hp "-rue. VAL GROUT My name Is Valerene Grout and I'm a candidate for Tribal Council. A little background on my father's side. I came from the Houcks and Lenos, and from my mother's side the Hudsons and the Warrens. My parents are Dewalt and Arvella Houck. My husband Pete and I have five children. Our family Is very Important to us. I have nine years experience as a Council person. I am a very honest and caring person, I also am not swayed by other persons' thinking. In the years that I spent on Tribal Council we had to make many major decisions that affected all tribal members regardless of where they were living. I made my decisions to benefit the needs of all tribal members. Now more than ever we need a qualified and experienced tribal government. With Grand Ronde now In the self governance process, It brings the responsibility and authority down to the tribal government level. We need a government that will work as a team and create endless opportunities for all tribal members. I have been Involved with the Pow-wow for eleven years, and am also on the Elders' Committee. I am very proud to have been part of the progress the Tribe has made since restoration. It takes a team effort and no one person can take credit for any one thing. We must work together for the good of all our people. Elders, health, and education Issues are the things I most enjoy working on. But I think every Issue Is Important If It makes the lives better for our people. I have been actively Involved in lobbying for housing that Is available now, and Is affordable for our tribal Elders, and also those who because of job opportunities at the Casino, are now able to afford to buy a home. If you think I am qualified to be your representative on Tribal Council, I would appreciate your vote. Ask questions of people who know me or call (503) 843-2846 In the evenings. I also encourage you to ask questions about all the candidates and see who has been Involved with the Tribe. Thank you very much and God bless youl . Valerene Grout ROBERT HALLER First, I would like to thank all those tribal members voting in past as well as upcoming tribal elections. I am currently finishing a three-year term as a Council member In which I am Council Liaison for the Fish and Wildlife Committee. I also sit on the Tribal Government and Budget Com mittee, Natural Resource Committee, and serve as chair of the Economic Development Committee. My previous work history consisted of 28 years In the construction Industry which I believe Is of significant value while the Tribe is con tinually growing and building. Upon my election three years ago, I undertook to find a home in the Grand Ronde area so that I could devote my full time to my Council duties. If elected this term, I will continue supporting the policies that I have worked hard for in the past three years. These include tribal preference for those qualified in the tribal government and other eco nomic pursuits that our tribe has operating. The Tribe has created many good paying jobs. We need education and training for our tribal members so that all can benefit from this opportunity. I will work to establish a competitive bid process when using tribal funds for construction projects. This will allow the small business and entrepreneurs within our tribe to expand and grow. Future afford able housing for Elders and lower Income families Is something we cannot put aside any longer. This is a commitment to helping those who need assistance the most. I am a strong advocate for the yearly cash dividends for all tribal members plus the Elders' pension program. I strongly urge that we take a good look at these programs so that we can make them self sustainable for years to come, so that all tribal members may benefit. As a Council member who lived off of the reservation for many years, I know the needs of the tribal members that live out of the area and will continue working to expand benefits. I have worked hard to have medical and housing assistance grants reach those members out side the six county area. I will continue in this area, hopefully, to extend dental benefits to all tribal members. I believe that as a Council member elected by the members of this tribe, I am responsible and must answer to all tribal members, not lust those who voted for me. I openly encourage any member who wishes to speak to a Council member or to learn more about me and my positions to call me. My phone number Is (503) 879-3792. I will close by asking you for your support In the upcoming election. Thanks, Robert Haller &JPUUuLAXJS, - mm, t , 'I f ' - 7 ' 1H ) BOB MERGER My name Is Bob Mercier, a candi date for Tribal Council. I reside In Wlllamlna, Oregon and grew up In Grand Ronde. I own and operate a trucking business. From 1989 to 1993, 1 served on Tribal Council, and also on the Tim ber Committee. It was always a learn ing experience serving In this capacity, working with the foresters In preparing timber sales and management of the Tribe's 1 0,000 acre reservation. Another important duty of a Council member Is doing long term planning for Economic and Com munity Development. Currently, the Tribe is operating Spirit Moun tain Casino, and although It Is booming, I am particularly concerned about gaming being Impacted by other outside forces. The United States Congress is attempting to tax Indian gaming. There are mem bers of Congress who are targeting gaming for other reasons, whether It be moral, philosophical, or economic. On the State level, the legislature Is also looking at gaming. The current gaming trend won't last forever. The Tribe needs to pursue other forms of economic development. Dependence on limited sources of income Is disastrous. With the money being earned from the gaming, the opportunity to do other kinds of economic development Is now. How will we diversify the economy? In my previous service on the Tribal Council, I have trav elled to other Indian reservations and communities throughout the U.S. I was always Impressed with the different economic ventures these tribes did. For example, one tribe owns and operates a linen business, a school bus company, and a charter bus enterprise as well. Another tribe bought a local phone company, established a paint manufacturing plant and a metal fabrication business. In my view, tribes have far greater opportunities to enhance economic develop ment on their reservations and communities. I And my self wonder ing why our tribe is only doing gaming. What Is holding us back from doing other ventures? To further diversify the economy, the Tribe must aggressively en hance the local infastructure. For Instance, a master plan must be established to assure there will be enough water, sewer, and other basic utilities. The Tribe must pursue more land purchases If we are , to further economic and community development.''',' . As a Tribal Council member, I will work to see the Tribe works cooperatively with other governments, the local cities, counties, state officials and Congress as well. I see a vast potential for the Confeder ated tribes of Grand Ronde to make many positive contributions to the tribal membership and surrounding communities. However, Tribal Council stability is an absolute must. A long-term vision and goals must be established. We must wisely use the gaming monies to secure educational opportunities for the tribal youth, as well as enhancing our economic future. There is a familiar expression "don't put all your eggs In one bas ket." For our economic survival, other ventures are needed. I am seeking your vote to secure a future for the Grand Ronde Tribe. 