Spilyay September 20 Page 3 Job Fair next week A job fair in Warm Springs is coming up from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26. This will be for for any- one who is looking for sea- sonal employment, or for a new career. The employ- ment recruiting event will be at the Community Center Social Hall. The fair is hosted by the Warm Springs Community Action Team, with Indian Head Casino and the Plateau Travel Plaza. “We are welcoming all tribal entities who are currently hiring to join us at this event,” said Aja Maldonado, Warm Springs Casino Enterprise re- cruiting manager. For more information, con- tact Sara Dowty, WSCAT Technology Workforce Analyst. You can reach her at 541-553-3148; or by email: sara@wscat.org Or contact Aja Maldonado at 541-460- 7717. Blackjack class Indian Head Casino is host- ing a blackjack class for anyone interested in becoming a table games dealer. This is a three-week course that will be at Indian Head Casino with the casino table games manager. The classes will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday, September 25 through Sunday, October 13. There is link where you can find out more: See the flyer below for the link. Boost for economic development The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs has just received a $70,000 boost for economic de- velopment projects. The investment comes from the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Admin- istration, which establishes an eco- nomic development planning framework, process, and strategy that supports private capital in- vestment and job creation. Oregon’s U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley recently made the announcment of the federal regional funds. “Investing in tribal communi- ties is vital to spur economic pros- perity in reservations,” Sen. Wyden said. The investment will help cre- ate new jobs while strengtheing the local economy, Wyden said. “And I’ll continue fighting to en- sure all the other tribes in our state have the economic resources they need to thrive and to keep revers- ing a long and horrendous history Jobs with the Confederated Tribes The following are posi- tions recently advertised with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. For information, contact the Human Resources of- fice, located in the tribal ad- ministration building, 1233 Ve t e r a n s St r e e t , Wa r m Springs. Staff are available to an- swer questions related to the application process and can be reached at 541-553- 3262 or hr@wstribes.org Tr i b a l M e m b e r p r e f e r - ence is exercised in hiring processes as defined in Tribal Personnel Policy PER 202. Maternal child health Nurse. Soil scientist/water- shed planner. Fire/Medic. Community Health Nurse. Administrative assistant/ secretary. Cash manage- ment specialist/court ac- counts receivable. Travel accountant. Fisheries biologist I. Fisheries biologist II. Fish Biologist III. Targeted case manager. Wellness coordi- nator. Compensation and benefits coordinator. Probate assistant. Public administrator. Legal aide advocate (two positions). Jobs with Indian Head, Plateau The following is a recent list of job openings with In- dian Head Casion and the Plateau Travel Plaza. For details see the website: indianheadcasino.com Or visit the Human Re- sources office at their plaza office by the casino. Three Teepees cafe host/ server at the Plateau Plaza. Casino food and beverage m a n a g e r. C a g e c a s h i e r. Coffee stations attendent. Cottonwood server. Tule Grill attendant. Tule Grill line cook. Three Teepees cafe line cook at the Pla- teau. Store supervisor at Plateau. Ta b l e g a m e s d e a l e r : Blackjack classes avail- able. The three-week course starts September 25. Please contact Indian Head Casino Human Re- sources to be added. Lim- ited seating. Count team member. Facilities manager. Slot technician. Class III keyperson. Food and bev- erage purchasing clerk. Sous chef. More jobs at the Travel Plaza: Receiving in- ventory coordiator. We are looking for someone with Community notes... The Native American Student Union at Madras High School will meet this Wednesday, September 20 after school, 3:15-5:45 in room 6. Like and follow the Papalaxsimisha, Native American Student Union Facebook page for updates. An Overdose Rescue course is offered every Wednesday Morn- ing from 9 until 10:30 at the Warm Springs Prevention training room in the old elementary school. It’s a chance to learn how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose. You get step-by-step instruction on how to use the Narcan nasal spray when a person experiences an overdose. You also will learn about resources and treatment for opioid addiction in Warm Springs. If you are interested, contact Jacylene Brisbois at: jaycelene.frank@wstribes.org Never Alone Again Narcotics Anonymous is every Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Behavioral Health Center. experience, preferably in retail, that has a keen eye for shelf management. Lead officer. Security of- ficer (also at casino). Cus- of injustice by the federal govern- ment,” he said. Sen. Merkley added, “Sup- porting the economies of Or- egon rribes is vital to the growth and success of the com- munities. “This funding for the Confed- erated Tribes of Warm Springs will help individuals and tribal families by supporting job creation and economic development in the re- gion.” Fitness coordinator. Pro- tem judge. Deputy prosecutor. Pro- tective care provider. Hy- drologist c o o r d i n a t o r. Property management spe- cialist. Water and wastewa- ter distribution operator. Hood River fisheries pro- gram supervisor. Telecom- munications officer (two positions: one limited dura- tion, one full-time). Treasury controller. Pa- trol sergeant (two posi- tions). Conservation prop- erties program supervisor. Tr i b a l C o u n c i l r e c o r d e r / support technician. Project Archaeologist/principal in- vestigator. todian. Responsible for en- suring that all public and back of house areas of the plaza are clean and well maintained. Three Teepees cafe food and beverage supervisor. Deli attendant.