8 Community The Grand Ronde Review More grants to benefit Polk and Yamhill counties Officials of the Grand Ronde Tribe and Spirit Mountain Casino have an nounced the recipients of more Community Fund grants. Grants have been approved to Willamina and Newberg fire districts and to the Health Dynamics Hospice in McMinnville. A Community Fund grant of $40,000 will enable the Willamina Fire Dis trict to purchase a new first response vehicle and special protective clothing for firefighters. The Newberg Fire District will receive $15,000 to help it fund new Jaws of Life equipment. The twenty-five year old Jaws of Life tools currently used are nearing the end of their useful life and are not designed for the newer composite materials used in today's vehicles. A grant of $10,000 will help support the Health Dynamics Hospice of Mc Minnville. The Hospice provides a variety of services to the terminally ill patients to allow them to remain in their homes with their families during their final days. The Hospice helps more than 200 patients annually, most living within a 30-mile radius of McMinnville. Flu shots will be offered at clinic Local fire district seeks volunteers The Willamina Fire District is seek ing volunteer firefighters to serve the communities of Grand Ronde and Willamina. Being a volunteer mem ber takes a strong commitment of time and a willingness to work hard with strong dedication. It means that at any time you could be called to: Fight a wildland fire. Fight a house or barn fire. Assist victims of a motor vehicle accident. Provide medical care to in jured victims. Provide assistance in a non emergency situation. Also, volunteers provide assistance with prevention activities, commu nity first aid and CPR classes, help with business inspections, smoke de tector campaigns, and other preven tion activities. Volunteer members are required to attend training sessions which are of fered during daytime, evenings, and some weekends. All firefighters and volunteers receive professional train ing. Some examples include handling a fire hose, raising ladders, operating power tools, driving and operating fire apparatus, splinting and bandag ing wounds and fractures, use of safety equipment and practices. To be a volunteer firefighter, you must live inside the Willamina Fire District boundaries, be at least 16 years of age, be in good health and physical condition, and are able to give the District 8-10 hours of your time each month. If you meet the above criteria, and would like to become a member of our team, please call 876-2004. There are many jobs that need to be done in the fire district. We have a place for you to volunteer! Fall safety check for your vehicle With the fall weather here, make sure your vehicle is ready for the change from warm days to cold. Keeping your vehicle in good shape is the number one way to stay out of dangerous situations on the highway this fall and winter. A few simple steps can make sure you safely make it through the winter weather we know is on the way: Check your engine oil level. Check with the engine off and your vehicle on level ground. Add one quart of oil only if the level on the engine dipstick is below the "Safe" or "Add" mark. Change your windshield wiper blades. Replace your blades at least twice a year, especially during the rainy fall and winter season. Check and replace lamps and bulbs. Lamps are the only way your vehicle is visible to other drivers at night. Check all the bulbs (head lights, brake lights, turn signals, li cense plate and panel lights) every two weeks. Check your antifreeze level. Make sure your coolant meets the 50 50 or 6040 formula of antifreeze to water in your radiator (check your manufacturer's guidelines). Never open a boiling radiator cap, you may be seriously injured by scalding steam. Never spill or drain coolant without proper disposal even a tiny amount of most antifreezes can kill pets and wildlife. Check your automatic transmis sion fluid level. Check your manu facturer's guidelines for keeping the gears turning. Never overfill your transmission fluid. Check your tire pressure. Proper tire inflation is critical for safety, han dling and fuel economy. Check tire pressure when they're cold, prior to driving. By Kathleen Marquart, PA-C Influenza, or the "Flu," is a viral illness that commonly occurs in the winter and affects many people at once. It has symptoms similar to a cold, but they are usually more se vere and come on quite suddenly. Occasionally, the illness may become very severe, or even life-threatening. The Flu is mainly a respiratory ill ness, but the whole body can be af fected. Symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, fa tigue, weakness, sneezing, and a runny nose. The Grand Ronde Clinic will be offering to the community a Flu vac cine. It is generally given during October and November. While it is never too late to receive the vaccine, once the Flu Season has started, the longer the delay before vaccination, the greater chance one has of devel oping Influenza. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends early Influ enza vaccination yearly for persons in the following categories: Age 65 or older Residents of long term care facili ties. Persons with chronic medical con ditions such as asthma, heart dis ease, or diabetes. Health care workers who might be exposed. It is also recommended for persons of any age who have more difficulty fighting disease because of certain other illnesses or some types of drugs and radiation treatments. Other ways to reduce your chances of getting the Flu are: 1. Keep up your resistance with good diet, plenty of rest, and regu lar exercise. 2. Avoid exposure to the virus. 3. Wash your hands frequently, and . keep them away from your nose, eyes, and mouth. No appointment is necessary for a Flu shot. They will be available throughout the fall and winter months at the Health and Wellness Center. The Grand Ronde Health and Wellness Center and Tribal Offices will be closed certain days in November to recognize the following holidays: Veterans' Day: Wednesday, Nov. 11 Tribal Restoration Day: Monday, Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Day and the day after: Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26 and 27. Close at 1 p.m. on Nov. 25 Please mark your calendar and remember to schedule appointments whenever possible. Thank you! Effective November: the Clinic Services Division comprised of Medi cal, Dental, Pharmacy, X-Ray, and Optometry will be closed every Tues day afternoon from 1-5:30 p.m. The Division will be open the first Friday of every month. With this change, we believe that it will provide consis tency with our opening and closing times and eliminate the need for patients to determine which days we are open for business, and which days are administration days. Parents: speak to kids about drugs In a recent telephone survey of 511 high school students ages 15-18 were asked: "What do you think is the big gest problem facing your generation today?" Nearly half say drugs and drinking are their biggest problem, outranking violence and sex-related concerns. Last year the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University revealed: 76 of high school students and 46 of middle school students say drugs are kept, used, or sold on school grounds. 29 of high school students and 19 of middle school students say a student in their school died in the past year from an incident related to drugs or alcohol. 56 of high school and 24 of middle school students have attended a party in the past six months where marijuana was available. 47 of 13-year olds say their parents have never seriously dis cussed the dangers of illegal drugs with them.