12 SEPTEMBER 1, 2001 Smoke Signals 1st Annual Western States Indian fiodeo Association W ' wmi ni hi. mi ' i ' ,i..J,i.ii..N.ii ii.uu.iiiiiii n .rf -mx !..- cj;,r - ALL-INDIAN QOVEO Grand Meadows Home Park and Dip Tilixam (Elder's Housing) residents will be hosting individual garage sales Friday & Saturday, September 14 & 15 from 8 am to 4 pm. 000 September 8-9 starting at 1:30pm both days Grand ljonde fiodeo Grounds Pnn For more information, contact the Housing Authority office at 503-879-2401. This is a championship rodeo sanctioned by the WSIRA. Each champion in each event will receive an engraved belt buckle from the Grand Ronde Tribe's Rodeo Committee. Sponsors are needed for the event and for the belt buckles. Belt buckles are $125 apiece. ADMISSION: Adults $10; Kids ages 4-12 $6; 3 and under FREE. For more information please contact Michaelle Kimsey at 503-550-4897. This is a hometown, family event that will involve local people. I Tl? 4 i I ' ' n C. VV "1 rf'l:J -. ELMERTOM CHAMPIONSHIP SADDLE ONDISPLAY ATTHE GOVERNANCE CENTER. 2001 NISA (National Indian Sports Association) ami $300 Entry Fee, Deadline: September 1 5. Class: Men's, Women's & Co-Ed For more Information contact: Bobby Letterman at 801 -957-91 75 All Indian Rosters are allowed 2 non-Indian players (diduiito wudoea asaflSsil The CTGR Cultural Resources department will sponsor a one week pro gram on October 15-19 for Tribal members interested in protecting cultural resources. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be certified as Cultural Resource Technicians. With this certification, Tribal members will have the opportunity to competitively apply for future employ ment opportunities in the Cultural Resource arena. Cost is $600 and in cludes all program materials. Funding may be possible through the Tribal Education Department's Short Term Training program. . If you have any questions, please contact Perri McDaniel or Connie Schultz at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 4577 or ext. 2185. nri. s . M PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO: CTGR Cultural Resource Dept., do Cultural Technician Program 9615 Grand Ronde Rd., Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Name: . Address: I I Telephone: ; CLOSING DATE: MONDAY, SEPT. 10 Medical Services Manager , Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Center Grade: 17 Prevention Caseworker Social Services Grade: 10 Foster Care Recruitment Specialist Social Services Grade: 9 D Accounting Files Data Clerk Finance Grade: 2 For a detailed Job description, please contact the Tribe's JOB LINE: 503-879-2257 1-077-TRIDEGR 5 MONDAYS from 9:00 to 11 ;3Q a.m. Sept. 1 0: Macintosh Operating System, parti Sept. 24: Macintosh Operating System, part 2 Sept. 4: Windows '98, part 1 Sept. 25: Windows '98, part 2 WEDNESDAYS from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Sept. 5: Microsoft Word, part 1 Sept. 26: Microsoft Word, part 2 THURSDAYS from 9 to 11 ;30 am Sept. 6: Word Perfect, part 1 Sept. 13: Microsoft Excel, part 1 Sept. 27: Microsoft Excel, part 2 FRIDAYS from 9 to 11 ;3Q a.m. Sept. 7: Web Page Design Sept. 14: Corel Word Perfect, part 2 Home For Rent A large 3 bedroom, bath house in Willamina. Includes a large fam ily room downstairs (this could be a fourth bedroom), refrigerator with ice maker, washerdryer, upper deck on second floor, front porch and break fast bar. Looking for renters interested in a one year lease for $950 a month. For more information please call Tammy Cook at 503-876-3278. C Home For Sale Grand Meadows Lot 9 1998 MARLETTE MANUFACTURED HOME ASKING PRICE: $75,000 5 Q DESCRIPTION: This home is ap proximately 1,500 square feet in size, with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. In cluded appliances are dishwasher, re frigerator and stove. Washer and dryer hook-ups. SPECIAL FEATURES: 3-footflower bed surrounding house on three sides. 8' x 10' enclosed shed with double doors. Three car driveway. Large master bathroom. Walk-through clos ets in two of the bedrooms. O REMARKS: Quiet neighborhood with friendly people. Safe environment where kids can roller blade, ride scoot ers and bicycles. D Interested Tribal members may con tact Trevor and Charlie Aaron at 503-879-3788 ore-mail attdackaaol.com. What is the Vocational Rehabilitation Program ? The Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation program is for CTGR Tribal members with disabilities who are interested in employment that will empower them to meet their needs and live an independent life-style. The program assists Tribal Members with disabilities to develop a vocational rehabilita tion plan that matches their interests, aptitudes and abilities. Who Is Eligible? An enrolled Tribal Member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde who: Resides within the six county service area, and Has a physical or mental impairment which for him or her constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment, and Can benefit in terms of an employment outcome from vocational rehabilitation services, and Requires vocational rehabilitation service to prepare for, enter, engage in or retain gainful employment. Purpose of VR Services To assist Tribal Members with disabilities in becoming independent through employment. VR Services Full Evaluation Services: psychological, vocational, medical or cultural Counseling and guidance Referral and other services Job-related services Occupational licenses, tools, certificates and supplies Rehabilitation technology Transition services Supported employment services To Obtain More Information or Apply for Services Grand Ronde 9605 Grand Ronde Road Area Office Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 . 503-879-3095 or 1-800-422-0232 Ext. 3095 Portland 1110 SE Alder Area Office Portland, Oregon 97214 , 503-239-8859 Jon George, V.R. Specialist