f THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF THE GRAND RONDE COMMUNITY OF OREGON NOTES FROM THE CHAIRMAN: Fellow Tribal Members: The Tribal Council is gearing up for a busy time in the last three months of 1986. The Tribal Council has just been awarded a Contract Extension for our Reservation Plan. On September 29, 1986, Council members Merle, Kathryn and I met with the Yamhill County Sportsman's Association to update them on the progress of the Reservation Plan and the Hunting and Fishing Agreement. This meeting cleared up some points of misinformation for the Sportsman's Association. In regards to the Hunting and Fishing Agreement, the Council is still negotiating with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission. It is our hope to come to a final resolve with the Commissioners very soon. In order to negotiate fairly with the local timber companies, the Tribe has sought the assistance of Ken Smith. Ken is the former Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and is now a Consultant for many Indian Tribes throughout the Pacific Northwest. Ken will be very valuable helping the Tribe negotiate with the timber companies, who are voicing their concerns about timber supply and export. On October 3, 1986, Tribal Council Members, personnel from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Ken Smith took a tour of the proposed land base the Tribe hopes to acquire in our Reservation Plan. Sincerely, Mark A. Mercier Tribal Chairman UMPOUA MOLALLA ROGUE RIVER KALAPUYA CHASTA POBOX38 GRAND RONDE, OREGON 97347 (563)879-5215