3 July 1, 1997 SMOKE SIGNALS Customer service leads the way at Legends Heidi Hardin just completed one year of employment at Legends, the fine dining res taurant inside Spirit Mountain Casino. Her title is Lead Waitstaff, and she is part of the reason why customers rave about their dining experiences at Legends and how courteous and friendly the servers are. Heidi applied at the Casino's Human Resources department after hearing about the restaurant through family members. "I really wanted to work for the Tribe," said Heidi. "Especially at the restaurant, because I have done this kind of work be fore. After I turned in my application, I was called back, and everything happened within about a week." Heidi, who is married and has two chil dren, lives in Salem near her parents, and her husband works in Stayton. But Heidi said they would like to live in the Grand Ronde area. "This job has given me a chance to meet many tribal members and people within the Casino that I normally would never have had the chance to know," she said. Heidi said that pride in her work and pride in the Casino is what motivates her in her job, and the fact the legends has be come one of the most praised and highly acclaimed restaurants in Oregon. "I am motivated by the desire to make customers happy and keep them coming back," she said. "Every department in the Casino must make sure their customers are happy. We take pride in that." Part of the training every employee of Legends must receive includes over five hours of Oregon Liquor Control Commis sion (OLCC) training which teaches em ployees about the laws and procedures ev ery establishment must follow when serv ing alcohol. Of the many jobs she's held, Heidi feels at home in her job where many of the people are of the Tribe and the community. She said that Spirit Mountain Casino is a good employer for many reasons. "I like the fact that there are many oppor tunities here. The Casino treats its people well. They continue to provide training and let me learn while I work. I have got ten to know a lot about computers." r rK 'If v , X . ' 3 V j :shs-A. : . 1 Heidi said that this pride she feels comes partly from her job, and partly from being a tribal member. Both give her reason to feel good about the career path she has cho sen. And it shows. J0" ', 'V i t , s flu' v 1 yj) i . ami' Steps to getting a job at SMC: Start here! Tribal members who are interested in seeking employment with Spirit Mountain Casino should call Sarah Harvey or Cam illeMercierat 1-800-760-7977. Applicants should be prepared to: Check the Job Information Hotline for current openings. Jobs are updated each Friday. The deadline for applying for an open position is Thursday of each week. Tribal member applicants may also request to have job postings mailed to them. Complete an Application for Employ ment at Spirit Mountain Casino. Appli cations are available at the Human Re sources building 28840 S.W. Salmon River Highway, Grand Ronde. You may also request that an application be mailed to you. Resumes are also accepted, and en couraged. Schedule a screening appointment. The screening appointment is designed to pro vide customer service to Grand Ronde tribal members who are interested in working at the Casino. The purpose of this screening appointment is to discuss the best position for the applicant based on their experience and qualifications. The applicant will be informed if that position is currently open or will be in the near future. If there is an open position, the applicant will be sched uled to interview with the supervisor or manager of the department. If the appli cant does not qualify for a position at the Casino, they will be informed of the rea sons why and referred to the best resource to gain the experience, training, education andor social services needed to become a viable candidate. Complete a Security Packet. The Secu rity Packet is an application for a Gaming License. The gaming applications and li censes are reviewed, approved, and issued from the Grand Ronde Gaming Commis sion. Tribal member applicants will be given a Security Packet to complete after the screening appointment only. There are varying degrees of security licenses, which are dictated by the duties of a position. Training is also provided in the areas of policies, procedures, diversity, gaming regulations, and customer service. Wanted: a few good workers... Ami in- Jti'ln "" Do you: Enjoy working with people? Like to Smile? Have good customer service skills? Want to earn an income? Know why the coyote is jumping over the mountain? Spirit Mountain Casino is looking for quali fied applicants to apply for positions with Spirit Mountain Casino. If you like to smile and have excellent customer service skills, you may apply at the Human Resources building at 28840 SW Salmon River Highway in Grand Ronde. Tribal members can call Sarah Harvey or Camille Mercier at 1-800-760-7977 to schedule a screening appointment. Tribal members can also request the job postings in the mail by calling Camille or Sa rah at Spirit Mountain Casino. fi mm Q ?H i-Myll 1