10 JANUARY 1, 2002 Smoke Signals HIE CD High school students are invited to attend a gathering at the University of Oregon. You will have the opportunity to talk to students and educators about admissions requirements, finan cial aid, student housing, Native American organizations, McNair Program for first generation college students and low income students, undergraduate and graduate studies. Monday, February 4 University of Oregon Long House 1606 Columbia Street in Eugene Contact: Az Carmen at 541-346 0681. Higher Education and Vocational Deadlines July 1 Fall Term or Semester Feb. 1 Spring Term Nov. 1 Winter or Spring Term April 1 Summer Term Deadlines do not apply to open-enrollment Institutes for Adult Vocational Training applicants. Please contact the Education Division to request an application at 1-503-879-2275; write at 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347; or www.qrandronde.org Tribal Youth Sponsorship Program Youth Education Sponsorship (YE Sponsorship) program, formerly Summer Sponsorship will begin in January 2002. YE Sponsorship is a program which provides maximum funding of $200 to enrolled Tribal members grades k-12, including home schooling one time per year to participate in school and extra-curricular activities or programs. You must request an application by contacting Chris Bailey at 800-422-0232 or 503-879-2101. Application must be returned completed in order to be pro cessed. Please allow two weeks for processing. Funding is available until depleted. Please note that requesting an applica tion does not ensure funding and program will not register student for activity program. Summer Apprenticeship Opportunities Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering (ASE), are accepting appli cations of high school students who are interested in gaining work experi ence and on the job knowledge by working with professionals in science and engineering over the summer for a duration of eight weeks. All ASE participants will receive a $1,400 stipend and the possibility of high school credits as well. The program is open to freshmen, sophomores and juniors and the application deadline is January 17, 2002. If interested, please contact Chris Bailey at 503-879-2101. Residency Classification of Native Students The State Board of High Education approved the adoption of a new Residency Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) that would grant residency classification to students of specific federally recognized Tribes. This new rule became effective for Fall Term 1998. Native American students seeking residency classification under this OAR should contact Larry E. Waddell, Residency Classification Officer, at the Uni versity of Oregon, Office of Admissions Eugene, Oregon, 97403. Phone: 1-800-232-3825 or 541-346-3201. Students seeking to be assessed resident tuition under the provisions of this rule shall submit a photocopy of Tribal enrollment which documents current Tribal membership or other official document or a letter that provides evidence of current Tribal membership. Student Responsibilities 1. All students are responsible for having their grade reports sent to the Tribal Education Program upon completion of each termsemester. Either make arrangements with the Registrar's Office to have the reports sent directly to the Tribal Education office or mail a copy of your grade report to the Tribal Office yourself. 2. Students please notify the Educational Program of address changes and telephone number changes. 3. If emergencies occur that affects your attendance notify the Education Program and College IMMEDIATELY. (Tribal Education Office, College Business Office, College Financial Aid Office and College Registrar's Office) 4. You must maintain 2.00 GPA and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per termsemester to be eligible for assistance. 5. Students who are placed on PROBATIONARY STATUS will not be awarded the following term until they have provided the Education Program an OFFICIAL COPY of their transcripts. Tran scripts must include the term of probation and must show successful completion of 12 credit hours earned with at least a 2.00 GPA. NO AWARD WILL BE MADE UNTIL TRANSCRIPTS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED. 6. Continuing students must file their Federal Financial Aid Forms by February 15. You must provide a copy of your application to The Education Program for filing verification. 7. All students must sign a "Release of Information" form regarding attendance, financial aid transcripts, education budgets, progress and grade reports. 8. It is your responsibility to remain in "good academic standing." If a student demonstrates an "on againoff again" pattern of being placed on PROBATIONARY STATUS, THEY WILL BE PLACED ON Probationary Status for one complete academic year. Failure to meet minimum academic requirements during this period will result in SUSPENSION. 