MARCH 1, 2001 Smoke Signals 9 Education Trust Fund Scholarships These scholarships are offered by the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: GRADUATE FULL-TIME and GRADUATE PART-TIME $10,000$5,000 UNDERGRADUATE FULL-TIME and PART-TIME $6,000$4,500$3,000 VOCATIONAL TRAINING FULL-TIME and PART-TIME ...... ...$6,000$3,000 EULA PETITE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP $7,000 The scholarships are renewable as long as the student meets minimum academic requirements. These are competitive scholarships. Each schol arship application is reviewed and ranked on a points basis. Applicants are rated on academic merit, leadership and Tribal and community in volvement. It is required that applicants submit an essay with their appli cation along with additional documentation. For information or an appli cation please contact the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Education Division at 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2275 or view our website at All completed applications must be received or postmarked by April 30. Chemeketa Community College Scholarship For students who are enrolled full-time in computer science, computer technology, engineering, engineering technology or mathematics degree program at Chemeketa. Applications are available at Chemeketa Com munity College in Salem or call 503-399-5018. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation This scholarship is for student studying in the areas business, education, engineering, science and health administration. Phone 303-939-0023 or write to Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship, American Indian Science and Engineering Society, 5661 Airport Blvd., Boulder, CO 80301 (please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with requests for information. Deadline: April 15, 2001. Native American Education Grant Scholarship for College Freshmen. For application information, please write to Awards Officer, Presbyterian Church-USA, 100 Witherspoon Street, Room M052B, Louisville, KY 40202. Deadline: June 1, 2001. Minority Students in Business This program aims to attract students who are enrolled in an under graduate, graduate or doctoral business program. Call 503-735-3010, e mail or look on website at www.nbmbaa.orgprograms.html. Deadline: March 31, 2001. American Indian Endowed Scholarship Applicants must be financially needy. Phone 360-753-7843 or look at website at Deadline: May 15, 2001. Institute for Indigenous Resource Management The Institute has internship opportunities for undergraduate and gradu ate students in a wide range of disciplines including the social and physi cal sciences, management, law and technical fields as they relate to Tribal resource management. Contact International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management, 444 South Emerson Street, Denver, CO 80209. Phone:303-733-0481. Fax: 303-744-9808. Website: E-mail: Extern Opportunities in Alaska for Engineering and Environmental Health Science Majors Recruiting engineering students to take part in externships for Summer 2001 to assist in rural sanitation or health facility related projects in Alaska. Call Susan Gray at 907-729-3602. Deadline: April 15, 2001. STARS Summer Program for 17-19 Year Olds Program Dates: June 17-July 28. STARS is a unique six-week Sum mer 2001 program for American Indian 17-19 year olds who seek expanded employment and educational opportunities. Contact Lisa Leno to request an application packet at 1-800-422-0232 ext. 2224 or 503-879-2224. The deadline is NOW, please call Lisa if you are interested. Summer Internship in Entertainment Y.E.S. TO JOBS (Youth Entertainment Summer) is offering 10 weeks of summer employment to qualified minority high-school students. The pro gram places students in entry level-positions at record, music distribution and publishing companies, television and radio stations, entertainment retail stores, film companies, law firms, trade publications and other re lated business. Website: Deadline: April 1, 2001. : INDIAN EDUCATION I Santa Fe, New Mexico 1st Annual TEACHER : RECRUITMENT WEEK: April 16-19 : We provide quality education to students in 185 schools on 63 reservations in 23 states. This is a weeklong, all expenses paid oppor- tunity to learn more about teaching Native American children and young adults. - For more information contact: Darrell Flyingman at 505-346-6807 e-mail: DarrellFlyingman) Barbara Parisian at 505-248-7540 e-mail: New GED Computer Software The Tribe's Adult Education Program is utilizing a new computer program for all General Education Diploma (GED) students. The program is called Invest Destinations 2.0. The program's main advantage is its approach. It is able to meet clients' needs by including relevant curriculum material, as signs only specific skills that are needed, provides a sequence, builds on cur rent skill levels. The program also provides immediate feedback. Destinations 2.0 provides a curriculum which is roughly equivalent to K 12, but goes beyond into the community college level in some areas. Staff from the Youth Education Program, Employment and Training Coun selors from Social Services and Adult Education received the training by using this software. So far, four Tribal members have gone through orienta tion and started to work on the program. This program could be beneficial for all Tribal members of any age and at any level of computer literacy. You could use it to help supplement your skills if you are taking community college math, to increase your skills in reading and writing as well as gain computer literacy. The Academic prepa ration component helps students get a higher score on exams as well as the learning strategies component. All Tribal members are invited to receive orientation and utilize this pro gram. Feel free to call Dorna Riding In at 503-879-2282 to find out more about this program. Adult Education GED classes will now meet at Modular 3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Information Packets Available P PACKET 1 Facts about child physical, mental, social and emotional development. Please specify three, four or five year old. Twax san-chaku Head Start had Linda Craven from Chemeketa Commu nity College speak at the Parent Meeting on January 24. Linda talked to parents and staff about social, emotional, physical, as well as intellectual development of our kids. A big thank you to all the parents who participated in this training. B PACKET 2 Grow Smart Brains. There was a Media Brain Research community training by Gloria DeGaetano held at the Casino on January 17. The training information, "A Grow Smart Brains Tool Kit," is available to interested parties. To obtain either packet, please send your address to: Preschool, Attn: Danis Bazzy-Bucknell, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347. Please indicated which packet you would like and specify age for packet 1. Tutoring Available in Willamina Willamina Middle School will be offering after-school tutoring on Monday through Thursday from 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tutorial services will be pro vided by school staff. There will be no tutoring available on days when the school is closed or on early release for any reason. Please contact Willamina Middle School for more information. B High School Research Team Session I: July 8-August 3, 2001 Session II: August 5-31, 2001 With school year follow-up sessions to OSU, OMSI Science Camps and OStPS Hatfield Marine Science Center. Ten students will be selected to partici pate in each of these natural resource man agement research teams. Will be exposed to career fields in fisheries and wildlife management, range management and for estry, field ecology, botany, zoology, hydrol ogy, geology and archaeology. Stay at OMSI Hancock Field Station in Central Oregon and conduct biological, geological and cul tural research on a protected 25,000-acre Tribal research watershed with 11 miles of steel head and natural resource employment ' opportunities in the future. Deadline: March 15, 2001. Science and Natural Resource Camp Session I (10-12 years): June 24-29, 2001 Session II (13-15 years): July 1-6, 2001 With school year follow-up sessions at OMSI Science Camps. Salmon Camp is offered free of charge to 25 participants in each session. Ex plore science, nature and natural resource management careers with OMSI instruc tors and Native American and other natu ral resource professionals and college stu dents. Deadline: May 15, 2001. To request an application for either salmon camp, please contact Lisa Leno at 503-879-2224 or 1-800-422-0232, ext. 2224.