Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 26, 2023, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo
July 26
Helping address chronic homelessness
The Housing Authority is over-
seeing a new housing project that
will help address chronic
homelessness among War m
Springs tribal members. The 10-
unit project includes a Service
Center and is located in the Trailer
Court neighborhood in the Dips.
The project also includes a duplex
unit on Wasco Street that is for
chronic homeless families with
The infrastructure and founda-
tion work on the project—called
Permanent Supportive Housing—
began about a month ago. When
finished, the single-family sized
houses will be available to tribal
members who experience long-
term homelessness.
The residents who live there will
have to pay rent based on their
income. Counseling services will
be available at the Service Cen-
ter, said Danielle Wood, Housing
Executive Director.
Housing was able to fund most
of the project through a grant
from the state of Oregon that is
intended to address chronic
homelessness. The goal at Hous-
ing is to improve the lives of the
homeless members, as well as the
community overall.
“I feel that if everyone here
has a roof over their head, then
Infrastructure and foundation work last week at the
Permanent Supportive Housing construction site.
our community is in better shape,”
Ms. Wood said. “I think we’re all
healthier, and we’re not having to
see our relatives and friends suffer-
Regarding the project, the Indian
Health Service funded some of the
infrastructure work, and the BIA is
funding the road work through 638
dollars with Warm Springs Con-
struction doing this work.
The Per manent Supportive
Housing units should be completed
and ready for residency within a
year, said Joel Holliday, project co-
ordinator. The General Contractor
is Wolf Construction and Develop-
ment, who also completed the re-
Leslie Henderson, Colton and Norah were browsing for
toys while visiting the Jefferson County Fair last
weekend. (Fair livestock results in the next Spilyay.)
Youth sports physicals
The 2023 sports physical dates
at Warm Springs IHS are this
Wednesday, July 26 and again on
September 1. The state of Oregon
requires annual physicals prior to
participating in any school sport.
Call IHS to schedule your child’s
appointment for a sports physical,
541-553-2610. Parent or guardian
attendance at the appointment is
The Art of Sewing at
Warm Springs Recreation
Warm Springs Recreation and
the OSU Extension Service will
host the Art of Sewing at the Com-
munity Center, Tuesday through
Thursday, August 22-24.
Ages 10 and up are welcome.
All materials are provided, and no
experience is required. Space is lim-
ited so sign up early: Call Carol at
Recreation, 541-553-3243.
cent Housing Tax Credit renovation
work, Mr. Holliday said.
The project site is about five
acres in size; and Mr. Holliday and
the construction crews are asking
residents to not walk through the
site, as it is an active construction
zone, off limits to trespassing.
Sign up and save with Cricket
Tribal members who live on
tribal lands may be eligible for
a reduction of $75 on talk and
text plans with Cricket.
You can sign up for the ser-
vice with the Warm Springs
Community Action Team.
WSCAT will have sign-up
sessions from 2 to 4 p.m. at their
office on the following dates:
Thursday, July 27; August 10
and 24; September 7 and 21;
and October 5.
For more information call
Sara at WSCAT, 541-553-
3148. Or call the Cricket of-
fice in Madras at 541-615-
1544. Or you can visit the
Cricket office at 374 SW Fifth
St., Madras.