r I I I ! I I I I ' M I I Smoke Signals ' rjr "" """ """" 11) ' N'lt' CHILD CARE DEVELOPMENT FUND - PUBLIC REVIEW -Wednesday, June 20 5:30-6:30 p.m. Before & After School Modular (behind Grand Ronde Elementary). Questions call Vikki Bishop at 503-879-2287. Correction In the April 15th edition of Smoke Signals, Tribal youth Leonard Leroy Logan III was misidentified. as Leonard Leroy Logan the IL The staff apologizes for this error. Dear friends of the Smoke Signals, . ' I feel I must write to let the people of Grand Ronde know how much 1 appreciated their encouragement and thoughtfulness in helping me get moved here to Eagle Loop in the Elders housing. How nice it is. My home has a view of the beautiful mountains with all its trees and rolling hills. I'm so very pleased with it. I should have moved last ' year, but hated to give up my friends of 20 years. I have come full circle now. My mom was born here, so was I, in the same house. We left when I was at a young age. I have come home to live out my days. I couldn't have made this move if it weren't for my two brothers, Harvey and Charles Haller, and also my grandson Dennis Chandler, Jr. and his girlfriend Cindy. They all pitched in with John Henry, who had the truck. I stayed in Jefferson fpr the last load. The boys had the kitchen, front room and bedroom all ready for me. I was so tired I just went to bed. I wasn't any help, as I was just getting over a broken vertebra in the back and a broken rib. After two days here, I broke two ribs, one on each side. They will heal; it's just the pain before they get down to mending. The kids come each day to see about me. Three years ago, my doctor in Albany said I'd not make it through the year. I'm still here. Six weeks ago, the doctor said to start living day by day. She doesn't know it, but that's what I've been doing for a long time now. It's not easy sometimes; it's kind of scary sometimes when you are alone all night and the pain is so bad. But I always remember my mom telling me, pray honey; pray and don't ever give up. That's where I get my strength, from my mom Adeline Menard Haller. She taught me when I was very young, who to call on when I needed help. Believe me, I've kept the Lord busy just listening to me. , Jill (Jeffers) Brandon from the Health Clinic came straight out to check on me. My beloved nephew Ed Pearsal came. And a lot of the girls from the Health Clinic came. How nice and thoughtful of them all. My house still isn't put in order yet, I still can't get out in my yard. But, I will. I had my brother Chuckie hang two plants in the front and John Henry got two for the back patio. I got a nice patio table and chairs. It looks just lovely. Also, they are putting two screen doors for the back and front. I'm so pleased and happy. Thank you. Thank you all. . ' Genevea M. Haller Handsaker Roll 64 48731 Eagle Loop Groundbreaking Event tel. ( - vT4fes n a jr i f' 's-.. -if- -' w J fdi f .77 4 t 1 1 '- 4" rr-r " 7 . 0 -.-1 New Project Underway - The ceremonial ground breaking of the Tribe's planned education complex brought to gether Tribal members, young and old to share in this important day in modem Tribal history. The new Education complex will feature a preschool, a secondary education building and an adult education building as well as an auditorium and gymnasium. Youthful View - Tribal youth Christina Lara spoke to those in attendance about the importance of having the Tribe's education programs all in one complex. Lara said she was thankful to the Tribal Council for recognizing that education is an impor tant part of the future of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. "We should take pride in our education," said Lara. "Now, we are entering a new level of education." 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347 www.grandronde.org 1-800-422-0232 FAX: 503-879-2173 BRENT MERRILL PUBLIC INFORMATION COORDINATOR EDITOR 503-879-2321 ' brent.merrillgrandronde.org ' KIM MUELLER PRODUCTION COORDINATOR ' 503-879-2264 klm.muellergrandronde.org , JUSTIN PHILLIPS PRODUCTION ASSISTANT . 503-879-2190 Justln.phillIpsgrandronde.org Wt SMOKE SIGNALS, a publication of the Con federated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Commu nity of Oregon, is published twice a month. No portion of this publication may be reprinted with out permission. Our editorial policy is intended to encourage input from Tribal members and readers about stories printed In the Tribal newspaper. How ever, all letters received must be signed by the author, an address must be given and a phone number or email address must be Included for verification purposes. Full addresses and phone numbers will not be published unless requested. SMOKE SIGNALS reserves the right to edit letters and to refuse letters that are determined to contain libelous statements or personal at tacks on individuals, staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. Not all letters are guaranteed publication upon submission. Letters to the edi tor are the opinions and views of the writer. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SMOKE SIGNALS, Tribal staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. ELECTION EDITORIAL POLICY: ; In order to ensure a balanced election campaign and fairness to all candidates, the SMOKE SIGNALS 2001 Tribal Council Election Editorial Policy for letters to the editor will be as follows: Subject to existing editorial policies regarding libel, personal attacks, and unsubstantiated facts, 1 . Letters in support of candidates will not be published in regular editions of SMOKE SIGNALS. 2. Statements from candidates will be published in a special election edition of SMOKE SIGNALS, currently scheduled for July 1, 2001. 3. Letters to the editor from candidates will not be published during the time period from nominations to the conclusion of the Tribal Council Election. 4. Feature articles and spotlights involving candidates will be suspended during the time period from nominations to the conclusion of the Tribal Council Election. This policy is intended to ensure an equal forum for all candidates. - DEADLINE DATE Hues., June S....... ISSUE DATE JUNE 15 Wed., June 20 WLY1 Thurs., July 5 ................ .. .....JULY 15 Frl., July 20 .. ....... AUGUST 1 Frl., August 3 Mon., August 20 Wed., September S .... AUGUST 15 SEPTEMBER 1 SEPTEMBER 15 Thurs., September 20 . OCTOBER 1 Frl., October 5 OCTOBER 15 Frl., October 19 ....... NOVEMBER 1 Mon., November 5 .. NOVEMBER 15 Mon., November 19 J DECEMBER 1 Wed., December 5 .. DECEMBER 15 Mon., December 17 JANUARY 1 Members of: Native American gTrtsxA Journalist Association Society of News Design SND BThe Associated Press Mii4 mihw gu!R& WENS tgJjilEGI .. ..itlBlflti Printed on recycled paper.