Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon December 28, 2022 Page 7 In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs (from page 6) TIFFANY HUNT, Pe- titioner, vs TANAYA HUNT, Respondent; Case No. DO91-20. TO: TANAYA HUNT, BLAKE WEASELHEAD, TIFFANY HUNT, SYLVANIA RUSSELL BRISBOIS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an CON- SERVATOR GUARDIAN- SHIP REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 31 ST day of JANUARY, 2023 @ 9:00 AM DELBERT FRANK, Petitioner, vs LAWRENCE SHIKE JR., Respondent; Case No. JV162-06. TO: DELBERT FRANK, NORMA S W I T Z L E R , LAWRENCE JR & TRIXIE SHIKE: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an MODIFICATON / RE- VIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 25 TH day of JANU- ARY, 2023 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs BOBBI GILBERT, Re- spondent; Case No. DO12-10, DO89-07. TO: BOBBI GILBERT, AN- DREW WAINANWIT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 31 st day of January , 2023 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs BOBBI GILBERT, Re- spondent; Case No. DO37-20. TO: BOBBI GILBERT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 31 st day of January , 2023 @ 2:30 PM notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 6 TH day of FEBRUARY, 2023 @ 10:30 AM Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 20 th day of FEBRU- ARY 2023 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs A N D R E W WAINANWIT, Respon- dent; Case No. DO12-10, DO89-07. TO: ANDREW WAINANWIT: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a SHOW CAUSE has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 31 ST day of JANUARY, 2023 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ALICIA YAZZIE, Re- spondent; Case No. JV5- 21. TO: ALICIA YAZZIE, STEPHAN CENTRE, CPS, JV PROS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an AS- SISTED GUARDIAN- SHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 6 TH day of FEBRUARY, 2023 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs OLEA YAHTIN, Respon- dent; Case No. JV56-18. TO: OLEA YAHTIN, THERMAN SUPPAH SR: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 22 nd ay of FEBRUARY, 2023 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs DELSIE LOGAN, Re- spondent; Case No. JV34- 21. TO: DELSIE LO- GAN, CPS, JV PROS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an AS- SISTED GUARDIAN- SHIP has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal PROBATE In the matter of the es- tate of Coby E. Tewee, W.S., U/A, deceased. Es- tate no. 2018-PR16. To Rashawna Lucille Polk- Tewee, c/o Child Protec- tive Services and Donnie Bernard Polk-Tewee, c/o CTWS, Petitioner, vs ALICIA YAZZIE, Re- spondent; Case No. JV3- 21. TO: ALICIA YAZZIE, JAMES ARTHUR, CPS, JV PROS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this Tradition is key to culturally appropriate advocacy StrongHearts Native Helpline is working to uplift the voices of survivors by recognizing the strength and resilience of Indigenous peoples. We acknowledge that do- mestic and sexual violence has lived in our communi- ties for far too long and that victim survivors are often denied justice. “Our history was never written through the eyes of our people who narrowly survived the forces of colo- nization and assimilation,” said Lori Jump, Native Helpline chief executive of- ficer. “In the eyes of elders, we can see historical trauma without them speaking a word. “We know that domestic and sexual violence was used as a means to control us and to control each other. We must dispel the belief that we were born this way by teaching our children about our real history.” For example, in 1791, William Bartram, an Ameri- can naturalist, wrote about the Creek and Cherokee na- tions: “An Indian never at- tempts, nay, he cannot use towards a woman amongst them any indelicacy or inde- cency, either in action or lan- guage. I never saw or heard of an instance of an Indian beating his wife or other fe- male, or reproving them in anger or harsh language.” Domestic and sexual vio- lence is not a traditional practice. We must strive to revive our