9. Students who withdraw from school due to medical or health related reasons must obtain a statement of Verification from their physician or health care provider identifying need to with draw from school. Students must obtain a Statement of Release from their physician that identifies ability to return to school. Copies of physician's statements must be provided to the Education Program. 10. Students entering their SENIOR year are required to have a GRADUATION AUDITEVALU ATION completed Fall Term and provide a copy of the AuditEvaluation to the Tribal Education Program. Please keep in contact with the Tribal Education Program staff. We are here to help provide assistance and support for you while you are attending school. Winter Term Classes Begin January 7 Following is a list Chemeketa Community College Classes offered onsite in Grand Ronde for Winter Term 2002: Math Lab, Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm to 7:30pm MTH 052 Intro to Algebra and Geometry MTH 060 Introductory Algebra MTH 070 Elementary Algebra MTH 095 Intermediate Algebra Writing Lab, Wednesday 5:30pm to 8:20pm WR115 Introduction to Composition WR121 English Composition Computer Lab, Mod 3, Monday 5:30pm to 7:20pm XBA9700N Typing I, (Basic Keyboarding) NON-CREDIT Parenting, Monday 6:00pm to 8:20pm (January 7 to February 18) XHD0661B Effective Parenting, NON-CREDIT Poetry, Mod 3, Monday 6:00pm to 8:20pm. ENG106 Introduction to Poetry Cable Television (CTV) classes that can be viewed in C-rand Ronde. BA251 Office Management, MWF 10:30am to 11:20am BT084 Business English 1, TR 10:00am to 11:20am BT085 Business English 2, MWF 9:30am to 10:20am BT116 Office Procedures, TR 8:30am to 9:50am BT120 Professional Communication Skills, TR l:30-3:20pm CH105 Chemistry for Allied Health, MWF 1:30pm to 2:20pm HST202 History of the United States, MWF 8:30am to 9:20am MTH062 Business Applications Using Mathematics, TR, 11:30am to 1:20pm SSP112 Study Skills, MWF 12:30pm to 1:20pm To register, call Chemeketa Community College at 1-800-398-6262. Alaska Seabird Internships Deadline: February 1, 2002. Internship runs from May 12-September 30, 2002. Interns will assist tech nicians with seabird productivity observations, seabird colony counts, distur bance observations, beach watches, small mammal monitoring, PC data en try and field camp logistics. Contact: Jodi Doster, AK Pen Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, P.O. Box 277, King Salmon, AK. 99613. E-mail: jodidosterfws.gov. Native American Nurse Program Deadline: February 1, 2002. The National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of Oregon is a non-profit, women's organization interested in supporting the education of Native Americans in the field of medicine by offering scholarships to those men and women who are enrolled in the broad fields of medical study. Con tact: Kathleen Goodfriend, P.O. Box 12228, Portland, OR. 97212. Phone: 503-355-5961. E-mail: kskgoodfriendhome.com. Laurence R. Foster Memorial Deadline: March 1, 2002. Applicants for the Foster Memorial Scholarship must be seeking a career in public health. Contact: Oregon Student Assistance Commission, 1500 Valley River Drive, Suite 100, Eugene, OR. 97401. Oregon Native American Chamber of Commerce Deadline: May 12, 2002. The Oregon Native American Chamber of Commerce offers a $1,000 schol arship available to students enrolled and attending an Oregon university or college. Contact: Kelly Anne Millican, Scholarship Board, P.O. Box 502, Clackamas, OR. 97015. IBM Project View Program Project View is a diversity recruitment program organized by IBM that networks hiring managers together with competitive minorities and people with disabilities from colleges and universities. For more information, e-mail inquiry to: projviewus.ibm.com. Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Education Trust Fund Scholarships GRADUATE FULL-TIME and GRADUATE PART-TIME $10,000$5,000 UNDERGRADUATE FULL-TIME and PART-TIME $6,000$4,500$3,000 VOCATIONAL TRAINING FULL-TIME and PART-TIME $6,000$3,000 EULAPETTTE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP $7,000 The scholarships are renewable as long as the student meets minimum academic requirements. Scholarship applications are available by contact ing the Education Division. All applications are mailed out as requested from January until deadline date of April 30 of each year. The completed application must be received or postmarked by April 30. These are competitive scholarships. Each scholarship application is re viewed and ranked on a points basis. Applicants are rated on academic merit, leadership and Tribal and community involvement. It is required that applicants submit an essay with their application along with additional documentation. For additional information or an application please contact: Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Education Division 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 1-800-422-0232 ext 2275 or www.grandronde.org