~ Student lessons for the classroom ~ Kiksht ~ Wasq’u (continued from page 8) D.McMechan/Spilyay Kiahna Allen was among the great cooks at the salmon bake for the 2023 Seniors Day, May 10 at the Agency Longhouse. MMIR: marathon winners, sponsors Numu ~ Paiute (continued from page 8) (from page 1) The event was well at- tended and appreciated, un- derscoring the Missing and Murdered Indigenous crisis. An example of the situa- tion was apparent at the MMIR Marathon itself: Along the course, from Warm Springs to Simnasho, the organizers set up memory signs. On the many poster signs were names of MMIR people from the lo- cal community, as submitted by relatives and friends. “We ordered 20 signs and filled all of them,” Reina said. “There were only a couple of names I didn’t recognize myself. Making the posters was very emo- tional for us.” The MMIR Marathon was a volunteer gesture, or- ganized by Reina and Raylene Thomas. Starla Greene donated the meal, a huge help. The top teams and runners finished in or- der as follows: Three Peaks Warriors, Edna and Celeste. Sriponya. The 509-J Flyers. SWATT. Springers. That 1 Team— Youth. Anthony Caldera. The Warriorettes—Mara- thon. The top walking teams and walkers finished in this order: Say Their Name. Skiden Stoodis. Awawaniita. Savage Stor m and Parents. Northend. Wolfe Point. Poor Unfortunate Souls. Northending. Desk Cham- pions. MMIR would like to thank the sponsors: Thank you, sponsors Thank you, Indian Head Casino and the Plateau Travel Plaza. Twisted Tee- pee. Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprises. The Energy Trust of Oregon. The Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team. Native Aspirations and Public Utilities. Wasco Trade. Warm Springs Composite Products. Confederated Tribes and the Natural Re- sources Branch. Papalaxsimisha—‘Unity.’ KWSO radio. And thank you to the volunteers who helped out: Warm Springs Emergency Management. Warm Springs Tribal Police. The War m Springs Community Center. War m Springs Fire and Safety. Ichishkiin ~ Warm Springs (from page 8)