- DID YOU SEE? This article was printed in the Sheridan Sun in the September 27, 1979 issue. We felt this should be responded to. The answer appeared in the Sheridan Sun in the October 25, 1979 issue. & lfyfed wehiye tffespctitiieoiyl fcRecs41ed.ra J&cTigln wlth.Jn, 1853 (Ptpgon ru.iwt yacrw .caching ttc, coast; Jirowta and tadioinlncr the Siletz cotintrvi whw nfh- & jThe;yetnment; CJpded,,, Indian jdothino was .'Arm v iccii ..nil Ih Am provided wasinfested with Boff weevilsJ As far as orowllni? 'e hfflsidM rh wcre 'undoubtedly. Jjunting as jmh iheTrf Jndiani: fromCalftfoTifar Sheridilf did mrf 'rino" nv'TnH;n .f ? Inquiries madcwto iOurIdmM f8 thfeincidentoduced npnowledge? fexplortatipn of the tadiari people m it did? centuries agoiloitatkmassfinilatk f' "-"vu, uiacosc no joss oi moaii 'Jandjwho paid the lessor :pricerMa federated Tribes of Grand RoBdf3 r. t - s crossed the-pralns.-byctt'bf1S53va3 isetUed 6tt' bomesfead;it4;ways west of Salem, The fwldlldse4S kloped: f upward W the ca;frtaand ?nd rain hung gloomiry tof raonths ftt j : Chute famnyjnoVed Jo, and tooti. clcfoou' Shortiy rI;Geoerat SheWdanTbrooglit: 75 Indians fiWCa1i&rinv"nM kUshedW)batttotjatolhe :Otttlj ISoade' gencyiThe 6rcitnni6nt mkicdj fthefodiai'clotii t every three monfhs'bttt tbe'Indians onId. c not sbnd to btf confined to the bodndarieV They, tooktunitneaiy? prowling fhe !ifflsMe?-if fj-j I them crept to'withlo breathing dlrta&e of KeiyeTSr2hoW,-a;W!f W moved on to th 5': foway, having gone ttf town to fiaVe;soine t'wht ground. Aj bemuse of'hli i presence the" raiding- parly enteredf the Jrouse andapproadJed hiawife and cpJld' ? r MrvClarketned"hoineiguhK wifetnd dittd oUMMfWerttiiey kffled t the hands teservadtansTfaere was no absolute proof ;td thefuQ of anyone in xrtkulat so the erinie? wnr4 I unDunished for aeveral monthsunt& Ihei! aheriffwasWnB with ah 'old IndiantThe 3 sherh7(aikindofipractkal)okepUyedl suae ne was going m nac ine maian in jau j and theld fellow acted so saspicibas that the sheriff interests wertt aroused.; - A p -An invesntktiproVed'the old IndianI nd othershad beenv involved with the;: 'kOling of Mrs. Clarke and tier sonAa. g.k result, three Indians vere hung and their-4 squaws had their heads , thaved;tbafrf being the penalty just shotiof ceat.4 a Upat the Kenoyer homestead the family' was giving thanks. God 'had i protected them. They knew tnit tlWs'next i time it might be them butthereslledl that was the price that had K be said to? 3 rsettle Oregon. V , ' ' 3&XfuJ