E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Letters to the editor Tribes Arise The Tribes Arise event will be in War m Springs the weekend of June 23-25, Fri- day through Sunday. Tribes Arise will be at the gymna- sium of the old elementary school, 1112 Wasco Street. The event, hosted by Kingdom Council of the Warm Springs Tribes, will feature Genevieve Skid- more, Susan Chancellor, Har- mony Klingenmeyer, and Garland Brunoe, master of ceremonies. On Friday, June 23, din- ner will be at 5 p.m. and the meeting at 6 p.m. On Satur- day, an afternoon meeting will be at 1 p.m. Then dinner will be at 5 and the meeting at 6 p.m. On Sunday, the day begins at the 8 a.m. at the Pi-Ume- Sha grounds, then lunch at the gymnasium at 1 and the meeting at 2 p.m. If you have questions, please call Val Fuiava at 541- 977-7695; Urbana Manion at 541-419-4821; or Sue Harrison at 541-556-2368. Camping is available on site. The hotel options include the Inn at Cross Keys, 541-475- 5800; Quality Inn, 541-475- 6141; and Motel 6, 541-475- 7217. Invitation As Fences for Fido and partners in June continue the Warm Springs Spay-a-Thon, the group would like to invite you to an information session, and free tacos and soda, at the Cottonwood Restaurant at Indian Head Casino. Everyone is welcome to the gathering, set for 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 29. Join the Fences volun- teers for the tacos and soda, and learn how volunteering just a few hours on a week- end can help dogs of the reservation stay safe and healthy. You can RSVP by calling 541-668-0696. Co- host with Fences is Reser- vation Impact. At Council The following are some of the items coming up on the Tribal Council agenda dur- ing the rest of June (subject to change at Council discre- tion): Monday, June 19 9 a.m.: Secretary-Trea- surer update with Robert Brunoe. 10: July agenda discussion, and review minutes. 11: Draft resolutions. 1:30 p.m.: Enrollments with Lucille Suppach- Samson of Vital Stats. Items for further con- sideration: Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek. International Consulting Management and Engineerings— ICME—healthcare con- tract signing. Board ap- pointments. Honoring Elders day The Day to Honor El- ders Round Dance is com- ing up this Thursday, June 15. The event will be on the lawn in front of Behavioral Health on Campus, starting at 6 p.m. A light meal will be provided. Bring your hand drum and songs, and lawn chairs. The Day to Honor El- ders is hosted by Victims of Crime Services, Tanya Tewee, Paulette Henr y, Natalie Fuiava Caldera and Phyllis Shawaway. Boarding school orientation Boarding school orienta- tion is coming up on Friday, June 23 at 1 p.m., and on Saturday, June 24 at 9 a.m. at the Museum at War m Springs. Come and meeting board- ing school representatives from the Chemawa Indian School in Salem, and the Riv- erside Indian School in Anadarko, Oklahoma. You can also pick up the 2023-24 applications at the Higher Education office at the Education building. The deadline date for boarding school applications is July 31. For more information contact Higher Education at 541-553-3311. On July 4 The tribes are planning a great day for the Fourth of July, this year falling on a Tuesday. The morning will start with a 5-k fun run, starting at 8 a.m. You can register at the Community Center. The Fourth of July Pa- rade lineup is at 9 a.m. in front of the old elementary school, float judging at 10, and the parade at 11 a.m. Grand Marshall this year is Wynter Sky Meanus, and the 2023 Fourth of July Parade theme is ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom.’ There will also be a horse shoe tournament after the parade, at 12:30 p.m. at the Community Wellness Cen- ter, and a barbecue with fam- ily fun games around 1:30 p.m. The official fireworks show, sponsored by Health and Wellness, are at dusk. For more information you can call the Community Cen- ter at 541-553-3243. Summaries of Tribal Council May 1, 2023 The meeting was called to order by Chair man Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: James ‘Jim’ Manion, Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Alvis Smith III, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Wilson Wewa Jr., Carlos Calica, Rosa Graybael. