Community notes... Warm Springs Recreation is hosting a Family Jambo- ree Day from 1 to 5 p.m. this Wednesday afternoon, August 9. Come have some splash-splash fun in the sun! For information call Recre- ation at 541-553-3243. Food vendors are welcome. The Family Jamboree Day Drummers Jammz So- cial Powwow is at 6 p.m. this Wednesday evening, Au- gust 9 at the pavilion by the Community Center. The mas- ter of ceremonies is Mackie Begay. All vendors are wel- come. For information call Austin Greene at Recreation, 541-553-3243. An Overdose Rescue Course is offered every Wednesday morning from 9 until 10:30 at the War m Springs Prevention training room in the old elementary school. It’s a chance to learn how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose. You get step-by-step in- struction on how to use the Narcan nasal spray when a person experiences an over- dose. You also will learn about resources and treatment for opioid addiction in Warm Springs. If you are interested, contact Jacylene Brisbois There will be a sports physical clinic at Warm Springs Indian Health Ser- vice clinic on September 1. Call to schedule 541-553- 2610. A parent or guardian will need to attend the ap- pointment with the student. The Warm Springs Early Childhood Education Center has enrollment packets available for new and returning day care and Head Start children. Parents or guardians can stop by to pick up packets. They need to be submitted on or before August 25. For more infor- mation speak with Ina Chief or Laurissa Bellanger at ECE, 541-553-3240. Warriors for Wellbriety meetings are held Thursday evenings at 6 at High Lookee Lodge. The KWSO Thursday Markets are from 10:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. on campus. The family friendly market allows vendors to set up, and fea- tures distribution of free fresh harvest kits from the high desert food and farm al- liance. Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo ‘Large enough to serve you... Small enough to care’ 866-299-0644 2022 GMC Sierra - 19,795 miles - 2022 Chevrolet Silverado - 24,847 miles - $67,995 $48,995 #58696A #45777A 2021 GMC Sierra - 36,554 miles - $55,995 #19187A 2021 Chevrolet Silverado - 28,445 miles - 2021 GMC Sierra - 15,796 miles - 2019 GMC Sierra - 42,301 miles - $42,995 $54,995 #73285A #66245A $46,995 #30963A 2020 GMC Sierra - 61,029 miles - 2018 GMC Sierra - 77,699 miles - $66,995 $40,995 #58230A #93119A 2020 GMC Chevrolet Silverado - 81,607 miles - $38,995 #58403A 2015 GMC Sierra - 105,948 miles - $29,995 #P6014A August 9 2016 GMC Sierra - 99,750 miles - $28,995 #94684A 2013 GMC Sierra - 112,394 miles - $35,995 #93749B