Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 17, 2023 Board position openings On Elders Fishery Day, below the Bonneville dam: Louis Spino and helper Wilfred Sando with spring chinook, Saturday, May 13. Mark Manion/ CTWS BNR Fisheres Summaries of Tribal Council Around the Region: MMIP Awareness Day (The following are summaries of Tribal Council from earlier this spring.) March 7 The meeting was called to or- der by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: James ‘Jim’ Manion, Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Alvis Smith III, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Wilson Wewa Jr., Carlos Calica, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Chief Judge update with Rob- ert Brunoe, Secretary-Treasurer. · Hemp update with Jim Souers, director, Economic Development. · Water treatment plant update with Chico Holliday, and Barry Buchanan, Utilities. · Murdered and Missing Indig- enous Relatives update with Reina Estimo and Raylene Thomas. · Jefferson County District At- torney discussion with Steven Leriche. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. March 8 The meeting was called to or- der by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: James “Jim” Manion, Chief Joseph Moses, Lin- coln Jay Suppah, Vice Chairman Raymond “Captain” Moody, Alvis Smith III, Carlos Calica, Wilson Wewa Jr., Rosa Graybael. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · School district 509-J update with Jay Mathisen, Superintendent, and staff. · Early Education Childhood Center update with Valerie Switzler and Deanie Smith, Education branch, regarding a concern. · Carbon Sequestration update with Natural Resources, staff and attorney. Motion by Jim to adjourn at 4:07 p.m. March 14 The meeting was called to or- der by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: Chief Joseph Moses, James “Jim” Manion, Wil- son Wewa Jr., Carlos Calica, Rosa Graybael, Alvis Smith III. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · United States Department of Justice discussion with Coby Howell and Brent Hall. · Motion by Carlos approving Joe to attend the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission meeting. Second by Alvis. Question: Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Alvis/yes, Wil- son/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/ 0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Funeral grant discussion Olivia Wallulatum. · Tribal Council Priorities discussionl: Consensus to move forward using Blue Stone, and to include General Managers at the workshop. Motion by Jim to adjourn at 12:50 p.m. April 3 The meeting was called to or- der by Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody. Roll call: Lin- coln Jay Suppah, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis Smith III, Wilson Wewa Jr., Rosa Graybael. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. . Bureau of Indian Affairs up- dates with Brenda Bremner, Page 3 Courtesy Evan Abell / Yakima Herald-Republic In Warm Springs and around the region earlier this month people recognized the Day of Awareness, May 5, of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People. Around the region: People leave Legends Casino (above) at the start of an Awareness Walk in Toppenish, Washington. On the same day (picture below), the Columbia River Round Dance for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women at the Wahtonka Community School in The Dalles. Courtesy Agency superintendent. . Bureau of Trust Funds Ad- ministration update with Kevin Moore. . Bureau of Indian Affairs Re- alty update with Greta White Elk. . Covid update with Katie Russell. . Federal and state legislative update calls. . Tribal attorney update with Josh Newton and Ellen Grover: Executive session, 2:30-3:40 p.m. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 3:40. April 4 The meeting was called to or- der at 9:06 by Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody. Roll call: Rosa Graybael, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Alvis Smith III, Wilson Wewa Jr. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Governmental Affairs update Raymond Tsumpti. · Managed Care update with Michael Collins. · Human Resources update with William Sam. · Finance update with Isaac George. · Tribal Court update with Gayleen Adams and LaDonna Squiemphen. · Indian Head Casino update. · Other business: Motion by Jay approving $1,500 for additional funeral assistance for the Heath family, bringing their loved one home from Nevada. Second by Wilson. Question: Jay/ yes, Alvis/yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/ yes, Jim (by email)/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion car- ried. Motion to adjourn at 3:18 p.m. April 5 The meeting was called to or- der at 9:17 by Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody. Roll call: James ‘Jim’ Manion, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Rosa Graybael, Alvis Smith III, Wilson Wewa Jr., Carlos Calica. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. SUMMARIES continue on 6 The Tribal Council seeks to fill positions on a number of tribal enterprise boards of di- rectors. If you are interested in serving, please submit a letter of interest and resume no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, May 19. The mailing address is: Sec- retar y-Treasurer/CEO, PO Box 455, Warm Springs OR 97761. Or hand deliver to manage- ment at the administration building. Please sign a criminal and credit background check. Forms can be emailed or mailed to you. The information is con- fidential to the S-T/CEO. The Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprise Board of Directors: One position—Tribal member. The Warm Springs Com- posite Board of Directors: One position—Tribal member. The Telecom Board of Directors: Two positions— Non members. War m Springs Credit Board of Directors: Two po- sitions—One tribal member, one non-member. The Warm Springs Ven- tures—Economic Develop- ment Corporation—Board of Directors: Two positions— One tribal member, one non member.