Smoke Signals 9 NOVEMBER 15, 2010 Please circle the family size and annual household income that represents your family the closest In that line. Family Size ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME 1 $10,830.001 $12,996.001 $14,403.90 I $14,620.50- $16,24S.OO $18,952.501 $2O,O3$.50 $21,660.00 OVER 2 $14,570.00 $17,484.00 $19,378.10 $19,66950 $21,855.00 $25,49730 $26,95450 $29,140.00 OVER 3 $18,310.00 $21,972.00 $24,35230 $24,718.50 $27,465.00 $32,042.50 $33,873.50 $36,620.00 OVER 4 $22,050.00 $26,460.00 $29,326.50 $29,76730 $33,075.00 $38,58750 $40,79230 $44,100.00 OVER 5 $25,790.00 $30,948.00 $34,300.70 $34,816.50 $38,685.00 $45,132.50 $47,711.50 $51,580.00 OVER 6 $29330.00 $35,436.00 $39,274.90 $39,86530 $44,295.00 $51,677.50 $54,63030 $59,060.00 OVER 7 $33,270.00 $39,924.00 $44,249.10 $44,91450 $49,905.00 $58,22250 $61,54930 $66,540.00 OVER 8 $37,010.001 $44,412.0o $49,223.3o $49,96330 $5S31S.0O $64,76750 $68,468.5o $74,020.00 OVER Please List All Tribally enrolled dependents In your household: Last Name: Age: Tribal Roll : Enrolled on Skookum Health Plan: Yes Any other insurance? First name: No: iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii Last Name: Age: Tribal Roll : Enrolled on Skookum Health Plan: Yes Any other insurance? First name: No: Last Name: ; First name: Age: Tribal Roll : Enrolled on Skookum Health Plan: Yes No: Any other insurance? iiiiiiiiiiiniiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Please add a separate sheet of paper if you have additional dependents. PLEASE NOTE Please fill out and return only 1 survey per household (unless there is more than 1 family in your home). Please call one of the numbers below for additional surveys if needed. ( For questions regarding this survey, please contact Barbara Steere at 503-879-2487 Or Melody Baker at 503-879-2011. Toll free is 1-800-775-0095. Other ways to do the survey: Tribal Web site - Fax: 503-879-1547 Barbara Steere, Health Plan Specialist Phone-in to do the survey with one of the following: Teri Mericer: 503-879-2008 Melody Baker: 503-879-2011 Barbara Steere: 503-879-2487 Address to mail back to CTGR - Health Plan 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347