JULY 1, 2000 TrippU- (Council Actions L 5:05 p.m. Meeting called to order by Kathryn Harrison, Tribal Chair. Except for Bob Mercier (excused), a full Council was present. Reyn Leno moved, Val Grout seconded to approve the previous May 17, 2000 Tribal Council meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried. TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, MANAGEMENT & BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE D Consultant Service Contract Dr. Stephen Beckham. Ed Pears all moved, Reyn Leno seconded to adopt Resolution No. 075-00 to approve entering into a consultant agreement with Dr. Stephen Dow Beckham for researching the history of the Tribe subject to legal review. Motion carried 7-0-0. ; fl 2000 Indian Housing Block Grant. Bob Haller moved, Val Grout sec onded to adopt Resolution No. 076-00 approving the 2000 Indian Housing Plan and authorizing the submission of the Plan to HUD to meet the 2000 Indian Housing Block Grant requirements. Motion carried 7-0-0. B BeforeAfter School Care Lease. Reyn Leno moved, Ed Pearsall sec onded to adopt Resolution No. 077-00: (1) approving a Lease between the Tribe and Willamina School District to lease space at the Grand Ronde Elementary property to install a modular building for the Tribe's beforeafter school care program, and (2) authorizing the Council Chair, with the assistance of the Tribal Attor ney, to finalize and execute the Lease. Motion carried 7-0-0. HEALTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE O Purchase and Sale Agreement Approval Santiam Property. June Sell-Sherer moved, Ed Larsen seconded to adopt Resolution No. 078-00: (1) approving the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Tribe and North Santiam Paving Company for the purchase of real property, as presented by the Natural Resources Department staff, and (2) directing the Natural Resources Department to carry out the terms of the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Motion carried 7-0-0. LEGISLATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE D Election Board Alternate Appointments. Earl LaBonte moved, Reyn Leno seconded to adopt Resolution No. 079-00 authorizing the appoint ment of Charlene Hoover, Claudia Leno, Annabelle Ham, Ruby Bigoni and Bernice Jensen to serve as alternates to the Election Board until May 31, 2002. Motion carried 7-0-0. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE D Salary Compensation. Val Grout moved, Ed Larsen seconded to adopt Resolution No. 080-00 approving the recommendations from Spirit Moun tain Human Resources Department and the Spirit Mountain Gaming, Inc. (SMGI) Board of Directors, as following: a) Brian Werner's title be changed to Surveillance Director with a salary increase and b) Chuck Bilstein's salary be increased. Motion carried 7-0-0. ANNOUNCEMENT fl Kathryn Harrison announced the recommendation from the Elders with regards to naming the Elder's Housing Project. The name selected and read by June Sell-Sherer in Chinook Jargon is "nasayka ili?f qha nasayka ilip tilixam mrt-ayt." The translation is "Our land where our first people live." OTHER BUSINESS II Ed Larsen moved, Val Grout seconded to donate an additional $500 to Willamina Senior High School Graduation night to help aid expenses. Mo tion carried 7-0-0. II Val Grout shared comments with regards to Bob and Gayle Mercier's re covery from surgery. A thank you to all the prayers given on their behalf. CORRECTION: Tribal Council Actions for Wed., May 17 (June 15 issue, page 5) should read as follows: U Enrollment 4. Blood Quantum Adjustment. Butch LaBonte moved, June Sell-Sherer seconded to adopt Resolution No. 073-00 adjust ing the blood quantum for John Silas LaBonte to 12 as are his sister, Caroline Voutrin and brother Alexander LaBonte. His children will also have their blood quantum adjusted accordingly. Motion carried 5-0-0. I Smoke Signals, Attn: Justin Phillips 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347 OLD ADDRESS: I NEW ADDRESS: I I GRAND RONDE ROLL : 4:00 P.M. Meeting was called to order by Kathryn Harrison. Bob Haller, Butch LaBonte and Reyn Leno were absent and excused. All other Council was present. Ed Pearsall moved, June Sell-Sherer seconded to approve the previous May 31, 2000 Council meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS D Todays Choices Board Member Appointment. Ed Pearsall moved, Bob Mercier seconded to appoint Butch LaBonte to serve on this board. Mo tion carried. TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, MANAGEMENT & BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE II Pendleton CTGR Tribal Logo Blanket Replenish. Val Grout moved, Ed Larsen seconded to purchase 250 (plus or minus) black Pendleton CTGR Tribal Logo Blankets. Motion carried by unanimous vote of Council. B Purchase and Sale Agreement Grenia Property. Val Grout moved, June Sell-Sherer seconded to adopt Resolution No. 081-00 that (1) approves the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Tribe and Will Grenia to purchase Mr. Grenia's real property in Grand Ronde, and (2) authorizes the Council Chair, with the assistance of the Tribal Attorney, to finalize and execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Motion carried 5-0-0. II Health Authority Ordinance first reading. First reading acknowl edged by Council present. LEGISLATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE B Board Member Appointment Portland Art Museum. Ed Pearsall moved, Ed Larsen seconded to appoint June Sell-Sherer to the Portland Art Museum Board. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0-1 with June abstaining. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE B AGRA Earth & Environment Contract. Bob Mercier moved, Ed Larsen seconded to adopt Resolution No. 082-00 that (1) approves an Environmental Services Agreement between the Tribe and AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. to provide an environmental assess ment of the Grenia property, and (2) authorizes the Council Chair, with the assistance of the Tribal Attorney, to finalize and execute the Environmental Services Agreement. Motion car ried 5-0-0. OTIffiR BUSINESS B June Sell-Sherer moved, Ed Pearsall seconded to adopt Resolution No. 083-00 approving Darlene Aaron as Tribal liaison and Penny DeLoe as al ternate to the Willamina School Board. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Val Grout abstaining. HATFIELD FELLOWSHIP Seeking Native American Applicants The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon is now accept ing applications for the third Mark O. Hatfield Congressional Fellowship. Each year, a Hatfield Fellow is selected from Native American applicants to serve as an intern for a member of Oregon's Congressional delegation. The Fellowship honors Mark Hatfield for his accomplishments as a U.S. Senator and Governor of Oregon and for his mentorship of many members of his staff who became leaders in their own communities. The Fellowship also honors the memory of former Hatfield aide Susan Long. "I was honored to host the second Hatfield Fellow in my Washington, D.C. office. The Mark Hatfield Congressional Fellowship provides young people of Pacific North west American Indian Tribes the opportunity to help make a difference in their per sonal lives as well as contribute to the quality of life within their communities," said Senator Gordon Smith. "The Hatfield Fellowship will seed Indian Country with capable, motivated individu als who know their way around Washington, D.C. and produce long-term benefits for all the Tribes and the Pacific Northwest," said Len Bergstein, a member of the Spirit Mountain Community Fund Board of Trustees which oversees the internship. Applicants must he enrolled adult members of federally recognized Tribes in Or egon, Idaho, Montana, and Washington, with preference given to the nine federally recognized Oregon Tribes. Highlights of the Fellowship include: The Hatfield Fellow will be rotated every year among the House and Senate members of the Oregon delegation. Each Hatfield Fellow will serve for ten months and will receive a stipend, moving and travel expenses, and participation in a special American Political Science Association Orientation. Application packets may be obtained by contacting Angela Ellis at Spirit Mountain Casino, P.O. Box 39, Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 or call 1-800-760-7977, ext. 3957