January 1, 1998 SMOKE SIGNALS 7 (Si Undid) y QQnwnoo Tribe hosts Christmas party ' i I .... .... .; ., - I : - - .. ' n A . , . . .. ... .. if 7" A", vy, ..... .' i wT ' f r 1 - v4 . ' - f t ' " Pictured clockwise from top left: Tribal member Chris tine Contreras with friend, Alex; Council (Bob Merrier, Ed Pearsall, Val Grout, and Mark Mercier) get into Christmas Spirit by serving dinner to tribal and commu nity members; Twah Sun chako preschool children sang Christmas songs and the After School Club per formed a Christmas skit; The day before the celebra tion Elders filled candy bags for the children. Thank You, Volunteers Thank you to all of the fol lowing people who contrib uted their time, talent and money for the success of the Tribal Christmas Party: Bob McElderry, Kassie Simi, Stacia Martin, Jamie Stafford, Charity Clayton, Mark Adams, Candy Rob ertson, Diana Denhem, Angie Ellis, Roger Harrison, Lottie Child, Rex Haller, stu dents at Twah Sunchako and their staff, students of the Wellness After School Club, Alan Ham, Doug Coulton, Greg Leno, Lenny Logan, Reyn Leno, Val Grout, Ed Pearsall, Bob Mercier, Mark Mercier, Chip Tom, Kathy Tom, Jon George, Rita Holman, Jill Jeffers, Darlene Aaron, Vernon Kennedy, Pearl Mekemson, Melissa, Dustin Harmon, Joe Brisbois, Lisa Adams, Cheryle Kennedy, Dorothy Lawe (Mrs. Claus), and the Elders for bagging candy. Thank you to all tribal members and staff that contribute to the annual Tree of Giving for our families that may need an uplift at this time of year. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all from the Health and Wellness Support Staff. Tiny tots visit with Santa no) 2 J . J A' 1 .s- " is t- t' 1 , r;. This year the annual event, sponsored by the Wellness and Prevention Compo nent, was held in Portland and offered many informational displays on parenting and young child care topics. Pictured above is Coal, a dalmation pup which helps the Marion County Fire District educate children on fire safety. At left: the tradi tional photos with Santa and Rudolph.