SEPTEMBER 1,2006 Smoke Signals 1 1 Tribal Bffipapg News NEW LIBRARY HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (closed Monday - Friday Noon - 1 p.m.) Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Statistics regarding the Tribal Library use evidences the value our Library has for the local and nearby community membership, both Tribal and non Tribal. Patron visits and circulations in the Library have increased from approximately 100 visits circulations per year since the new Library loca tion was established in May 2002 to the numbers seen below. The Tribal Library, a much needed and well used information center, has quickly become a valuable legacy to the community. January -July 2006. New Cards: 106. Patron Visits: 4,314. Circula tions: 4,889. Donations: 783. Computer Use: 712. 2006 marks the first year the Tribal Library became fully financially sup ported by the Tribe. A Tribal budget cost center was approved to support the costs of staff, operating expenses, program development and collection development & maintenance. Thank you Tribal Leadership for your gener ous support and commitment to the community. Services and Programs offered at the Tribal Library include but are not limited to: Children & Youth The Early Childhood Education Program coordinates a weekly story time hour at the Library: The K 5 Program visits the Library twice a month for story time and to check in & out collection items. The Library offers a Saturday activity hour monthly for youth in grades K 3. A series of Family Literacy Workshops are held in January and Febru ary for parents and their children in grades K 5 that focus on reading literacy skill building. An Early Literacy workshop is offered each fall for ECE staff and interested parents of toddlers - preschool children. Summer Reading Incentive Program is offered for children and youth ages 4 - 17. This summer we had 23 registrations of which 12 were active read ers. The readers ranged in ages from 4 -13. The readers read a total of 140 books and recorded reading of 2,970 minutes. Josh Henry, 4 years old, read the most books (31) and Jordan Reyes, 5 years old, read the most minutes (540). All participants received a reading award and a special bookmark. Summer Activity Theme programs are offered for various age groups throughout the summer. This year's theme was Paws, Claws, and Scales & Tales. There were approximately 70 participants in the Summer Pro grams this year. Highlights included Creature Feature for teens in which 4 movies were presented; Summer Enrichment Art sessions for teens; weekly K-5 Story & activity sessions and 6-8 grade age weekly activity session. (As well as the Reading Incentive Program). The Library facilitates a Teen Advisory group quarterly. This fall will be coordination of a "homework club" for teens in the Library. Adult Programs Book Club: twice monthly. Will start up again in October 2006. Poetry Recital Reading: one time per month. Will start up again in October. Elder Meal site recruitment: one time per month The Library celebrates National Library Week each year by offering special activities & events for all age groups to participate in. We had 182 participants in the NLW activities this year. Generally held the second week in April. The Library hosts the annual Open House event with various activities coordinated for the different age groups. Approximately 20 participants attended the Open House event this year. Activities included: Stories with related activities for youth and adults; Native American video presentations and a book signing and presentation by Tribal Elder Kathryn Harrison. The Tribal Library Volunteer Program has two active volunteers. Margo Mercier and Connie Brown, who have provided just over 50 hours of service during March - July 2006. Their work is invaluable to the Library. Thanks so much Margo and Connie. The Tribal Library has been awarded an Institute of Museum & Library Services Basic Grant for 200506 and 200607. These grants provide funding for part time staff, collection development, culture programs and training. Sheila Svela was hired in May 2006 to fill the staffing position afforded through the IMLS grant award. The Tribal Library continues to be a work in progress. We have yet to gain approval of policy and procedure manuals that will better guide operating practices. Manuals were developed and approved through the committee process (Nov. 2005) and are in administrative review at this time. The Tribal Library hoped to be connected to the Regional Library Lending Cooperatives by the close of 2006 but opportunity to join was not