12 Smoke Signals HEAD START TEACHER Position 99-01 Opened Until Filled This position requires an Associate's de gree in Early Childhood Education with 2 years work experience. Bachelors' de gree in Education or a related field pre ferred. Also, required is a working knowl edge in Head Start Components; excel lent communication skills, particularly lis tening skills; and the demonstrated abil ity to adapt curriculum to meet the needs of all children including at-risk, special needs, gifted and culturally diverse popu lations. ' ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Position 99-02 Open Until Filled Intergovernmental Affairs Department located in Salem, Oregon. VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SPECIALIST Position 99-03 Closing Date: January 29, 1999 Coordinate and deliver the Tribe's Voca tional Rehabilitation services for physi cally andor mentally challenged Tribal members within the Six County Service Area. Will conduct eligibility assess ments; assist clients with developing em ployment, education and training plans and ensure compliance and completion; and provide resources referral and pro fessional liaison services to tribal, fed eral, state, and local private agencies and private businesses to secure employment education training or social services. Re quires Associate's degree in social ser vice or the vocational rehabilitation field, 1 to 3 years work experience in social human services or vocational rehabilita tion field, First Aid and CPR certificate, ability to travel and excellent communi cation skills. ON-CALL COOK ASSISTANT Position 99-04 Open Until Filled Cook Assistant for Senior Meal site which provides meals for tribal Elders three days per week. Minimum qualifications for this position are 1 to 3 years of experience in a related field, food handling certificate and First AidCPR certificate. To requr&ffi??Ubttion and detailed 1ob"dcicriDUon call ih2 Confederated Tribes tt of Grrnrf Rc;te or 1-CC0-422-0232. Attn;? qitifMartin-Putler 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347 River Network announces internship The environmental group needs a committed, self starter to work in and out of the office! River Network's mission is to help people organize to protect and re store rivers and watersheds. It also acquires and conserves riverlands that are critical to the services that rivers perform for human commu nities: drinking water supply, flood plain management, fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, and open space. The River Conservatory brings critical riverlands into the ownership of public resource agencies, thereby empowering citizens to oversee man agement and protection. In the pro cess of buying and selling river lands, the River Conservancy gen erates support for other River Net work programs. The Internship is a one year posi tion which begins in April, 1999. Start date is flexible. Goals for the internship are two-fold: to give in terns real world experience that will hopefully better position them for full-time employment in environ mental protection, and to increase our own organizational productivity and effectiveness. Staff work closely with interns to meet these goals. The River Conservancy's main re sponsibility will be assist staff who work directly on buying riverlands for conservation management. Spirit Mountain Casino Proudly Presents Vf. " Chris LeDoux Thursday, February 25 8 pin Tickets: $25 & $30 Tickets available in person at Spirit Mountain Casino and all Fred Meyer Fastixx Outlets. Order by phone only at 800-992-TIXX. No alcoholic beverages served. Must be 21 or older. All sales final, no refunds. The intern will help: Research land ownership along the rivers. Assist in closing land projects. Help produce publications. Research new sources of funding. Perform any related administra tive tasks. Interns should possess the fol lowing qualifications and skills: Strong commitment to protecting the environment. Recent graduates and graduate students. Solid skills in writing. Computer (IBM and Word 6.0) experience a plus. Independentself-starter. Interns must provide 40 hours of work each week. The internship is a maximum of 12 months. A stipend . of $1,500 per month is available. The deadlines for applications is March 1, 1999. To apply, send a ' cover letter with a detailed explana- tion of why you are interested, along with your resume, a non-technical writing sample, and a list of three references. Mail to: Internships, River Networks National Office, P.O. Box 8787, Portland, OR 97207-8787. For more information, call (503) 241-3506. MONDAYS from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 18: Windows 3.1, part two Jan. 25: Windows '95, part two TUESDAYS from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 1 9: Microsoft Word, part two Jan. 26: Corel Word Perfect, part two WEDNESDAYS from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 20: Use of Tribal Network Jan. 27: Spread Sheets for Small Business THURSDAYS from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 21 : Excel, part two Jan. 28: Corel Presentations FRIDAYS from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 22: Print Shop Jan. 29: Internet m ft! mil ffl&n nwrna H lima i) 'fcJjW-l ' 1:13 !fcra-fl ler-jiK- asm aiflllllIMIIillilllllllllllBtlllltli)tMMIIl1 I E we'Re qoiNc cash cube crazy t i T- 1 SPIRIT MOUNTAIN L0DQ6 ? FRIDAY JAN. 22nd - NOON THROUCH SATURDAY JAN. 23rd - MIDNICHT Every other hour, we'll be randomly selecting winners to enter the Cash Cube for 30 seconds. At midnight, both nights, the Cash Cube will be filled with $100 bills, y. s ? spipjt mountain caTTno Mum he 21. """ririT'iiiinn'ri iiiiimmiiii