Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 12, 2023, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs
July 12
Construction progress update at Kah-Nee-Ta Resort
The Confederated Tribes have
dedicated $4.5 million to renovat-
ing the Kah-Nee-Ta village area to
reopen as the Kah-Nee-Ta Resort
& Spa. The construction is pro-
gressing steadily through the work
of the development partners, the
Confederated Tribes, Warm Springs
Economic Development, and
There was an unfortunate set-
back to the work this past spring,
due to a May weather event. The
project again, though, is making
great progress, said Jim Souers,
Warm Springs Economic Develop-
ment chief executive officer.
Weather event
The Warm Springs community
and the resort construction site ex-
perienced a severe wind and rain
storm in mid May, resulting in sig-
nificant damage to resort facilities
and infrastructure. To recover from
the storm’s impact and complete the
remaining work, the anticipated
2023 reopening had to be delayed.
“We’re grateful for the expertise
of our partners and the support of
our local community given the set-
backs we faced from the extreme
weather event,” Mr. Souers said.
“Bringing a beautiful property like
Kah-Nee-Ta up to its full capacity
comes with challenges given the his-
toric nature of its origin.
“And despite those challenges,” he
said, “We’re excited and encouraged
to see the immense amount of
progress we’re making toward open-
ing and bringing Kah-Nee-Ta back
into the community.”
The improvements
Current facility improvements
underway include the following, as
described by the resort developers:
· The seven new pools. These are
more than 75 percent complete; and
the 15 VIP poolside cabanas will be
· The resort will feature the
children’s spray pool, and a sports
pool with volleyball court and bas-
ketball area. Other features:
The Museum at Warm Springs
is hosting a Patlapa (basket hat)
advanced weaving class in-
structed by Eileen Spino.
The class will be held Mon-
day through Friday, July 17-21
and the 24-28 from 5:30 until
8:30 p.m.
It’s open to tribally affiliated
advanced weavers age 18 and
older. tools and supplies will be
provided, but please bring some
cornhusk ready for weaving.
The registration deadline is this
Thursday, July 13, at 5 p.m. Please
contact Elizabeth Woody by
phone 541-553-3331, extension
Or by email:
‘Never lone Again’ Narcotics
Anonymous meetings are held ev-
ery Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m.
at the Behavioral Health Center.
Courtesy W.S. Economic Development
East view of the Kah-Nee-Ta Resort pool area.
· The children’s hot springs soak-
ing pool.
· The Lazy River pool.
· There will be three large leisure
wellness hot springs soaking pools
ranging from 92 to 103 degrees.
· The new sports bar and res-
taurant are currently under con-
· The 30-room motel has been
· The new RV Park Clubhouse
with restrooms, shower and laun-
dry facility; and the all-age Arcade
Game Room located at the RV Rec-
reational Center are 90 percent
· The Teepee Clubhouse with
restroom and showers fixtures have
been updated.
· The 20 Teepee area is prepped,
landscaped and ready for new tee-
· The outside food court with
food trailers, children’s pizza snack
bar and pool bar are at final design
· The pool clubhouse with bath-
room, showers, lockers with con-
cierge service remodeled is 80 per-
cent complete.
· The new Kah-Nee-Ta pool en-
trance courtyard area is redesigned
with tribal salmon bake fire pit and
tribal celebration area.
· There is the upgrade to the
original underground sewer and
stormwater systems from the 1960s
to bring it to full capacity.
· There is the addition of an
updated heating and air condition-
ing system in all buildings and in
every motel room.
· The underground irrigation
systems are being rebuilt.
· The new commercial laundry
facility is finished and awaiting ar-
rival and installation of new laun-
dry equipment.
· The administration building is
being remodeled, with the newly-
furnished operation and account-
Kah-Nee-Ta private riverfront soaking tubs.
ing offices, first aid center and em-
ployee area.
The resort features
Topping the long list of new and
updated amenities planned for
Kah-Nee-Ta is a seven-pool com-
plex that includes three pools fed
solely by the mineral-rich waters of
the area’s hot springs.
Guests can enjoy in one of the
three natural mineral-enriched
wellness hot springs soaking pools
at various temperature ranges—
one large leisure pool at 90-95 de-
grees, and two others ranging be-
tween 95 to 103 degrees; or relax
poolside at one of the 15 luxuri-
ous fully-equipped cabanas, nam-
ing just some of the new features.