Page 6 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Discussion on ‘borders, divides’ Carina Miller, tribal member and chair of the Columbia River Gorge Commission, will take part in an onstage discussion, also streamed on YouTube, regarding borders and divides. Joining Ms. Miller in the talk, hosted by Oregon Humanities in Portland, will be Matt McCaw, spokesperson for the Greater Idaho movement; and Alexander Baretich, proponent of Cascadian bioregionalism and designer of the Cascadian flag. The discussion will be on Thursday, May 23. Besides serving as chair of the Gorge Commission, Carina is co- chair for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Energy Com- mittee, chair of the Native American Caucus for the Oregon Democrats. She has also served on Tribal Council. Carina lives in Warm Springs with her young son. The May 23 event will take place at the Alberta Rose Theatre, 3000 NE Alberta St., in Portland. Doors will open at 6 p.m., and the event will begin at 7. Tickets are $15, and are available for purchase at A limited number of free tick- ets are available at The pro- gram will be streamed live for free Carina Miller, Gorge Commission chair, will discuss borders and divides. on YouTube. Regarding the speakers who will join Carina for the borders and divides: Alexander Baretich is a teacher, author and geographer born and raised in Portland. He is a propo- nent of Cascadian bioregionalism and the designer of the Cascadian Flag, which he created in 1994 while studying nationalism and ethnic mi- norities in Eastern Europe. Matt McCaw is a born and raised Oregonian who has lived and worked on both sides of the state. He is currently the spokes- person for the Greater Idaho Movement and a board member of Move Oregon’s Border. McCaw and his wife are small busi- ness owners and foster parents who are raising their family in Powell Butte. This event is the final event of Oregon Humanities’ 2022–23 ‘Con- sider This Series, People, Place, and Power.’ For more information, visit the Oregon Humanities website. This series is made possible thanks to the support of the Na- tional Endowment for the Humani- ties, the Oregon Cultural Trust, Susan Hammer Fund of Oregon Community Foundation, Tonkon Torp LLP, and the City of Portland’s We Are Better Together program. Oregon Humanities connects people and communities through conversation, storytelling, and par- ticipatory programs to inspire un- derstanding and collaborative change. In the Matter of the Estate of Lupe Samuels, W.S., U/A. De- ceased Probate #2020-PR33. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lupe Samuels, who at the time of his death, last known residence was Warm Springs, Oregon died on the 22nd day of July 2020, and that the Tribal Court For The Confed- erated Tribes Of The War m Springs Reservation Of Oregon has appointed Walter Langnese III as the Public Administrator to the decedent’s Estate subject to the ju- risdiction of the Tribal Court. In the matter of the Estate of Nancy N. Blackwolf, W.S., U/ A Deceased. Estate File #2020- PR44. FINAL ACCOUNT - Peti- tion & Order Setting Time for Fil- ing Objections: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Setting Time for Objection is 5/25/2023. Any Objections filed must be received in the Warm Springs Tribal Probate Department on or before 5/25/ 2023. In the Matter of the Estate of Nancy N. Blackwolf. Notice has been given of the Final Account & Order Setting Time for Filing Ob- jections. In the Matter of the Estate of Wilbur Johnson, Sr., W.S., U/ A. Deceased Probate #026- PR26-06. IT IS HEREBY OR- DERED that the Setting Time for Objection is 5/30/2023. Any Ob- jections filed must be received in the Warm Springs Tribal Probate Department on or before 5/30/ 2023. In the Matter of the Estate of Wilbur Johnson, Sr.Notice has been given of the Final Account & Order Setting Time for Filing Objections In the Matter of the Estate of Travis R. Wells, W.S., U/A, Deceased Probate #2021-PR25. TO: Jaron Wells, Tanner Wells: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM. This hearing will be held by telephone in a virtual court- room Dial: (252) 421-9313. PIN: 803 353 512 #, In the Matter of the Estate of Travis R. Wells: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Travis R. Wells, who at the time of his death, last known residence was Madras, Oregon died on the 3 rd day of May, 2021, and that the Tribal Court For The Confederated Tribes Of The Warm Springs Reser vation Of Oregon has appointed Valerie Squiemphen, as Public Administra- tor to administer the decedent’s Estate subject to the jurisdiction of the Tribal Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Alice Scott, W.S., U/A, De- ceased Probate #2016-PR21. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Setting Time for Objection is 5/ 26/2023. Any Objections filed must be received in the Warm Springs Tribal Probate Depart- ment on or before 5/26/2023. In the Matter of the Estate of Alice Scott. Notice has been given of the Final Account & Or- der Setting Time for Filing Objec- tions. In the Matter of the Estate of Roderick Wesley, W.S., U/ A, Deceased Probate #2023- PR16. TO: Jamey Wesley: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 24, 2023 at 9:00 AM. This hearing will be held by telephone in a virtual courtroom Dial: (970) 703-3475. PIN: 611 040 476 # Possible declaration of Oregon ‘fishery disaster’ Oregon senators and repre- sentatives are urging the De- partment of Commerce to de- clare a fishery resource disas- ter. If the expedited declaration is made, federal aid would be- come immediately available. The request comes during a time when Pacific commercial salmon fisheries are expecting an 82 percent loss in value when compared to the five-year average. “The value of salmon to Oregon cannot be overstated,” the members wrote in a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. “In addition to the economic activity generated by this indus- try, salmon are an important part of the cultural heritage of Pacific Northwest tribes and are a treasured natural resource across the state. “However, the challenging impacts of climate change, in- creased drought, changing ocean conditions, and critical