SfffAfhpififlfiijft December 15, 1997 I ". .k & I . SMOKE SIGNALS To mvj mother DONNA CASEY Have a vcrvj Merrvf Christmas ant HAppvj New Year. Love aKvmjs, vjowr tAW5liter Veronica "4 a '-.v.....,,...-. Star and Danielle Haller had a baby boy! (Well, actually Danielle had a baby. Star just stood and watched...) Daniel Evan Haller was born on October 16 at 9:35 p.m. Weight: 9 lbs. 8 oz. Length: 21-12 inches v is TV. "V. ... J ' rf y . , jlttip'.iiui. rit Merry Christmas Mom and Pad Of ' vl 3l-v 1 ! yr:u"K I love, your secret Santa Genieve Ann Henny bom July IS, 1997 to Adam and Julie Henny. Maternal grandparents are John and Sanda Henny. Old tape brings holiday happiness to first Hudson reunion On Thanksgiving Day the John Hudson family held its first-ever family reunion. At the reunion, Alan Ham a great grandson of Hudson, was able to play an audio recording of him speaking Sanitam Kalpapuya. This was made possible by the Kwelth Tahlkie Culture and Heritage Board, which recently obtained a copy of the recording from Indiana. Morris Swadesh made the recordings with John Hudson in Grand Ronde in the summer of 1953. He made them as part of a Penutian Vocabulary Survey. Penutian is the most common language family in Western Oregon. Penutian lan guages represented at Grand Ronde include Kalapuyan, Chinookan, Takelman and Mollalan. At the time, Hudson was 85 years old, and the last known speaker of the Santiam dialect of Kalapuya. Two tapes were made with Hudson. These total 76 min utes and include a vocabulary survey and three short texts. Alan Ham requested the assistance of the Board in locat ing the tapes during a visit to the office in October of this year. He believed that John Hudson had done recordings in the early 1950s, and that they were archived in Seattle. Ham expressed interest in having a copy of the recordings to play at the family reunion to be held on Thanksgiving Day. The tapes were discovered in two separate phases of re search by the Board. While conducting research to produce a narrative of the Tribe's history, Dave Brumitt, a Board member, noted a bib liography that referenced the John Hudson materials. They were archived at the Indiana University's Archives of Tra ditional Music. Tony Johnson, the Board's Collections Curator of Lan guage was also familiar with the archives. After Allen Ham's request, he telephoned Indiana University and spoke to a previous contact, Marilyn Graf. Johnson produced formal requests for the materials dis covered in Indiana. However, Graf advised Johnson, the turn around time for the Archive to dub the full Grand Ronde order of tapes would not allow them to be returned to the Tribe in time for the f r j V ' X w - - t -.r Thanksgiving Day reunion. Johnson stressed the impor-, tance of the Hudson tapes to the Hudson event. Graf, while processing the order, sent copies of the Hudson material,,, by special delivery at the Archives expense, to the Board. These arrived just in time for Thanksgiving, and the reunion. The original request to the Archive was to search for materials related to all Tribes currently represented at Grand Ronde. All the items of interest, which were uncovered at the Archive, have been ordered. The Hudson material only made up a small percentage of that order. When they arrive, the remaining tapes will be archived with other previously collected language material, a valuable addition to the exist ing archive. They will be used to further language research and educational efforts by the Tribe. The reunion was a big success, with over 100 in atten dance. Organizers for this event were: Sharon Hanson, Terri Wood, Larry and Sherri Lewis, Norma Lewis, and Ruth and Darrel Mercier. .i ' r u ' j v .1 j , .f!T. . f "7 mL. The first Hudson reunion was held on Thanksgiving Day 1 997 at St. Michael's Church in Grand Ronde. Plans are underway to hold a reunion every two years on Labor Day weekend. Pictured at left, listening to an old audio tape of John Hudson recorded in 1953, are Marion Forster, Vernon Mercier, Shelley Hanson, Sharon and Harold Hanson. Top: Joyce Ham and her family.