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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 2023)
Spilyay Tymoo, July 12, 2023 From the Probate Department by Valerie Squiemphen Public Administrator Just to clarify something that was in the last issue. The Probate Department was given a directive by Tribal Council that any: “ Tribal member minor child (18 years old and younger) coming into monies on an estate, will be depos- ited into a savings account with the cash management department.” In other words, if they are not enrolled with Warm Springs, we will not hold onto that money, it will be paid directly to the parent or guard- ian of said child. Probate code 320.030 Intes- tate Succession and Wills: (1) Distribution Pursuant to Will. The Tribal Court shall distribute the estate according to the terms of the Will of the decedent which has been admitted to probate. (2) Who May Make a Will. Any person who is eighteen years of age or older or who has been lawfully married and who is of sound mind may make a Will. (3) Validity of a Will. A Will which is valid under the laws of the state or country within which it was executed shall be valid for the pur- poses of this Code. In addition, a Will which is handwritten by the tes- tator and signed by the testator shall be considered to be valid. Probate code 320.031 Intes- tate succession: (4) Indian Custom and Tradition Distribution of Indian Finery and Artifacts. Notwithstanding the pro- visions of this Code relating to de- scent and distribution, Indian arti- facts and finery belonging to the de- cedent shall be distributed in accor- dance with the customs and tradi- tions of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Page 7 Oregon. Such distribution shall be in ac- cordance with directions left by the decedent, if any, or, if the dece- dent left no directions, shall be as directed by the surviving spouse of the decedent; if the decedent leaves no surviving spouse, then by direction of the decedent’s el- dest surviving adult sibling; if de- cedent leaves neither a surviving spouse nor surviving adult sibling, then by direction of the decedent’s parents; if the decedent leaves nei- ther surviving spouse, surviving adult sibling nor surviving parents, then by direction of the eldest sur- viving adult child of the decedent. (5) Effect of Abandonment on Standing to Inherit. A person oth- erwise entitled to inherit pursuant to the provisions of WSTC 320.031 shall forfeit the ability to inherit from his or her spouse or child if he or she abandoned the spouse or child for a period of at least one year prior to the decedent’s death and if he or she had an obligation to support dece- In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs - Probate In the Matter of the Estate of Macyquinn F. Johnson, W.S., U/A Deceased Probate Estate #2023- PR05. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEARING-Rescheduled. TO: Kelsey Haywahe, Autumn Johnson, and Garyson Johnson: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is sched- uled for JULY 17, 2023 AT 9 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual court- room. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 994 6267 2725 PASSCODE: e3YBK5 In the Matter of the Estate of Col- leen D. Johnson, W.S., U/A Deceased Probate Estate #2019-PR54. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEARING-Resched- uled. TO: Marc Arthur, James Arthur, Crystal Arthur, Joseph Arthur, Clara and Viviano, Jessica Arthur. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is sched- uled for JULY 17, 2023 AT 9:30 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual court- room. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 981 0360 7722 PASSCODE: 8qa5eF In the Matter of the Estate of Zyrelle C. McKinley-Wainanwit, W.S., U/A Deceased Probate Estate #2016-PR13. NOTICE OF PRO- BATE HEARING-Rescheduled. TO: Charlie Wainanwit, Virginia McKinley: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is sched- uled for JULY 17, 2023 AT 10:30 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual court- room. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 925 5308 0146 PASSCODE: 7BFJg9 In the Matter of the Estate of Yvonne V. Tapedo, W.S., U/A De- ceased Probate Estate #2017-PR08. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEAR- ING-Rescheduled. TO: Jolene Soto, Joy Ramirez: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is sched- uled for JULY 19, 2023 AT 9 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual court- room. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 966 7941 2268 PASSCODE DKN04M In the Matter of the Estate of Kenneth L. Smith, W.S., U/A De- ceased Probate Estate #2020-PR23. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEAR- ING-Rescheduled. TO: Michele Hensel: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is sched- uled for JULY 19, 2023 at 3:30 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual courtroom. You will have to down- load the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 9173 4290 344 PASSCODE: 2ZwbUR In the Matter of the Estate of Alex C. Tufti, W.S., U/A Deceased Probate Estate #2022-PR02. NO- TICE OF PROBATE HEARING- Rescheduled. TO: Gerald Tufti, Brian Renfro, Paulette Henry, Ver non Sampson, Rebecca Sampson, and Kayla Godowa-Tufti: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is sched- uled for JULY 24, 2023 @ 9 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual courtroom. You will have to down- load the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 9716 9453 921 PASSCODE: U1w72T In the Matter of the Estate of Kurtis L. Boise, W.S., U/A De- ceased Probate Estate #2023-PR07. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEAR- ING-Rescheduled. TO: Alyssa Whitehurst, Nellie Tanewasha: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is sched- uled for JULY 24, 2023 AT 10 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual courtroom. You will have to down- load the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 9348 1386 174 Passcode: aNG4Tf In the Matter of the Estate of Corwin M. Bobb, W.S., U/A De- ceased Probate Estate #2020-PR22. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEAR- ING-Rescheduled. TO: Myrna Frank: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 24, 2023 AT 9:30 AM. This hear- ing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse and also via a virtual courtroom. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 9297 2133 971; Passcode: Kd3wTw In the Matter of the Estate of Charles Nathan, W.S., U/A De- ceased Probate Estate #2022-PR63. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEAR- ING-Rescheduled. TO: Steven Courtney, Lori Courtney-Rose, Donald Courtney, Randall Nathan, Heather Nathan, Shana Paulson, and Jeremiah Johnson: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 24, 2023 AT 10:30 AM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Court- house and also via a virtual courtroom. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 9646 4378 636, PASSCODE: Hxg2qe In the Matter of the Estate of Shirley Heath, W.S., U/A Deceased Probate Estate #2020-PR34. NO- TICE OF PROBATE HEARING- Rescheduled. TO: Delvis Heath, Lucinda Heath, Candace Heath, Robert Heath, Vern Heath, and Challis Yahtin-Cloud: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 26, 2023 AT 2 PM. This hear- ing will be held at the Tribal Court- house and also via a virtual courtroom. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 9603 5054 869; Passcode: r6zCMg In the Matter of the Estate of William B. Heath, W.S., U/A De- ceased Probate Estate #2021-PR46. NOTICE OF PROBATE HEAR- ING-Rescheduled. TO: Kirby Heath, Stephanie Heath, Sharon Crooked Arm, Colleen Seelatsee, Julianne Seelatsee, Roosevelt Heath, Delores Picard, Ray Picard, Heather Picard, Clarissa Picard, Melinda Heath, Haley Wahnetah, and Charisse Heath: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 26, 2023 AT 2:30 PM. This hear- ing will be held at the Tribal Court- house and also via a virtual courtroom. You will have to download the Zoom app onto your cellphone or computer to join Zoom Meeting ID: 9186 9676 109; PASSCODE: BMXT33 In the Matter of the Estate of Chesley Yahtin, W.S., U/A Deceased Probate Estate #047-PR47-09. NO- TICE OF PROBATE HEARING. TO: Owens Yahtin, Minnie Yahtin, Dorethy M. Yahtin, Henry J. Yahtin, Maria Martinez-Garcia, Bernavene Aguirre, Edgar M-W Yahtin, Randolf Yahtin, Zachary Norton, Launi Norton, Chesley Q. Yahtin, III, Brett R. Yahtin, and Melissa Waheneka: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 24, 2023 AT 1 PM. This hearing will be held at the Tribal Courthouse. dent at the time of death or aban- donment. Probate code 320.041 Proving and Admitting Will: (1) Proof of Will. (a) Upon initiating the probate of an estate, the Will of the dece- dent shall be filed with the Court. Such Will may be proven and ad- mitted to probate by filing the af- fidavit of an attesting witness which identifies such Will as being the Will which the decedent ex- ecuted and declared to be his or her last Will. (b) If the evidence of none of the attesting witnesses is available, the Court may allow proof of the Will by testimony or other evi- dence that the signature of the tes- tator or at least one of the wit- nesses is genuine. (2) Contest of Will. At any time within 90 days after a Will has been admitted to probate, or within such time as the Court shall establish in the case of an exempt estate having an appraised value which does not exceed $3,500, any person having an interest in the decedent’s estate may contest the validity of such Will. In the event of such contest, the Court shall take no further action with respect to the probate of the estate, but shall set a day and hour for a hear- ing to determine the validity of such Will. All relevant evidence shall be presented at such hearing concern- ing the decedent’s capacity to ex- ecute a valid Will and the circum- stances surrounding its execution. Every reasonable effort shall be made to procure the testimony of the attesting witnesses to the Will, or if their testimony is not rea- sonably available, an effort shall be made to identify signatures to the Will through other evidence. (3) Admission of Contested Will to Probate. Upon consider- ing all relevant evidence concern- ing the Will, the Tribal Court shall enter an order affirming the ad- mission of such Will to probate or rejecting such Will and order- ing that the probate of the decedent’s estate proceed as if the decedent had died without ex- ecuting such Will. Inheritance checks are ready To the following individuals: Inheritance checks are ready for pick up at the Probate Depart- ment. Adams, Alicia R. Adams, Jessie Bates-Perez, Cadaleana Bird, Louetta Blackwolf, Levi Buck, Joseph G. Courtney, Marisol L. Estimo-Polk, Kaydence Harvey, Gene Jr. Harvey, Windy Heath, Melinda Jack, Cecilia Jack, Cosmo Jack, Darian Jack, Maiya Jack, Nicole Jack, Shellie Johnson-Ching, Elamina Kalama, Roland III Katchia, Gary R. Lira, Mitchell F. Queahpama, Kyle Seelatsee, Joseph Standing Yellow Horse, Emerson Standing Yellow Horse, Merlin, Jr. Strong, Leora J. Stroschein, Samantha Thomas, Ryanna Thompson, Kywon L. Van Antwerp, Carl Wahnetah, Haley Warner, Joshua J. Wolfe, Charles Wolfe, Richard, Jr. Wolfe, Richard Sr. Wolf, Tyrin Yazzie, Alicia Yazzie, George Yazzie, Vivian Call Probate at 541-553- 3246 as soon as possible or stop by at 1233 Veterans Way, Warm Springs. Jobs with Indian Health Service The Warm Springs Indian Health Services is advertising a number of job positions. The clinic, located at 1270 Kot-Num Road, or PO Box 1209, Warm Springs, 97761, can be reached at 541-553-1196. You can apply for a job online at Full jobs descriptions are available at the site. The Hu- man Resouces specialist at the Portland Area Indian Health Service is Melanie May. Email: Jobs include: Advanced Practice Nurse. Salary $109,147.00 – 141,886.00 per year DOE. Clinical Laboratory Scien- tist. $58,832.00 – 79,655.00/ yr. Health Tech. Medical Support Assis- tant. $33,693.00 - 52,577.00/ yr. Nurse (two positions). $68,273.00 – 101,994.00/yr Supervisory Optom- etrist. $116,602.00 – 151,584.00/yr. Dental Assistant (two po- sitions). $33,241.00 – 52,577.00/yr. Pharmacist. $94,905.00 – 135,089.00/yr. Physician (Family Prac- tice). $111,035.00 – 243,000.00/yr.