habitat loss complicate the re- covery of salmon populations along the Pacific Coast. Federal support for this industry is criti- cal while local, state, and fed- eral partners continue work on long-term solutions.” In a re- lated item: With Chinook salmon num- bers dwindling along the Or- egon Coast, the southern resi- dent orcas that live in the Pa- cific Northwest face the risk of starvation. Oregon has listed the salmon as an endangered species, and now a state com- mission is petitioning to add the orcas to the same list. FERC endorses Goldendale project In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs - Probate Note: For all notices below stat- ing that ‘Notice has been given of the Final Account & Order setting Time for Filing Objections’ the fol- lowing duly sworn oath applies as stated completely stated here, and duly sworn and attested: The undersigned duly appointed, qualified and Appointed Adminis- trator of the above-entitled estate, being first duly sworn on oath and say as follows: 1. That I caused to be prepared a Final Account and Petition and Order Setting Time for Filing Objections in the manner and Form attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit: That such No- tice was given by: (a) US Postal first class mailing (b) Posting true cop- ies thereof in three public places within the Warm Springs Indian Reservation: 1. Warm Springs Mar- ket 2. Warm Springs Tribal Court 3. Warm Springs Post Office (c) Given to Spilyay Tymoo for post- ing in their publication And note: For all correspon- dence, including objections, the mailing address for Probate is: Warm Springs Tribal Probate De- partment, PO Box C, War m Springs, OR 97761. Or deliver in person at 1233 Veterans, Warm Springs, OR 97761. May 3, 2023 In the Matter of the Estate of Roderick Wesley: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Roderick Wesley, who at the time of death, last known residence was Warm Springs, Oregon died on the 1 st day of April, 2023, and that the Tribal Court For The Confederated Tribes Of The Warm Springs Reservation Of Oregon has appointed Valerie Squiemphen, as Public Administra- tor to administer the decedent’s Estate subject to the jurisdiction of the Tribal Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Lucille Schuster, W.S., U/A, Deceased Probate #2021-PR76. TO: Annette Polk, Morris Holliday, Wayne Miller and Elizabeth Miller: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 26, 2023 at 9:00 AM. This hearing will be held by telephone in a virtual courtroom Dial: (347) 788-342. PIN: 246 284 810 # In the Matter of the Estate of Lucille Schuster: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lucille Schuster, who at the time of death, last known residence was Warm Springs, Oregon died on the 19 th day of December, 2021, and that the Tribal Court For The Confederated Tribes Of The Warm Springs Res- ervation Of Oregon has appointed Valerie Squiemphen, as Public Ad- ministrator to administer the decedent’s Estate subject to the ju- risdiction of the Tribal Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Carol K. Craig, W.S., U/A, De- ceased Probate #2023-PR11. TO: Samuel Kentura, Oswald Tias, Miriam Tias, Vernon Tias and Martha Suppah: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a probate hearing is scheduled for JULY 26, 2023 at 2 PM. This hearing will be held by telephone in a virtual courtroom Dial: (317) 659-0717. PIN: 246 650 364 207 # In the Matter of the Estate of Carol K. Craig: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Carol K. Craig, who at the time of death, last known residence was Warm Springs, Oregon died on the 13 th day of March, 2023, and that the Tribal Court For The Confederated Tribes Of The Warm Springs Reservation Of Oregon has appointed Valerie Squiemphen, as Public Administra- tor to administer the decedent’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission staff has recom- mended licensing an energy project that would send water from the Columbia River rush- ing through an underground powerhouse in south-central Washington. The Goldendale Energ y Storage Project would require a small amount of water and supply on-demand energy to back up wind and solar power, according to a FERC draft en- vironmental impact statement. The project would be the first in Washington that gener- ates electricity by releasing wa- ter stored in an upper reservoir. The water would rush through Estate subject to the jurisdiction of the Tribal Court. In the matter of the Estate of Joe L. Wally, W.S., U/A De- ceased Estate File #1976-PR08. IT I HEREBY ORDERED that the Setting Time for Objection is 5/30/2023. Any Objections filed must be received in the Warm Springs Tribal Probate Depart- ment on or before 5/30/2023. In the Matter of the Estate of Joe L. Wally. Notice has bene given of Final Account & Order Setting Time for Filing Objections. buried pipes and turbines and empty into a lower reservoir. Besides a FERC license, the project will need a water-qual- ity permit from the Washington Department of Ecology, which is expected to make a decision by May 23. The department’s decision will be based entirely on the Ecology’s own environ- mental study, she said. With the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Umatilla and Nez Perce tribes oppose the project. The tribes believe the project will disturb and block access to spiritual sites and medicinal plants. In the matter of the Estate of Wilbur Johnson Sr., W.S., U/ A Deceased Estate File #026- PR26-06. IT I HEREBY OR- DERED that the Setting Time for Objection is 5/30/2023. Any Ob- jections filed must be received in the Warm Springs Tribal Probate Department on or before 5/30/ 2023. In the matter of the Estate of Wilbur Johnson Sr. Notice has been given of Final Account & Order Setting Time for Filing Objections. Warm Springs Victims of Crime Services provides sup- port and services to women, men, elders and children that are in abusive situation. Everyone deserves to feel safe. If you or someone you know could use assistance, please call 541-553-2293 during the work day or call Warm Springs Police Dispatch at 541-553-1171 in the evening or on the weekend, and ask for a Victims of Crime Services Advocate.