1 - 'I JOYCE DeHART -, ,.,.--, ..... My name Is Joyce DeHart. It Is my honor to be considered again for Tribal Council. I am the daughter of Marion Haller Davidson, granddaughter of Adeline Menard Haller, and great-great-granddaughter of oseph Sangaretta. I grew up In the Hood River Valley and chose a career in nursing. My husband and I are now both semi-retired. He from the grocery business, and I from nursing. We are in the process of obtaining property at Kings Valley, where we will be making our home. First, I would like to applaud the current Council for providing health Insurance benefits to all tribal members no matter where they live. Unfortunately, ODS program doesn't provide 100 coverage, but we must ask ourselves...are we better off than we were a year ago? I am supportive of education and small business enterprise. I be lieve we need a diverse economic base if we are going to be secure and successful as a tribe, over time. I also believe that the level of education and technical knowledge within our tribe needs to increase if we are to continue to the demands of sophisticated business ven tures. Therefore, I would encourage small business development and increase the amount of education scholarship awards. Another problem I would like to address at this time Is tribal mem bers who live outside of the Six County Service Area. These tribal members have difficulty keeping current on all events that occur. They need Tribal Council members who will be able to go to these outside areas to keep our members informed. I am also dedicated to preserving and protecting our tribal history. We need to do all we can to preserve our culture, history, and tradi tions now, for future generations. I am aware of the energy It will take just to learn the many aspects of the tribal position. If elected, I Intend to donate 100 of my time to acquire this knowledge, and fulfill this position. If I have not addressed an area you are concerned with or If you would like to discuss some Issue In more length, please contact me at (503) 478-3319 or write P.O. Box 596, Mosier, Oregon 97040. TOM JONES I am asking for you to vote for me for Tribal Council. This Is very Impor tant to me and I believe I have the ex perience and qualifications to serve on the Council. I have my Masters of So cial Work degree from the University of Washington and have worked for Indian Tribes and Indian Organizations for over twenty years. I have a lot of experience with Federal, State, Local, and Tribal Governments. I have been an active Grand Ronde tribal member over the past years, having served the Tribe as Social Services Director, wrote grants for the Tribe, and provided program development In many areas. I support programs and services that will benefit all tribal members regardless of where they live. I will continue to support programs that provide our people quality educational opportunities, business opportunities, financial assistance, affordable housing, and health care services for all members. It is especially Important for the Tribe to continue to find ways to provide quality services for our youth. The future of the Tribe will depend a great deal on how well our youth are taken care of. This will require short and long range plans designed to protect our youth, natural resources, and our culture. It is important to work to pre serve the home lands of our people. I am prepared to bring these and other Issues of concern to the tribal membership for your support. Tom Jones 11 00 Fern Street SW, Olympla, Washington 98502 BOB LENO Well, it's election time again. First, , J would like, to tell all of you whosup;, 'ported1 me Tast yearhow much I appre-1 dated it. Thank you. This year, bring a couple of friends with you. My name Is Bob Leno. I was born and raised In Grand Ronde. Some of you may have gotten an introduction through my son. Chris Is Executive Assistant for the Tribe. Last year he was the contact person you spoke to on the phone if you had any questions about the Members' Benefit Program. I also have a beautiful daughter Marlssa. Marissa Is graduating from high school this year. She Is also a part-time em ployee of our Spirit Mountain Casino. Luckily, Marissa will be old enough to vote at election time. My experience with Council goes back to when we weren't a federally-recognized tribe. Our goal then was to gain our federal recogni tion. We gathered Information supporting our claim. We Identified those groups and governmental agencies who may oppose the bill. Met with them and listened to their concerns. Then negotiated agree ments that were amicable to both parties, therefore eliminating any opposition to the Restoration Bill. Built on such a strong foundation, our bill sailed through. The rest as they say, Is history. Building foundations is hard work. But essential in Insuring a successful ven ture. If elected, I will use these skills and work ethics to attain the goal that lies ahead. And govern with the best Interest of all tribal members in mind at all times. Making sure our future is built on a strong foundation. I am very proud of how far the Grand Ronde Confederated Tribes has come. We started all this In a little one room building at the cemetery. But we can't stand in one place admiring our success. We must stride forward, always striving to Improve. Improving communication Is one way I believe we can start. I keep going to General Council meetings where questions are asked of the Council, and their answer is "we don't know." If people who are entrusted to run the Tribe don't know, that's a problem. Or maybe they think we don't need to know. One answer we have been given in the past is "We don't want to release that to the public." For whatever reason, "We don't know" is an unacceptable answer. One possible way might be restructuring departmental reporting to the Council. Dividing the reports so that every area Is studied in depth. So that when a question Is asked, the Chairperson can ask the person assigned to that area to answer. The General Council meetings are to allow participation of the tribal members. And they are official meetings. More accurate minutes should be kept and accurately re ported In full. People that don't live In the area and can't come to the meetings are being denied information they have a right to.