Y ' SUPPORT NEEDED! YOU COUNT!!! I I I I II I I - ! I I -I" II Do you favor Restoration? Do you know your Tribal Council? Are you "in the know" about what's happening with your People "back home"? If you answered "No" to the above questions then maybe you've missed a few of the Tribal Meetings lately. With Restoration as the ultimate goal for the Tribes, the support and attendance of each and every member of The Confederated Tribes of. Grand Ronde is of the utmost importance now. Remember, more than ever, your Grand Ronde Indianness and that your input, encouragement and support are needed by your Council enabling them to make the right decisions for all. The next few months are going to be busy months with plenty of work. If you are wondering just how you can be of support and help, there are two ways: (1) Attend Tribal meetings. (2) Write your Congressman; tell him that you are in favor of Restoration of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and what it will mean for you and your family. For those of you who can, bring your ideas and comments along with your favorite Potluck dish, join us at the next Tribal meeting. For those of you who cannot, because of finances or long distances, we ask you to join with us in writing -campaign letters to our congressional leaders. Their names and addresses are on the following page, for your convenience ...but, come to meetings whenever you can ... your support will be greatly appreciated!! VOICES FROM THE PAST Items of historical interest to Confederated Tribal members. 1) The treaty act which placed the Willamette Tribes on the Grand Ronde Reservation. 2) What was the actual size of the original reservation? 3) What was the 1901 land cession, and acres ceded? 4) The Wheeler-Howard Act of 1934. What was the Grand Ronde position at the Pacific Northwest Congress held at Chemawa on March 9, 1934? You can read the actual text' of the Grand Ronde delegate speaker Harry Jones, and get the facts to all the above issues. So please follow the Newsletter closely and attend the general meetings the first Sunday of every month. COMING UP! ! Jeff Cooney, Ecologist Assistant at Sun River, Oregon will do a slide presentation and speak on birds of prey. This will be scheduled after the first of the year.