administra tively supported and will be considered in the 2007 Tribal Library planning. Other planning for the Tribal Library includes development and coordina tion of a teen Homework Club (in September 2006); addition of computers (2007) and increasing special event cultural programs to be offered. Donations are always welcomed at the Library. Many of our collection items have been donated. The people of our Library community are so generous and full of good will. "Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life." M. Adler Attention: High School Seniors! Don't miss out on this opportunity! Dartmouth College is inviting students to visit their campus on an expense free trip! This is part of their Fly-In program. They will provide round-trip transportation assistance along with complimentary meals and on-campus housing to participants for the duration of their stay. The application deadline is Friday, September 8, 2006. You will need your completed application form, an essay, and your high school transcript. You can mail or fax your application. Call Trinity Minahan (CTGR College and Career Counseling Program Coordinator) for an application or questions at 503-879-1478 or e-mail: Fall Term Schedule of Classes Through Chemeketa Community College Chemeketa Community College's fall term classes will begin the week of Septem ber 25 and continue through the week of December 4. Registration began August 22 for continuing students and August 29 for new or returning students. For more information, contact John Harp at 503-879-4591 or 1-800-422-0232, ext. 4591. Evening Classes taught at the Grand Ronde Education Center MTH 20 Basic Math cm 33938 MTH 60 Intro. Algebra (scientific calculator required) cm 30960 MTH 70 Elem. Algebra (graphing calculator required) cm 30963 MTH 95 Inter. Algebra (graphing calculator required) cm 30965 MonWed, 5:30-7:20 4 credits $23224 WR 115 Introduction to Composition cm 33356 WR 121 English Composition-Exposition cm 33357 WR 122 English Composition-Logic & Style crn 30912 WR 123 English Composition-Research Writing crn 34781 Thursdays, 5:30-8:20 3 credits $17420 CTV live courses broadcast to the Grand Ronde Education Center BT084 Business English I crn 31180 TuesThurs, 10:00-11:20 3 credits $17418 BT 085 Business English II crn 31214 MonWedFri, 11:30-12:20 3 credits $17418 BT116 Office Procedures crn 31240 TuesThurs, 8:30-9:50 3 credits $17418 CH 104 Chemistry for Allied Health crn 35512 MonWed, 1:00-2:20 5 credits $29042 (Must also register for Saturday lab and for recitation) CH 110 General, Organic & Biochemistry crn 35514 MonWed, 9:00-10:20 5 credits $29042 (Must also register for Saturday lab and for recitation) MTH 60 Introductory Algebra crn 31981 TuesThurs, 11:30-1:20 4 credits $23224 MTH 62 Business Applications using Math crn 35731 TuesThurs, 6:00-7:50 4 credits $23224 MTH 95 Intermediate Algebra crn 34866 MonWed, 6:00-7:50 4 credits $23224 WR 227 Technical Writing crn 34809 MonWedFri, 10:30-11:20 3 credits $17420 Gates Millennium Scholarship Applications Now Available Applications for the 2007-2008 Gates Millennium Scholarships are now available and may be submitted anytime up to January 12, 2007. Eligibility requirements: high school senior or GED recipient; African American, Ameri can IndianAlaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American; U.S. citizen or permanent resident; GPA of 3.3 by time of application; will enter an accredited college or university as a full-time freshman starting Fall, 2007, have financial need, have demonstrated leadership abilities. For more information or to apply, visit or call 1-800-628-1920. Attention Veterans! $$$ for College Applications for the Troops to Teachers Program are accepted year round. To qualify you must be: an Oregon resident; discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States, including Reserve components and the National Guard, with anything other than a dishonorable discharge; enrolled at a two-or four year public college or university; agree to teach in an Oregon school district or public charter school. For more information, or an applications, visit www. getcollegefunds.orgtroopstoteachers.html or call 1-800-452-8807 ext 7394. 2006 American Indian Graduate Center Annual Conference The American Indian Graduate Center is the largest national provider of scholarships for American Indian and Alaskan Native students. The 2006 AIGC Annual Conference theme is Walking in Two Worlds and will take place Sept. 22-23, 2006 at the Sandia Resort and Casino in Albuquerque, NM. For more information, or to register, visit u. 1-800-628-1920.