Smoke Signals 2 OCTOBER 152010 NOTICE Monthly Tribal Council Wednesday Meetings DATE TIME Wednesday, Oct. 27 5 p.m. Pleat note thai then timet and date art tubject to change 1 needed, (all Dakota Whiletloud, Tribal Council Helaliona Coordinator, ot t0$ M79-l30t to confirm. General Council mooting Sunday, Nov. 7 11 a.m. Tribal Community Center Fellow Tribal Members: The Yamhill Community Action Partnership ia one of several boards I sit on as a Tribal Council member. YCAP ia a non-profit organization that serves many low-income, senior and disabled residents of Yamhill County through services ranging from a food bank to emergency family shelters. For the past two years we have been engaged in a capital campaign for a new client services building and food bank. At present we are roughly 75 percent of the way to our $2.9 million goal. Pepsi has generously offered to provide $250,000 to the top two non-profits that can generate the most online votes by the end of October. YCAP is presently ranked No. 22 on their list as of the time of this letter. They have put forth a valiant effort considering the hundreds of other projects also competing for this generous grant. I am asking for your help in this effort. All it will take is a few minutes of your time. Please log on to and click on "Vote for this Idea." It will take you directly to the YCAP page on the Pepsi site. You can vote each of your e-mail addresses online and also vote through texting. Text 102615, send to 73774. Vote every day through Oct. 31. I have been working with YCAP for several years now and can say very confidently that this organization makes a difference in the lives of people locally. Thank you, Chris Mercier Roll 1821 Woirkoinigj Glhie Mil Photos by Rob Greene Tribal Council members, from left, Rcyn Lano, Jack Giffan Jr. and Stave Bobb Sr. visited Washington, D.C., in late September to talk with members of Oregon's congressional delegation about House Resolution 6070, which would streamline the process for the Grand Ronde Tribe to take former reservation land back into trust. In the top photo, Tribal Council representatives met with 1 st District Rep. David Wu and in the bottom photo they are pictured with 5th District Rep. Kurt Schrader, who introduced the resolution."! think we did some good work on behalf of the Tribe' Giff en said at the Oct. 3 General Council meeting about the trip. n LI ulfc czrn r ss k CORRECTION In recent stories about the Tribal plankhouse opening and the employee appreciation barbecue, Smoke Signals did not mention that the events were catered by the Mek Mek Haws in Grand Ronde Sta tion. Staffers, half of them Tribal members, put in 44 hours over three days for the plankhouse opening alone. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE 96 1 5 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97J47 J. 800-422-0232, FAX: 503-879-2173 Web site: www.grandronde.orgnews E-mail: SIOBHAN TAYLOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR 503-879-1920 SCARLETT HOLTZ PUBLICATIONS SECRETARY 503-879-1453 KJrtftLhottzOv"tdfond)f .org GEORGE VALDEZ GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST 503-879-1416 (ror.vjkfci4jndrondt.ori CARLA MAY CENTRAL PHONES 503-879-1447 CJfU.robfti0vwdrondc.or KRISTEN RAVIA PUBLIC AFFAIRS SECRETARY 503-879-1418 tolHffuavUOpimkanl.orf JUSTIN PHILLIPS PACE DESIGNER 503-879-2190 UMln.pNHp&pjndrondt.Off MICHELLE ALAIMO PHOTOJOURNALIST 503-879-1961 irfeMI.jljlrno9fnndrondt.orf DEAN RHODES PUBLICATIONS COORDINATOR 503-879-1463 RON KARTEN STAFF WRITER 503-879-4663 roiiJuftfn& SHELLY KENT CENTRAL PHONES 503-879-5211 fhtAy.kmrtrandroiKk.ari DEADLINE DATE ISSUE DATE Wednesday, Oct. 20 Nov. I Friday, Nov. 5 Nov. 1 5 Friday, Nov. 19 Dec. 1 Friday, Dec. 3 Dec. 15 (MB57 SMOKE SIGNALS, a publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Com munity of Oregon, Is published twice a month. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without permission. Our editorial policy is Intended to encourage input from Tribal members and readers about stories printed in the Tribal newspaper. However, all letters received must be signed by the author, an address must be given and a phone number or e-mail address must be Included for verification purposes. Full addresses and phone numbers will not be published unless requested. SMOKE SIGNALS reserves the right to edit letters and to refuse letters that are determined to contain libelous statements or personal attacks on Individuals, staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. Not all letters are guaranteed publication upon submission. Letters to the editor are the opinions and views of the writer. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SMOKE SIGNALS, Tribal staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. c Members of: Native American Journalists Association The Associated Press Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association 2010-11 Tribal Council O Cheryle A. Kennedy Chris Mercier Tribal Chairwoman ext. 2305 exk 2352 Q yfijfr Soderberg Reyn Leno ext. 1 444 Tribal Vice Chair - ext. 2399 DToby McCIary ext 4555 Kathleen Tom Tribal Secretary Jack Giffen Jr. - ext. 1 777 ext. 2300 Steve Bobb Sr. Valorie Sheker -ext. 2353 -ext. 2355