Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, February 01, 1999, Page 7, Image 7

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Tribal nmemmbeir competes in cartelling
FEBRUARY 1, 1999
started out
driving derby cars
as a recreational,
competitive hobby a
couple of years ago.
Since then, he has
gotten involved in
competitive roll over
cars, where the par
ticipants jump a
ramp and try to roll
the cars as many
times as possible.
This is the second year Dizick has
entered roll over competitions.
He started out at the Yamhill
County Fair, where he took First
Place one night, and Second Place
the following night. The second year
of competition he took Third Place
both nights.
Last November Dizick entered a
competition at Memorial Coliseum in
Portland, where he took Third and
Fifth Place.
January 9 and 10 he took First
Place both nights at the Kingdome
in Seattle. He won two trophies and
$500. Also this month, Dizick took
First Place at the Tacoma Dome, and
recently won another $520.
Dizick's partner and friend, Den
nis Dawkins, took Second Place at
Tribal member Chris Dizick (right)
and Dennis Dawkins call their
partnership a "healthy competi
tion." the Tacoma Dome competition. They
are both from Grand Ronde and are
sponsored by: Carquest of Sheridan,
Clyde Dawkins Auto Recycling of
Grand Ronde, H.R. Jones Veneer,
Inc. of Grand Ronde, and Precision
Tire of Sheridan.
Dizick said, "I enjoy rolling for the
competition, the adrenaline rush,
and I also like being partnered with
" Dawkins cited similar reasons for
being part of rolling, but added, "I
love it when the fans scream and
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Chris Dizick and "Roll Over Derby" is taking the Northwest by storm.
Roll Over Derby competition consists of racing up to 40 miles per hour
to approach a ramp, flipping, and trying to roll as many times as pos
sible. Chris' record is 3-34 in one shot. He is popular with the crowd
after winning he spends a few hours signing autographs.
Ed. Committee
seeking members
Applications are being accepted for
two openings on the Education Com
mittee, which meets one evening a
month with some weekend events.
Two planning sessions are held a
Education is very important to the
committee at all levels. This is a hard
working group which needs more
help. For more information, contact
Darlene Aaron at 876-5795. For a
committee application, please con
tact Lauri Smith at 879-2301.
Haskell offers job;
tuition opportunity
Haskell Indian Nations University
is offering an opportunity to stu
dents interested in pursuing a ca
reer in natural resources or forestry
after graduation. The award in
cludes up to $5,000 annually for tu
ition assistance; full time summer
employment ($8-$10 hr.); and an op
portunity to move, into professional
level (GS-7) positions after gradua
tion. To obtain more information, please
call Gail L Sloan, Ph.D., Director,
National Center for Cooperative
Education, Haskell Indian Nations
University at (785) 749-8414.
Application Deadline is March
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