Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 20, 2023, Page 7, Image 7

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs
September 20, 2023
Page 7
At the 2023 Pendleton Round-Up
~ Pictures courtesy of the Columbia River
Inter-Tribal Fish Commission ~
Setting up the teepees of the Indian Village by the arena at the Round-Up.
In the Tribal Court of the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs
Note: regarding all meeting
hearings: Hearings will be held by
telephone in a virtual courtroom.
For the Zoom meeting hearings:
Zoom meeting ID: 317 248 3373.
Or phone dial in number is 253-
215-8782 and PIN 317 248 3373#
(Regarding the PIN, be sure to in-
clude the pound sign.)
Note also: After joining, there
may be a brief waiting period while
the courtroom administrator veri-
fies the identity of all parties and
approves access.
In the matter of the estate of
Stacey C. Leonard, W.S., U/A.
deceased. Estate no. 2023-
PR37. To Alexa Medina and
Gren Leonard: You are hereby
notified that a probate hearing is
scheduled for 2 p.m. on Novem-
ber 29, 2023(see Zoom and dial-
in instructions above).
In the matter of the estate of
Charles Nathan, W.S., U/A,
deceased. Estate no. 2022-
PR63. To Steven Courtney, Lori
Cour tney, Randall Nathan,
Heather Nathan, Jeremiah
Johnson and Shana Paulson:
You are hereby notified that a pro-
bate hearing is rescheduled for
2:30 p.m. on October 4, 2023
(see Zoom and dial-in instructions
In the matter of the estate of
Travis R. Wells, W.S., U/A, de-
ceased. Estate no. 2021-PR25.
To Jaron Wells and Tanner
Wells: You are hereby notified that
a probate hearing is rescheduled
for 3 p.m. on November 8, 2023
(see Zoom and dial-in instructions
In the matter of the estate of
Eileen S. Charley, W.S., U/A,
deceased. Estate no. 2020-
PR46. To Reanna Charley: You
are hereby notified that a probate
hearing is scheduled for 3:30 p.m.
on November 8, 2023 (see Zoom
and dial-in instructions above).
In the matter of the estate of
Kenneth L. Smith, W.S., U/A,
deceased. Estate no. 2020-
PR23. To Michelle K. Hensel:
You are hereby notified that a pro-
bate hearing is rescheduled for 3
p.m. on October 4, 2023 (see
Zoom and dial-in instructions
In the matter of the estate of
Corwin M. Bobb, W.S., U/A,
deceased. Estate no. 2020-
PR22. To Myrna Frank: You are
hereby notified that a probate
hearing is rescheduled for 10:30
a.m. on October 2 (see Zoom
and dial-in instructions above).
In the matter of the estate of
Alex C. Tufti, W.S., U/A, de-
ceased. Estate no. 2022-PR02.
To Gerald Tufti, Brian Refro,
Paulette Henr y, Ver non
Sampson, Rebecca Sampson
and Kayla Godowa-Tufti: You
are hereby notified that a probate
hearing is rescheduled for 2 p.m.
on October 4, 2023 (see Zoom
and dial-in instructions above).
In the matter of the estate of
Laura M. Switzler, W.S., U/A,
deceased. Estate no. 2023-
PR12. To Lucille Ike, Sally
Ar mour, Nor ma Switzler,
Geraldine Switzler, William
Switzler III, Randy Switzler-
Felter, Lawrence Shike Jr.,
Maria Farias, Alice Farias and
Christopher Cowapoo: You are
hereby notified that a probate
hearing is rescheduled for 9:30
a.m. on October 2, 2023 (see
Zoom and dial-in instructions
In the matter of the estate
of Kurtis L. Boise Sr., W.S., U/
A, deceased. Estate no. 2023-
PR07. To Alyssa Whitehurst
and Nellie Tanewasha: You
are hereby notified that a probate
hearing is rescheduled for 10
a.m. on October 2, 2023 (see
Zoom and dial-in instructions
In the matter of the estate of
Carmen D. Smith, non-mem-
ber, deceased. Estate no. 2021-
PR33. Notice is hereby given that
Carmen D. Smith, who at the time
of his death last known residence
was 6375 Eagle View Dr., Warm
Springs OR 97761, died on May
28, 2021 and the court appointed
Valerie Squiemphen as public ad-
ministrator. All persons having
claims against the decedent’s estate
are required to present their claims,
with proper voucher, to the Warm
Springs Probate, PO Box C, Warm
Springs OR 97761 within 90 cal-
endar days from when this notice
was first posted.