culture and acknowledge that our values are histori- cally based in humanity, love, respect and honor. We must also uplift the voices of vic- tim survivors and seek jus- tice in our courts to hold perpetrators responsible for their crimes. Inadequate resources Part of StrongHearts’ mission to restore power to Native Americans impacted by domestic and sexual vio- lence, includes the develop- ment of a unique, culturally specific database that incor- porates Native-centered re- sources on top of those re- ing power back to our people; trust that they know what is best for them and to help them to find the resources they want and need. Core values and guid- ing principles sources utilized by main- stream advocates. As such, we know that there simply are not enough resources available to our relatives. For instance, there are 576 federally recognized tribal nations and only 250 native centered resources identified and listed in the StrongHearts database. When it comes to safe shelter, the situation is even more dire, with less than 60 culturally appropriate shelters nationwide. Given the epi- demic level rates of violence our relatives experience, this is nothingless than tragic. More funding is necessary at not only the federal level, but also the state level. The federal government must do better to meet their trust re- sponsibilities and states must do better to meet the needs of all residents in their states - especially those populations plagued by violence. Culturally appropriate advocacy At StrongHearts, all of our advocates are citizens of tribal nations and have been trained to understand Native cultures and traditions, the unique barriers to justice and the need for accessible Na- tive-centered service provid- ers. Culturally appropriate means StrongHearts advo- cates understand the signifi- cance of being Native-cen- tered, trauma informed and empowerment based. Native centered means that our advocates understand the core values of Indigenous peoples. Trauma informed means our advocates recognize do- mestic and sexual violence as a symptom of colonization and assimilation. Empower ment based means that our advocates rec- ognize the importance of giv- It is an essential compo- nent of StrongHearts advo- cacy that we adhere to core values and guiding principles that were set forth by our ancestors. That we must honor their teachings in our advocacy and in doing so, we adhere to seven principles: Culture: Indigenous cul- ture is at the heart of our existence. We connect with all Tribal Nations and honor their diversity. Balance: Our culture is rooted in traditional lifeways inclusive of the mind, body, and spirit and to promote a healthy balance. Inter-relatedness: We honor our connection to our relatives, ancestors, and Mother Earth. We strive to overcome oppression and endeavor to promote healing. Humility: We learn equally from Native teach- ings including the lessons learned in non-traditional ways. We value the strength of our people, validate their lived experiences and work to create an empathetic and mutual understanding. Braver y: We face the unique challenges of Native people and call upon the strength and bravery of our ancestors to meet those chal- lenges with mental and moral courage. Resilience: Centered on the resiliency of Indigenous survivors and their ability to adapt in the face of adver- sity, we seek to promote a healing journey in our quest for social justice. Tr ust: We honor our people and endeavor to cre- ate an environment where truth and honesty are valued while building trust among and for our people. For safe, confidential and anonymous support and advocacy, StrongHearts Native Help- line’s advocates are available 24/7. Call or text 1-844-7NA- TIVE or visit our the site: strongheartshelpline.org At the site we cann chat online. Child Protective Services: You are hereby notified that a probate hearing is sched- uled for 9 a.m. on January 26, 2023. Courtroom room. Call 1-304-503-3192. Pin 417 558 480# In the matter of the es- tate of Viola L. Kalama, W.S ., U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2015-PR36. To the Estate of Cody Edgar