Spilyay Tymoo July 12, 2023 Page 5 Return of the Pi-Ume-Sha Traditional Parade The 2023 Pi-Ume-Sha Traditional Parade Commit- tee truly enjoyed coordinat- ing this year’s parade. We would like to thank the sponsors that helped to have such a great Parade come back: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Caroline Cruz and Health and Human Services, Indian Head Ca- sino, Sue Matters and KWSO, Mona Cochran, Harry Histake (for the horses) and of course the people who bought from our fundraising at the Holiday Bazaars. This year’s theme was Honoring Those Who Walked Before Us... We Are Still Here. To honor our Ancestors by continuing with our Warm Springs Nation ceremonies, celebrations, powwows, ath- letic events and other ac- tivities that are held here on our reservation. Again, Thank you to ev- eryone who sponsored and made it possible to have the 2023 Traditional Parade. Special thanks to the par- ticipants in the parade, as you made a big come back from when we were unable to have a parade because of the pandemic. It takes a lot of your time to prepare for a parade, yet you came and participated, and you make the Tradi- tional Parade something to look forward to each year. Also, welcome back to our spectators who always line the parade route, as it is such a beautiful sight, bringing good feelings to the celebra- Smith Family, Ramon Greene family, PaulLee Greene family, Gary and ‘Irkie’ Smith. And we will do it all over again next year. Take Care with Blessings. Respectfully, The Pi- Ume- Sha Traditional Parade Committee. A big Thank You to all the Pi-Ume-Sha Traditional Horse Parade, and here are winners, in order of finishing , in the various categories: Horse riders Spilyay photos Horse riders, 2023 Pi-Ume-Sha Traditional Parade. tion. We were very honored to be a part of Oliver Kirk’s Retirement Recognition with his daughter Merle Ann, her children and the Kirk Family. Oliver has been with the Pi-Ume-Sha Powwow Committee and the Whipman for 49 years, and it was our honor to humbly acknowledge him for his time and artwork (the post- ers for the powwow). His encouragement on the floor to the dancers, yet keeping things in order, is not an easy task, yet he did it year after year, even through his hard times and never failing to be there to fulfill his duties. We are very grateful for his work, humbleness and encouragement he had each year, and we pray he will be able to enjoy the powwows on the sideline and maybe even get in on a contest or two (right Oliver?). With great respect our Parade Committee thanks you. As the parade coordina- tor, I want to say thanks to my children, siblings and their families for all the help, time, energy, funds, pickup truck, leading the empty saddle horses, riding the horses, posters, otter pops, cupcakes you offered at the parade. It was like starting all over again but in our hearts we knew our parents were still guiding us through the pro- cess of preparing and mak- ing sure the parade was done with a good heart and good feelings. Thank you Roscoe Greene, Sarah Gonsalez and all her her children, Brutis Baez and Veronica Baez family, Jamey Smith, Allie Adult male: Terry Heemsah. Hayden Heath. Robbie Warner. Adult female: Patricia Heemsah. Thyrisia Simtustus. Teen male: No riders. Teen female: Joletta Begay. Alisha Yallup. Kyla Suppah. Youth boys and girls: No riders. Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo winners The following are the results for the 2023 Pi- Ume-Sha Treaty Days Rodeo, hosted by the Warm Springs Ranch Ro- deo Association: The two-man wild horse race: First-place winner: Colton David and Brady David. Cow milking: First, Dustin Suppah and Daniel Gilbert. Bull riding: First: Kasen Barkley. Second, Isaiah Florendo. Bronc riding: First, Isaiah Florendo. Breakaway: First, Brook Brevins. Second, Montana Taylor. Third, Wendy Kanath. Team roping: First, Clay Greene and Cole Thomas. Second, Cash Duty and Sid Spores. Spilyay photo. Sisters Rodeo Queen during Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo opening ceremony. Third, Jesse Reese and Colt Finley. Barrel racing: First, Angie Finley. Second, Ashley Picard. Third, Kass Johnson. Walkers Adult male: Archie Caldera. Mitchell Heemsah. Lightening Paul Sr. Adult female: Sonya Jim. Carla George. Wilma Wahsise. Teen male: Sunhawk Barney. Lightening Paul Jr. Jeremiah Lewis. Teen female: Cavell Samuels. Jaslene Barney. Kyra Eastman. Youth boys: XyKylan Caldera. John Adams. Jason Jim Jr. Youth girls: Julie Jim. Zalisha Caldera. Traditional f loats: Bryan Adams Family. Julie Johnson Family. Miss Or- egon Sweetheart-Rogue Val- ley—Keeley Little Leaf. Edward Heath photo. Pi-Ume-Sha Powwow results (from page 1) Women’s Traditional, 17 years and up Sonya Jim, Goldendale. Katrina Blackwolf, Toppenish. Willie Wahsise, Toppenish. Zelma Nelson- Walsey, Toppenish. Edith Walsey, Wapato. Men’s Fancy-Grass, 17 years and up Apoollo Johnson, Warm Springs. Jared Jack- s o n , C h i l o q u i n . Te r r y Heemsah Jr., Toppenish. Gary Smith, Satus, Wash- ington. Neal Morningowl, Warm Springs. Men’s Traditional, 17 years and up Saul Jurado, Salem. Ter ry Heemsah Sr., Toppenish. Lightening Paul Sr., Priest Rapids. Mitchell Heemsah, Toppenish. Cory Will- iams, White Swan. Shell Dress (Wi-i-ti) Contest Char maine Frank, War m Springs. Pat Heemsah, Toppenish. Edith Walsey, Wapato. Round Bustle Special Reg gie Walsey, Toppenish. Brian George. Terry Heemsah Jr., Toppenish. Walkers in the 2023 Traditional Parade. Big winners at Pi-Ume-Sha Stick Game Tournament Photos courtesy Vanessa Knight. The first place team with Charlene OnePenny. W e would like to con- gratulate our winners in the Stickgame tournament on Saturday of Pi-Ume-Sha: Charlene One-Penny, Guy Gregg and Alice Sampson. We would also like to con- gratulate our winners in the BoneHog on Sunday: Cameryn Halliday, Edwin Saunders, Sean Cook and Andrew Gilbert. Congratulations to Violet Root, who won the tradi- tional game against Charlene OnePenny. Thank you to all who traveled near and far to par- ticipate. We hope you all had fun playing the game we all love. We would also like to thank the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, who donated $2,000 in prize money and Salmon for our meals. Thank you to Indian Head Casino who donated $500 in prize money. Thank you to Power En- terprises and Alice Sampson for donating the paper goods for the meals. Thank you to Cecelia Andy, Marissa Andy, Nicole The second place team with Guy Gregg. The BoneHog first place team with Cameryn and Edwin. Andy, Ramona Starr, Sam and Barbara Starr for help- ing cook for all our guests. Thank you to every who donated an item for the Raffle, and thank you to all those who purchased tick- ets. Third place team with Alice Sampson. The BoneHog second place team with Sean and Andrew. We couldn’t have done this without your help. P a l y a u w i s h a Ta n a n m a ( S t i c k g a m e Pe o p l e ) , Va n e s s a Knight-Crane and Alice Sampson.