In the matter of the estate of
Eileen S. Charley, non-member,
deceased. Estate no. 2020-
Summaries of Tribal Council - July
(from page 6)
July 18 - continued
Three: Authorizes and delegates
to WSPWE and/or the Secretary-
Treasurer to further document the
Tribal Council’s consent to an ex-
clusive development relationship
with BrightNight for on-Reserva-
tion solar energy project develop-
ment at the BrightNight project site
intended to demonstrate appropri-
ate site control, for example with-
out limitation through a term sheet;
Four: Approves of the WSPWE
Board of Directors developing and
approving project financing, as ap-
propriate, within the WSPWE Plan
of Operation financing authority
provided WSPWE provides a de-
tailed report to the Tribal Council
of the financing plan prior to final
approval of the same; The Tribal
Council Chair, Vice-Chair or Sec-
retary-Treasurer is hereby autho-
PR46. Notice is hereby given that
Eileen S. Charley, who at the time
of her death last known residence
was 1816 Kalish Rd., War m
Springs OR 97761, died on Au-
gust 21, 2020, and the court ap-
pointed Valerie Squiemphen as
court administrator. All persons
having claims against the
decedent’s estate are required to
present their claims, with proper
voucher, to the Warm Springs Pro-
bate, PO Box C, Warm Springs
OR 97761 within 90 calendar days
from when this notice was first
rized to execute and deliver on be-
half of the Tribe any other docu-
ments and take such further and
additional action as the Authorized
Representative reasonably deter-
mines to be necessary or appro-
priate to complete and implement
the Development Strategy and
carry out the foregoing resolutions;
Second by Jim; Question; Carlos/
yes, Jim/yes, Wilson/yes, Captain/
no, Rosa/yes, Joe/yes, 5/0/1,
Chairman not voting; Motion car-
ried. Motion by Jim to adjourn at
1:42 p.m.
T h e Wa r m Sp r i n g s S e n i o r C e n t e r i s o p e n
weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Senior fitness
classes are held on Mondays and Thursdays from
10:45-11:45 a.m., with lunch provided after. Senior
lunches are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
from noon until 1 p.m. in the dining area.
Around Indian Country
Lithium deposit found at sacred site
Scientists have found the
world’s largest lithium deposit in
an ancient supervolcano along the
Nevada-Oregon border.
The scientists announced they
found Clay containing up to 40
million metric tons of the precious
metal was identified throughout
the 28-mile-long McDer mitt
Caldera. That is nearly double what
has been found in Bolivia’s salt
flats that have long held the record
for the most lithium deposits.
As of 2022, the average bat-
tery-grade lithium carbonate price
was $37,000 per metric ton, mean-
ing the volcano is potentially sit-
ting on $1.48 trillion worth of the
precious metal.
Canada-based Lithium Ameri-
cas Corporation plans to begin min-
ing as early as 2026, mine the re-
gion for the next 40 years, and
then backfill the pit. However, the
plan has been criticized due to the
environmental impact of mining
and claims that the site is on sa-
cred Native American land.
Lithium is a critical component
for batteries that power everything
from smartphones to electric ve-
hicles and solar panels - and China
has dominated the market for de-
cades because 90 percent of the
metal mined is refined in the na-
Wednesday, September 27 and Wednesday, October 26