i ; f I . i i j SPECIAL SECTION - JULY 1, 2000 3 n c 1 M 5) W L ! Bob Mercier My name is Bob Merrier I am cur rently finishing a three-year term on Tribal Council. Gayle, my wife, and I still re side in the Willamina area and continue to operate our log truck ing business. As many of you know, I have helped with the purchase of a local trucking com pany by the Tribe. This business is coming into shape by prbviding jobs and services for the people of the community. This business provides mechani cal work for trucks in the area, has given the Tribe the opportunity to service Tribal and casino vehicles and it is my hope that it will provide assistance in training members interested in learning a mechani cal or truck driving trade. There are still many opportunities for the Tribe to become involved with that can aid the Tribe and community in providing jobs, training and economic development. I hope I will be able to assist the Tribe to develop these opportunities by continuing to serve on the Tribal Council and share the valuable knowl edge I have gained over the last three years. I do not want to attempt to make statements or promises that I alone may not be able to keep. I will assure you that I will make every effort to make well informed decisions with the best interest of the membership, present and future, that I am able to make. I also want to thank those that voted for and sup ported me during this term. I hope for your contin ued support this election. Once again, thank you very much. B Cheryle Kennedy Dear Tribal members, I truly appreciate our Tribe and I'm thankful for all our ac complishments. Many members at tended the May Gen eral Council meeting when nominations for three Tribal Council seats occurred. Our Tribal elections will be held this September and I'm running for a i Tribal Council seat. I urge all members to cast your vote during our elections because many issues lie before us. All of our futures are at stake and your input is impor tant to assure that the collective views are repre sented in the decisions. Priorities that remain to be addressed are; reviv ing of our culture and traditions, preservation of our environment, full health care services, hous ing, individual member development and mainte nance and expansion of our economic base. These are goals that I have great interest in and if elected I will focus attention on seeking ways to bring these matters to the forefront. You who know me know that I listen and I am a doer. I will continue the practice of being there and listening to the views that are presented. I respect fully ask for your vote at our election. Respectfully, Cheryle A. Kennedy B M 'A "'.Jin V'-. v. Tom Leno Hello. My name is Tom Leno and I'm running for Tribal Council. I was born in Tillamook on March 25, 1949 and live in Willamina, Oregon. I would like to rep resent you and other Tribal members as your Council member. I would be only one vote on the Council, but my vote would be to benefit all our members from the youngest to the oldest member. If you go to the general meetings, you would prob ably see me bringing up some important issues to the Council to benefit our people. I've asked about bringing the profits from our investments into our per capita payments along with increasing our current 25. Maybe not all at once, but make it an option for the future of all of us. I believe that this would help us all to live a better life and a happier life. For all of the members there are a lot of issues that need work such as enrollment, housing and bringing our Elder's monies up to where they are not stressing about their bills every month. We have disabled that need help. There are issues at the casino such as hiring and firing, leaves of ab sence for emergencies or any good reason such as pregnancy, deaths in families, health problems in close family members. There's a lot of work ahead for our Tribe. I think that I can help with some of the things ahead of us. Some of my background: I chaired the Fish and Wildlife Committee and with the help of my com mittee the fish and wildlife program started. The committee and I started from scratch. We worked hard together for about six years. I had a great bunch of people on the committee and I think the wildlife program is doing well. I went to the Tim ber Committee often being on fish and wildlife. I believe I've been on the Timber Committee four or five years now. There's a lot of different issues that come up on the Timber Committee. We deal with the Fish and Wildlife Committee and the program. We don't al ways agree on things, but we work things out to benefit us all. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is I would like to represent you on Tribal Council. The only promise I can make you is that I would really look at things before I would place my vote. I would ask you if you do not go to general meetings, to ask people who do. Maybe they could tell you if what I say is true. There are many people from different families that have told me they are happy that I'm running for Tribal Council. I would like to thank those people for their words of support. My girls and I thank you very much for the words and confi dence in me to represent you. I look forward to your support in helping me to help you, by repre senting you on Tribal Council. I believe it would be an honor to represent you on Council. My thanks, Tom Leno B ' V J f: V ' ' ' Margaret Provost Dear Tribal members, It is a pleasure and honor to address you, my fellow Tribal members. My name is Margaret Provost and I was nominated by Cherie Butler for Tribal Council. I am writing you to let you know where I stand on issues which are fac ing our Tribe and re spectfully ask for you support. My background with the Tribe began as the first Chairman when I began to lead our Tribe to Resto ration. I also served on the Tribal Council from 1991 to 1998. While serving as a Tribal Council member, I made the motion to begin our gaming venture because I could see that we needed revenue to provide for our needs. We cannot stand still while many of our people are "falling through the cracks." Progress has been made in helping our Elders and children, however, I believe that there is still much left to be done. We are strong people who survived a great hard ship and we need to stand together. We need to remain strong, as our ancestors did, if we want to continue to succeed. Just because the profits from gaming are doing well, does not fully make us self sufficient. That is why I fought for Restoration to protect our rights as Indian people. With the help of our own Tribe, we can assist one another to succeed, as we are all family. The blood that runs through our veins is what separates us from other governments. Now is not the time to compromise our Tribal identity, but rather, to rely on our spirituality, cul ture, and traditions taking steps forward for gen erations to come. I realize we need to stay competi tive in the business world, but let's not forget who we are. You all have my word that I will use the same determination I used when fighting for Tribal Restoration to help move the Tribe in a better direc tion for all Tribal members, regardless of where they live. Per capita, medical and dental coverage, Elder's pension, education with programs like these I feel together we can make a difference. I would like to encourage you to contact me with your thoughts and concerns. Margaret Provost (503)879-5571 P.O. Box 343 Grand Ronde, OR 97347 B