Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, January 15, 2004, Page 2, Image 2

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Dear Editor,
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the people who took the time to
send me flowers and good wishes recently. I'm doing better and feeling good.
Gene LaBonte
Roll 348
Dear Ron,
I have never complimented a reporter for an article they have written, let
alone written a compliment letter. I read your article (Smoke Signals, "Warrior
Interrupted," 12152003 issue) and was moved by it. I found it was objectively
written but very compassionate. Congratulations on such a fine piece of writing.
Tom O'Brien
Polk County Sheriffs Deputy
Dear Smoke Signals,
My name is SGT Athena Cook of the 324th Military Police Battalion which I
have been serving with since February 2003. We are currently deployed in Iraq.
As a medic I do what I can to keep us safe and unharmed. Sometimes it does not
always work, but I try. I would like to know if you would place an ad in the
Smoke Signals for my family I left behind in Maryland and Kansas. I want
"I serve in the Army so that one day my chil
dren will not have to." Athena Cook
them to know that I'm alright and that I miss them every second of every day. I
hope someday soon I will be back in their loving arms. I have married a wonder
ful man, Jeremy, who sends me the Smoke Signals when he can. I love reading
about the lives of the Tribe. Also, let my loved ones know that they are every
thing to me. They have all given me their love, trust and respect all of my life.
Thank you. Without their support I do not know if I would have made it this far.
I also left behind two very important parts of my life, my children. Cheyenne is
7 years old and Michael is 1 year old. Some days are better that other days when
I think of what I have missed in their lives. I serve in the Army so that one day
my children will not have to. I want to give them the freedom to choose their life
path. One day they may understand the sacrifice that I had to make for their
freedom. And yes, I do believe that about everything. I believe in freedom.
SGT Athena Cook
324th MP BN
Roll 4829
Dear Smoke Signals,
News from Tikret, Iraq! Hello my
family in Chehalis, Washington, my
wife Debbie, sons Matt, Alan and my
daughter Jennifer. I love you.
To the rest of my abundant family
members, you know who you are. I
am a Stryker Technician with the
Stryker Bergade stationed in the area
of Tikret, Iraq. I'll be home in about a
year, hopefully sooner.
Love you all God Bless!
John Young
Roll 2569
(Mother, Betsy Schaefer (LaBonte)
Astoria, Oregon; Grandmother, Ester
LaBonte, at peace with God, laid to rest
at the Grand Ronde Cemetery.)
Dear Smoke Signals,
My heart was beating with an enthusiastic pace as the day arrived for the
hand drum class at the Vocational Rehabilitation Portland Area Office, (PAO). I
give thanks to Joanne Carr and Bobby Mercier for their dedication to spend all
day with the local Tribal members on May 22, 2003. I also thank the Education
and Culture Departments for the dedication and funding to the Tribal members
in the Portland area so that they feel do not feel left out of their arrival; we all
were. Bobby was very instructive in his way in presenting the process and we
all pitched in to eagerly listen, learn and begin.
It was a day that built community among Portland Tribal members. Every
one was in agreement that it was going to be a special day and something special
was going to be achieved. That special item was an Indian hand drum. The
emotions ranged from the soaking tanks to setting up the tables and tools. Ev
eryone set aside their differences and became one Tribe for one goal.
The process of making a drum took patience and skill. Bobby was only one
person, but it seemed that he was pulled into 20 persons once the drum was
taking on a life of itself. The excitement became overwhelming and the atmo
sphere became filled with anticipation to see the finished product. I commend
Bobby for his patience and assistance with everyone.
My finished drum has become an important part of my heritage and culture
now. I have already used it in ceremonies and have even had a chance to drum
and sing with Bobby on a cultural trip to the top of Spirit Mountain. I have
taken it to a Native Christian conference and have sung one of the songs that
was taught to the VR group by Tony Johnson. It has inspired me to want to
learn more and teach my children the importance of the drum and the songs
that come with it. I will one day make a drum with my boys, so that they will
have their own and one day they will make a drum with their children and pass
on the songs they have learned.
With respect,
Jon A. George
Roll 1631
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SMOKE SIGNALS, a publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Commu
nity of Oregon, is published twice a month. No portion of this publication may be reprinted
without permission.
Our editorial policy is intended to encourage input from Tribal members and readers about
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verification purposes. Full addresses and phone numbers will not be published unless requested.
SMOKE SIGNALS reserves the right to edit letters and to refuse letters that are deter
mined to contain libelous statements or personal attacks on individuals, staff, Tribal administra
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editor are the opinions and views of the writer. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the
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Members of: Native American Journalists Association
The Associated Press
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