.06 S66 January 1, 1398 Tn a n 7r The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 Forwarding and Address Correction Requested Serials Dept. - Knight Library 1299 University Of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1205 ";,;,: ' tr wi r I nn i FIRST-CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALEM, OR PERMIT NO. 178 University of Oregon Library Received on: 12-31-97 Smoke signals rfdctlt SdacaUca Opfi&ztttatt(e& Now that the holidays are over and your calendars are clear (ha! ha!) please include some of our activities in your schedule. As always, our primary goal is to promote opportunities for skill development and personal growth. The Adult Education Program supports this concept by providing tuition plus books for GED tests; high school completion classes if within 2-3 of the required credits for graduation; and one self enhancement, job enhance ment or basic skill development class per term. Classes must be at or below the 1 00 level and may include such areas as computer, math, writing, driving, art, or senior citizen classes. Parenting Management This class by John D. Aarons and team, teaches strategies for dealing with parenting and anger in a more positive way. There will be on-going classes that follow up the meth ods taught in class for participants who have an interest in gaining more skills. The beginning classes are offered on Fri day, January 9 from 1:30-5 p.m.; Saturday, January 24, and Saturday, February 7 from 1-5 p.m. in the Grand Ronde Room at 28840 Salmon River Highway in Grand Ronde. The class is free to tribal members; non-tribal members fee is $ 1 39.33. Those who sign up must be able to attend all three classes. Instructors wanted Looking for Native people who teach cul tural or community-based classes. Currently, we are interested in finding someone to teach students how to make medicine bags. Upcoming events Moccasin and drum classes in Grand Ronde, Salem, Eugene and Portland. You can sign-up by calling and leaving your name, address and the location you are plan ning to attend the class at. Hard sole moccasin class Back by popular demand, with Jon Clark at Lane Community College on January 1 7 from 10 am to noon. Additional classes are scheduled for January 24 and 3 1 , and Feb ruary 7, 21, and 28. Now is your chance to learn how to make your own pair. Priority will be given to tribal members who have not yet taken a moccasin class. Participants must be able to attend all six classes and must be 16 years of age or older. Space is limited, please call now we will not be able to take sign-ups at the class site. Eugene site visitation Saturday, January 17 from 1 0 am to noon at Lane Community College. (Please call for exact location.) If you have questions or would like to sign up for Adult Education services, this is a chance for you to meet with the coordinator. Grand Ronde GED Classes Begins on Tuesday, January 6 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Education Classroom. Contact Adult Education at 1-800-422-O232, ext 2282. Jiappy 99th Birthday XubyXtnk MONDA Y from 1 to 3 p.m Jan. 5 or 19: Begin Windows 3.1 Jan. 1 2 or 26: Begin Windows '95 WEDNESDA Y from 9 to 1 1:30 a.m. Jan. 7: Beginning MS Word Jan. 14: Beginning Word Perfect Jan. 21: Beginning Excel Jan. 28: Beginning Quattro Pro FRDA Y from 9 to 1 1:30 a.m. Jan. 9 or 23: Intro to Internet Jan. 16: Intro to Print Shop Jan. 30: Beginning Power Point 'n: .MM a .tltta nil, !((.- ij U M l I 4 i. pirti txi arT- RtSfr WHAT: This is a class designed to "DIS COVER" Tribal and local entrepreneurs and encourage the development of your busi ness idea BEYOND "JUST AN IDEA." These classes are presented by the Con federated Tribes of Grand Ronde Small Busi ness Development Center and OBABEN. WHERE: Classes will be held at the Tribe's Small Business Development Center located at28840 Salmon River Hwy. inGrandRonde. WHEN: Interested persons should plan on attending ONLY ONE of the two Discovery classes: FEBRUARY 17 and 19 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. WHAT: A ten-week series of classes de signed to guide participants through the BUSINESSPDNWRITINGPROCESS. The course materials and individual counseling sessions allow participants to work through the BUSINESS PLANNING PROCESS. The end result is a comprehensive business plan that can be taken to financial institutions for loan consideration! This is an accred ited class. WHERE: Classes will be held at the Tribe's Small Business Development Center located at 28840 Salmon River Hwy. in Grand Ronde. WHEN: Held on Tuesdays. FEBRUARY 24 through MAY 4, from 5:30 to 8:30 P.M.