MAY 15, 1999 5 TribfU Council Actions Dear Editor: As one of the Tribal Council, I am compelled to give the General Coun cil information that might help clear up some confusion that is generated by the rumor mill. As a Councilman, it is my job to answer or give direction to members. Open communication is necessary for progress to occur. Spirit Mountain Development Cor poration has been functioning for approximately five years. The es sential purpose of the Corporation is to make money for the Tribe! The Tribe has hired a team of experts at the corporation to make sound busi ness decisions, keeping in mind what is best for the Tribe. It is counter productive to the Tribe when poli tics or political pressure becomes in volved in the decision-making. If the team of experts has to worry about how the Tribe or Council may react each time a business decision is made, eventually mistakes will hap pen. It is very obvious that this par ticular team of experts at Spirit Mountain has shown that they can, and have, made the Tribe very suc cessful. That success is measured not only by profit, but it has allowed the Tribe to grow in unbelievable mea surements. An example of political pressure and lost revenue to the Tribe was the construction of the Lodge. Designbuild process versus the three bid process. Spirit Moun tain Corporation had selected Drake Construction to design and build the hotel. Drake Construction built the Casino. But due to political pressure they had to cancel the selection of Drake and go with a three bid pro cess. After the three bid process was completed, it was found that the cost of building the hotel was more than if .Drake had done the work as a de signbuild project. But due to the involvement of political pressure, schedules and deadlines were not met. The construction of the Lodge took more than 120 days longer because of these delays. As much as $2 mil lion in revenue may have been lost because of this. Estimates can be obtained by multiplying the number of hotel rooms by the average win per room. Designbid method added 120 days to the hotel completion. The hotel occupancy rate is 65. If you cut the estimated loss in half, it would still be about $1 mil lion in lost revenue. We don't have to look far to see where political in terference has caused serious prob lems in other tribes. We should not make the same mistakes. The cor poration function is to make a profit for the Tribe, not to appease politi cal groups. We need to let people do their jobs so we can continue to ex pand and grow. My intention is not to blame or point the finger, but to make it very clear that the Tribe has hired experts. We need to put our trust in these individuals and let them do their jobs. Ed Pearsall Tribal Council Secretary Dear Editor: Tribal member John Flansberg, age 22, son of Cliff and June Burn ham, has been sponsored by Ad vanced American Diving Service to be an apprentice piledriver for Lo cal 2416 beginning on April 8. He will work on the Willamette River floating walk bridge job. He also has worked at the Portland Airport for WTW Piledriving, Inc. Currently he is working for A.A.D.S. at the Port of Vancouver Terminal 2 Dock Job. Thanks to Dale Garland, A.A.D.S. Piledriving supervisor; Ron Hanson, WCTC apprentice coordinator; and Pete Kelly, business agent for Piledrivers Local 2416. Congratulations to John Flansberg on being sponsored for a four-year apprenticeship. June Burnham Roll 1022 EDITORIAL POLICY: SMOKE SIGNALS, a publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Or egon, is published twice a month. We have established an Editorial Policy to encourage input from read ers about stories printed In SMOKE SIGNALS, and other tribal issues. However, all letters must be re ceived at the newspaper office with author's signature, address, and phone number In order to be con sidered for publication. SMOKE SIGNALS reserves the right to edit any letter for clarity and length, and to refuse publication of any letter or any part of a letter that may con tain libelous statements or personal attacks. Not ail letters are guaran teed publication upon submission. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SMOKE SIGNALS tribal employees, or Tribal Council. 1SSULDAIE JUNE 1 JUNE 15 JULY 1 Submissions must reach the SMOKE SIGNALS office by the dates listed. Smoke Signals Public Information Office 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, Or 97347 1-800-422-0232 (503) 879-2254 FAX: (503) 879-2173 DIAP11NE May 20 June 4 June 21 Wei(ne.sfy,tj, April 14-, till The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. by Ed Pearsall, Tribal Coun cil Secretary. Kathryn Harrison, Reyn Leno, and Mark Mercier were all excused. GOVERNMENT, MANAGEMENT & BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE D CTGR Trucking, LLC '99 Cal endar Budget Approval. Bob Haller moved, Val Grout seconded to adopt Resolution No. 048-99 approving the proposed '99 Calen dar Year Budget for CTGR Trucking, LLC in the amount of $350,306. Motion Carried 5-0-0. D Additional Work Request on Community Center Expansion Project. Val Grout moved, Bob Mercier seconded to adopt Resolu tion No. 049-99 approving the ef fort to accommodate desperate needs for office space, the Committee rec ommends that Tribal Council amend the Community Center Expansion Project budget to allow for additional construction work on the project. The new budget amounts to $450,000. Motion carried 5-0-0. D Honorarium Gift for Theo dore Strong, Retiring Executive Director CRITFC. An invitation was received cordially requesting the presence of Council at a day-long cel ebration honoring Theodore Strong, Retiring Executive Director of the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). The Coun cil, by full consensus, approved pre senting artwork as an honorarium gift to Mr. Strong and to authorize executing a check for $250 to help off set the costs of the celebration festivities. Petition to NIGC for Self Regulation of Class II Gaming. Bob Mercier moved, Ed Larsen sec onded to adopt Resolution No. 050 99 approving the filing of a petition for self-regulation of Class II gam ing with the National Indian Gam ing Commission (NIGC). Motion carried 5-0-0. 0 Special BIA Election Proposed Constitutional Amendment On January 27, 1999 the Grand Ronde Tribal Council passed Resolution No. 005-99 asking for the Bureau of In dian Affairs (BIA) to conduct a vote of the Grand Ronde tribal mem bership to amend the Tribe's Constitution, with regard to enrollment requirements. This process is permitted under Article II, Section 1(e) of the Tribal Constitution and federal law. Notice of Grand Ronde Constitutional Election The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Siletz Agency, has sent out a voters reg istration packet for the upcoming election to amend the Constitution. THIS WILL BE A FEDERAL ELECTION, NOT A TRIBAL ELECTION. All tribal members of voting age will have to register to vote in this federal election. If you do not register especially for this particular election, you will not be eligible to vote. A voters registration form will be included in the voters registration packet. This notice is to inform you of the federal election, the dates set for conducting the election, and the importance of registering especially for this election. The following dates have been established for conducting the election: MAY 3, 1999: Voters registration packets and registration forms mailed to all tribal members of voting age. JUNE 3, 1999: Registration forms must be received by the Siletz BIA Agency on or before this date. If you do not register especially for this election, you will not be eligible to vote. JUNE 7, 1999: The proposed registered voters list will be posted in alpha betical order for review in several Grand Ronde locations. JUNE 18, 1999: Last day to challenge list of registered voters. JUNE 25, 1999: Ballots mailed to registered eligible voters. JULY 27, 1999: Election day. Ballots are due at the Siletz BIA Agency no later than noon on this day. The election results shall be posted on the front doors of the Grand Ronde Governance Building, the Grand Ronde Community Center and the BIA Siletz Agency, the Grand Ronde Health and Wellness Center registration desk and on the posting board at the tribal government modulars immediately upon completion of the ballot count, and shall con stitute the official posting date. Details of how to register and due dates for the election will be included in the voters registration packet. NOTE: If you have changed your name or address and have not in formed the Tribe, please notify the Tribal Enrollment Office at 1-800-422-0232 or (503) 879-2253. Questions regarding this special election, please call Ron Kortlever or Mary Bands at the BIA, Siletz Agency Office at (541) 444-2679.