14 July 18, 1997 SMOKE SIGNALS CONTROLDAMAGE DOE OCTOBER 11 - NOVEMBER 5, 1997 NAME : ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ROLL: PHONE : . FOR' FISH & WILDLIFE USE ONLY ..'..''. '!.. ', ' r ;,f?..t. : . . , " v- -si -... I DATE RECEIVED DRAW , BOW ELK AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 28, 1997 name: ; ADDRESS : CITY: STATE:. ZIP: R0LL :. PHONE :. FOR FISH & WILDLIFE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED DRAW GENERAL ELK MUST CIRCLE ONE 1ST SEASON NOVEMBER 8-12 2ND SEASON NOVEMBER 15-23 NAME: ADDRESS:. CITY: ZIP: STATE: ROLL : PHONE : FOR FISH & WILDLIFE USE ONLY DATE&ECEI VED.-vv-.-.-.--DRAW, -. ; 1 997-98 HUNTING SEASON The Fish & Wildlife Committee will hold its annual tag drawing for Elk, Bear, and ControlDamage Doe on Monday, August 4, 1 997 at 5:30 p.m. at the Tribal Community Center. TAG APPLICATION RULES AS FOLLOWS: B Tag drawing APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 12:00 NOON on August 4, 1997. Applications not received by the deadline will be disqualified. D Applications not filled out completely will be voided. B Applicants for the general elk season MUST CIRCLE their choice for the first or second season. If both or neither choice is circled that application will be disqualified. B Tags must be picked up 7 DAYS prior to the start of each hunt (except general deer, muzzleloader and bow deer). Tags not picked up will be offered to the next person on the alternate list. B Hunter return cards must be filled out COMPLETELY and SIGNED. B Hunter return cards MUST BE RETURNED WITHIN 10 DAYS OF THE LAST DAY OF HUNT. Failure to return cards will result in a minimum of a one year suspension. B NO PHONE REPORTING WILL BE ALLOWED. B Tribal members between the ages of 1 2 and 1 8 must have a valid Hunter Safety Certificate. Members 1 1 years of age may put in for drawings as long as they turn 1 2 before the start of the hunt. B Disabled members must complete the DISABLED HUNTER APPLICATION form. The member must submit written certification from a licensed physician. The doctor's certification must state whether the condition is permanent or, if temporary, the date assistance will no longer be needed. A new application must be filled out each year. NEW HUNT FOR 1997: MUZZLELOADER ELK The State of Oregon has added a new hunt to the Tribal hunting area (Trask Management Unit). This is a controldamage hunt. Please use the controldamage hunt applications. Only submit one application for controldamage elk hunts. Multiple or duplicate applications will be voided. 1 997 Tribal Hunting, Fishing & Gathering handbooks are available at the Natural Resources facility and Community Center. State Hunting & Fishing Regulations are also available. Questions regarding rules must be directed to Karen Larsen at (503) 879-2376 or 800-422-0232 ext, 2376. Completed tag applications can be delivered to: The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Natural Resources Division 47010 SW Hebo Road, Grand Ronde OR 97347 Or mailed to: The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Attn: Tag Drawing P.O. Box 70, Willamina, OR 97396