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Bureau of Indian Af- fairs update with Brenda Bremner, Agency superin- tendent. · BIA Realty update with Greta White Elk: Consensus to table these land purchase resolutions. Appropriate sections of the Constitution to be noted, and correct the Articles. Other family members (tribal members) listed on the allotments will be noti- fied of the land sale to be given an option to purchase the land. · Other business discus- sion with Raymond Tsumpti: Zone 6 discussion. · State and federal legis- lative update calls. · Executive session, 1:54- 4 p.m. Motion by Wilson autho- rizing the tribal attorneys to file on behalf of the tribes, a Notice of Intent to Ap- peal the decision of the Deschutes County Board of County Commissioners, File Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo June 14, 2023 Candidate for Pi-Ume-Sha Royalty Hello my name is Erin Teeman-Smith. I am an enrolled tribal member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and reside on our beauti- ful reservation. I am running for Miss Pi-Ume-Sha 2023-24, and I am reaching out to all my friends and family to help support me on this journey. I am selling raffle tickets for $1 a piece. Our celebration for our Treaty of 1855 is being held on our beauti- ful reservation at the Pi- Ume-Sha grounds start- ing with the ground open- ing on Monday June 19, Erin Teeman-Smith followed the Health Fair on Wednesday, June 21, and the pow-wow celebration will begin on Friday, June 23 and carry through the weekend until Sunday, June 25—the original day we signed our Treaty with the fed- eral government in 1855. I thank you in ad- vance for supporting me, and my love for all my relations as we finally get to celebrate our beauti- ful powwow since the pandemic put everything on hold. Hope to see you at our Treaty Days. You can purchase the tickets through my mom Cyrille Mitchell via cash, FB Pay, Cash App or venmo $Cmit86 - Cash App @Cyrille-Mitchell - Venmo Embracing your ability to solve life problems Note: This is the second article in a series, by Dr. Shilo Tippett and posted by KWSO, regarding Life Prob- lem Solving Skills. Problems are a normal part of everyday life, but they can become a real bear when we don’t know how to solve them. Numbers 247-22-000678- MC, 247-22-000984-A, 247- 23-000003-A, which became final on April 17. Second by Carlos. Question; Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/ yes, Wilson/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Tribal attorney update with Brent Hall: Executive session, 4:05 to 5:04 p.m. · Other Business – Tribal Council: Motion by Captain ap- proving Wilson to attend the Affiliated Tribes of North- west Indians Conference as part of the panel. Second by Carlos. Question; Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/ yes, Wilson/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Wilson to ad- journ at 5:04 p.m. May 2 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: James ‘Jim’ Manion, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Vice Chair man Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Alvis Smith III, Chief Jo- seph Moses, Carlos Calica, Rosa Graybael. Minnie However, you can build skills to address the problems in your life. A positive problem solv- ing lens means you choose to look at your problems with a more optimistic viewpoint. Practice saying thinks like, “I can handle what comes my way.” And “I know I can find an answer to this.” Learning to embrace, wel- come, and conquer problems is a big step in mastering so- lutions. Yahtin, Recorder. · Portland Harbor update with Jen Gram, Ellen Grover and Austin Smith, Jr.: Executive session, 9:16- 10:45 a.m. · Madras Aquatic Center discussion with MAC direc- tor Courtney Snead. · Motion by Jim to ad- journ at 11:31 a.m. Manion, Vice Chair Moody, Lincoln Jay Suppah. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Branch of Natural Re- sources update with Austin Smith Jr. · Education update with Valerie Switzler. · Public Safety update with Nancy Seyler. Motion by Jim to adjourn at 11:55 a.m. May 3 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: Chief Joseph Moses, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Vice Chair man Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Alvis Smith III, Rosa Graybael. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Early Education Center update with Deanie Smith. · Introduction of Jessie Young, federal judge nomi- nee. Motion by Captain to adjourn at 11:47 a.m. May 15 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah, Chief Joseph Moses, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Carlos Calica, Alvis Smith III. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Secretary-Treasurer up- date with Robert Brunoe. · Tribal Council agenda discussion with the S-T. Motion by Captain ap- proving the June agenda. Sec- ond by Jay. Question; Jim/ yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Carlos/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. May 8 The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody. Roll call: James ‘Jim’ Some problems seem bigger than we can handle, remember to call on a friend, family member or even therapist to help! May SUMMARIES continue in the next Spilyay