare tor you. x we will recover togetner. to Mam how you can htp tuppon mano. -. a- A i . ... V f-, I. . ' ' ' iiil-V V 7C! S- si'S:3 Sla.'.: -"'V -A'i'!- 1U 1L JLJLVWi.CUL f Saturday Dec. 10 , Dec i m - .s mm BUR JTirt H L D 7 I i .3 SgfCfr : Vendors call (503) 879i24V "4 bw.' f? .-:. ' t" ', mw m m m m m m mm 4 Pick up an application at Governance Building or Elders' Activity Center 42 tables available first-come, first-serve . 11 i Lfc' ..flMir1 I v in i Ad created by George Valdez