jo .Ay " :-',f.;?: A Ate' rt'riGonfederated Tribes, of Grand Ronde Community December General Meeting St. Michael's Cafeteria 12:00 Potluck Interim Council: thryn Harrison - Chairperson n Mercier - vice-chairman ndy Robertson - SecretaryTreasurer -' U 1 - O J 1 aeTle Leno - CounciLroan w f. I ' Darrel Mercier - Councilman' Henry Petite - Counciln .' Russ Leno - Councilman 'V ! Frank Harrison - Councilman sympathy toJim St. Martin and family in the recent death of his brother.' : ; . icere Tianks to those womeipea clean up atter tne General Meeting. . ; ' ..1 '.V ' Christmas1 partyw still in the planning stages. ' 'We would liketo ;.rgt2e,JV iHstmas; party om<tee to make -this Christmas party the best everr Ifyou are : ierested in volunteering your' help, please contact e' Tribal office' at,i879-5;211. Cribute to All vVe'terans '.V-' fyeteranSvDaxeinber 11, 1984, we remembered youand paid tribute.vtb jall V you, Men anaca, who served this United States America. '; We recognized :p jfefe many pontribuijonjS of all whoiad participated in;.ajLi ot America's, wars, ana-J,, ecially. the jajpat some gave. life itself..:; ; . -: r , , :vij--: ?dian Veterans, who servied their country with courage and . ;you with priae on your aay,: -Va (lTanH PatiHo or, we, ' .' 'V1 ,' '." ! ?6 1 !3U