Tewee, Cody Lee Miller, Murray Eric Kalama, Terrance Anthony Smith, Duane Gene Miller Jr., Brenda Lois Scott, Kelsey Clarence Kalama, Brittney Elexes Kalama, Jamie Nor val Halliday, Barbara Jean Lowe, Cameryn Coy Halliday, Rhonda Kay Kurtz, Nicole Videll Jack, Leni Ray Miller and Spokes- person for Reina Estimo and Martha Klein Izenson: You are hereby notified that a probate hear- ing is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Febr uar y 21, 2023. Courtroom 2. Call 1-650- 781-0920. Pin 295 494 390# CRITFC: Second Notice of Abandoned Property Notice is hereby given that the titled properties listed below have been tagged as abandoned and are not authorized to remain on the fishing sites. If these items are not claimed and moved by the date indicated on the tag, the BIA will dis- pose of the abandoned property, all risks and li- abilities to the owner. If you are the owner of any of these properties or know who is, please call the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Com- mission Fishing Site Maintenance at (503) 881-3376 or (541) 296- 6010. Cascade Locks In- Lieu Site: Boats: Single hull 22'; White, # WA 9510 VR EODTEV-1 WN 208PUY WA • Tri-hull; Green, # OR 87GE • Single Hull; Spray Painted Free, No plate • Single Hull; Green, # WN 7709 NF • Tri- hull; White, # WA 3660G • Single Hull 17'; Bayliner Capri; White, # OR 993 MU • Tri-hull 18', White, # 2301 F • Single Hull; Flying V, No plate • Tri-hull; Yel- low/White, No plate • Tri-hull; Two-tone Beige/White, # WN 827 AM / WA 1194QQ • Single Hull 16'; White, # OR345CD Trailers/Campers: Pony Trailer, No plate • Destroyed by fire, No plate • Lo-liner; White, # OR R587417 • No- mad Camper Trailer, No plate • Shasta Camper, # WA 1732XF • Travel EZ Trailer, # OR 711620 • Aristocrat Lo-Liner, No plate Vehicles: Ford F350; Beige, No plate• Ford F250; Red, VIN: IFTHX26G9MKA12477 • Mazda; Black, VIN: 4F4CR12A7RTM53629 • Chevy Silverado; Red, V I N : 1GCGC34V36J167131, Plate: OR JVE908 • Dodge Sportsman Camper, VIN: F44CD7V022334 Cooks In-Lieu Site Boats: Tri-hull; Grey, #WN 2893 KT • Tri-hull; DOG, #WN 8401 MD • Single Hull w/Trailer, No plates • Tri-hull; Red, #WN 9709 RC • Tri-hull; Blue, #E1NELL • Tri-hull; White /Trailer, #WN 4766 Trailers/Campers: Single Axle White, No plates • Tandem Axle, No plates • No Axle, No plates • Single Axle, No plates • Burnt, No plates Vehicles: Mazda Hatchback; Black, VIN: JM1BLK34L191199818 • Toyota Truck; White, #WA B477888, VIN: JT4RN81R9K5037140 • Chevy Silverado; Red, #OR TW4638, VIN: 2BCFC29K3M11085561 • Honda Civic; Silver, #YN 4076, VIN: JHMEE2853LS003744 North Bonneivlle In- Lieu Site Boats: Tri-hull; Bayliner, #WA 7071 YN • Single hull; White, #WN 282 SL • Single Hull; White; Glas Ply, No plate • Tri- hull, #OR 715 MS • Single Hull, #WN 7255 JF • Tri- hull Reinell, No plate • Small Boat; Blue, #OR 9045 • Tri-hull 21' Glaston, #WN 1307T • River Run- ner w/Trailer, No plate • Single Hull Alpine, #3014 AS Trailers/Campers: Camper Trailer, No plate • Cat Trailer - Prowler, No plate • Camper Trailer, #OR R562887 • Komfort Trailer, #WA 2304 UJ • Timberline Trailer, No plate • Hitchhiker II; Burnt, #WA 1009 UP • Litation, No plate • Wil- derness, No plate • Re- gal, No plate • Cavalier Trailer, #OR 675403 Vehicles: Dodge Club Cab; Brown, VIN: D27BE65S212598 • Chrysler PT Cruiser; Sil- ver, #WA AFT 2348, V I N : 3C4FY58B22T362505 • Motor Home, #OR AAG290 • Mitsubishi Lancer; Black, #WA AYR4511 • Honda Ac- cord; Silver, #CCK2579, V I N : IHGCD5609VA21468 • Chevy 1500; White, #YN 3797, VIN: 1GTEK19RXRWR501215 • Toyota Tundra; White, #WA C48967U, VIN: 5TBDT44145S4833329 • Chevy Silverado; Silver, #WA C51131L, VIN: 2GCEC19VXX1180491 • Ford F150; Black, VIN: IFTEX14HXMKA54889 • Chevy Spark; Blue, V I N : KL8CB6S9XEC572388 • Dodge Camper, #WA 073ZAQ • Pontiac Sun- bird; Blue, VIN: 1G2JB34K8M7598674 • Geo Tracker: Black, #WA BPG847, VIN: 2CNBE18U2R6942610 Pasture Point Treaty Fishing Access Site Boats: Tri-hull Fiber Form; White, No plate • Tri-hull; Green, No plate • Single Hull; White, No plate • Tri-hull; Beige, #WN 131 AM • Single Hull Bayliner; Blue, #WN 9112 M Vehicles: Box Truck, #WA C97992