OCTOBER 15, 2000 5 Trtlwl Council Actions October General Council Highlights Housing Authority, Gaming Board give reports. imt t ' 1:32 p.m. Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Kathryn Harri son. A full council was present. Reyn Leno moved, Ed Larsen seconded to approve the previous August 30, 2000 Tribal Council meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried. ELECTION OF OFFICER 0 Secretary. Jan D. Reibach nominated Reyn Leno for the office of Tribal Council Secretary. Butch LaBonte seconded the nomination. Ed Larsen nominated Ed Pearsall. Not receiving a second to his motion, Ed Larsen rescinded his nomination. Reyn Leno was appointed Tribal Council Secre tary by acclamation. TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, MANAGEMENT & BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE D CTGR Trucking, LLC Board Appointment. Bob Haller moved, Reyn Leno seconded to adopt Resolution No. 115-00 appointing Gordon "Tim" Linton to the CTGR Trucking, LLC Board of Directors. Motion carried 8-0-0. D Budget Amendments. Executive Officer Bob Martin read the following ; statement to Tribal Council and then requested council adopt a Resolution to approve a transfer of authority in the amount stated: ; "Under the Appropriations Ordinance, I am to report to Tribal Council on transfers of authority to expend funds from one budgeted expenditure to 1 another within a major budget category when they exceed $25,000. I am reporting today that I have approved two transfers of authority: 1) $100,000 from Government Affairs to Budget Contingency; 2) $40,000 from Tribal Community Resource to Vocational Rehabilita tion. The Appropriations Ordinance also requires Tribal Council approval of transfers of authority when the total amount of authority transferred exceeds $100,000 during the year. I request Tribal Council approval of a transfer of authority in the amount of $32,000 from Budget Contingency to Tribal Court. Transfers from Budget Contingency have exceeded $100,000 this year. A resolution has been provided to Council." Jan D. Reibach moved, Ed Larsen seconded to approve the transfers of au thority as submitted in the statement provided by Bob Martin by adopting Resolution No. 116-00. Motion carried 8-0-0. D National Marine Fisheries Service Salmon Restoration Alloca tion Grant. June Sell-Sherer moved, Ed. Larsen seconded to adopt Reso lution No. 117-00 authorizing the, submission of a grant application to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the salmon restoration, in the estimated amount ; of $47,500. Motion carried 8-0-0. LEGISLATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE D Donation to Oregon Youth Authority. June Sell-Sherer moved, Ed Larsen seconded to donate $1,500 to the Oregon Youth Authority for Rick Bartow, a Native American artist, to provide his services for art therapy at the MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility. Motion carried by unanimous vote of Council. ' D Termination of Parental Rights. Ed Pearsall moved, Ed Larsen sec onded to adopt Resolution No. 118-00 adopting a policy on the termination of parental rights (detailed in Resolution 118-00). Motion carried 4-3-1, with a roll call vote being taken. Results of the roll call vote are: Ed Larsen, Ed Pearsall, Reyn Leno and June Sell-Sherer voting yes; Butch LaBonte, Bob Haller and Jan D. Reibach voting no; Cheryle Kennedy abstaining. OTHER BUSINESS D Ed Pearsall requested and received council consensus approval for April Campbell, Education Committee member, to attend ATNI annual conference in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. D Tribal member concern both for and against was voiced regarding the Tribal Council members taking voluntary urine analysis tests. Discussion followed. By Brent Merrill The October General Council meet ing was held on Sunday, October 8 at the Community Center. Here are the highlights. HOUSING PRESENTATION The Grand Ronde Tribal Housing Authority's Executive Director Linda Layden presented the general mem bership with a report about the Tribe's Housing department. Layden started by introducing the members of the Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners. They are Linda Hale, Mel Holmes, Julie Metcalf Kinney, Monty Parazoo, Sheri Wahrgren and Dakota White cloud. Chairman of the Housing Author ity Board Tim Holmes presented the program's accomplishments. Holmes said the completion of the Elder's Housing development was by far the biggest accomplishment of the year. Holmes said 21 of the 38 avail able units have been filled with Tribal Elders. According to Holmes, the program has served 122 Tribal households so far in the year 2000. That includes down payment grants, home repair, medical adaptations and Elders mov ing into their new homes. Holmes said the Tribe's Housing program is supported by the results of a 1999 survey of Tribal members. Results of the survey were that 97 percent of Tribal members believed the Tribe should help members with their housing needs. A total of 91 percent of Tribal members believe that re-establishing homelands in Grand Ronde was important and 92 percent said the Tribe should con tinue to build housing in Grand Ronde. Housing Improvement Specialist Lonnie Leno provided the member ship with information about the program's Minor Medical Adaptation grants, the Home Repair grants and the Indian Health Service's Sanita tion grant program. Occupancy Specialist Bryan Lan gley informed the membership that 33 out of 36 available lots in the Grand Meadows Manufactured Home Park have been filled. Langley also said that in order to qualify for the remaining vacancies in the Elder's Housing development a Tribal member's income must be less than 80 percent of the median income. Langley said Tribal Elders would pay no more than 30 percent of their income as rent and utilities. Langley also talked about the type of help available and what the quali fications are in order to be considered for the Tribe's Down Payment Assis tance program. Layden then explained that the Tribe would conduct housing surveys every five years in an effort to keep up on the changing needs of Tribal members in regards to housing. Layden said an independent audit was done of the Housing program and that the results were very good. Layden said Blacktail Drive, which runs through the Elders Housing de velopment, will be extended to run through to the Tribal Office complex. Layden also said the program will continue plans to build more rental housing for Tribal members in Grand Ronde in the next year. D SMDC & SPIRIT MOUNTAIN GAMING, INC. Next, Spirit Mountain Develop ment Corporation and Spirit Moun tain Gaming, Inc. Chairman Jim Sizemore gave a presentation to the membership about the current sta tus of the Spirit Mountain Gaming, Inc. Board of Director's activities. Sizemore introduced Tribal mem bers Barbara Feehan and Brent Merrill as the newest members of the board. Sizemore explained the role of Spirit Mountain Gaming, Inc. and in formed members that Spirit Moun tain Gaming, Inc. board is now a separate board from the Spirit Moun tain Development Corporation board. Sizemore explained the differences in the two boards, their functions and why the Tribal Council felt it was necessary to separate the two. Sizemore detailed each of the Tribes' non-gaming business enter prises including: Gridco, Spirit Mountain Logistics, Spirit Mountain Environmental Services and Grand Ronde Industries. Sizemore also ex plained each of the Tribes' real es tate ventures to the membership, in cluding the strip mall projects in Sa lem, Redmond and Albany. He also talked about the Tribe's real estate project in Portland The Gregory. More Tribal members will be added to the two boards said Sizemore, and the boards will be reporting to and be available for questions from Tribal members at the General Council meetings. D DRAWING WINNERS Jackie Whisler won $50, Donna Casey won $50 and Darlene Lafferty won $50. Barbara Feehan won $100 and April Howren won a special wellness gift. DATE SUBJECTS PRESENTERS Nov. 05, 2000 Budget Finance Dept. & NR Timber Program Dec. 03, 2000 Court SystemGR Legal Services Judge & Legal Aid Jan. 07, 2001 ..Health.. Health Authority & Nanitch Sahallie Feb. 04, 2001 ....... Member Benefits Member Services Dept. Mar. 04, 2001 Social Service Programs Social Services Dept. Apr. 01, 2001 ....... Education & Culture Education Dept. & Cultural Dept. May 06, 2001 Tribal Council Nominations... Election Board Cm SBEimcE&s (jtoiiliil'lift&Qaflfl?