Page 2 Spílya Táimu, Warm Springs, Oregon Election Day on Tuesday, November 8 The General Election is next Tuesday, November 8. The unofficial results will be known at 8 p.m. on Elec- tion Day. The official results are posted by the last day of the month, to include ballots post-marked on or before November 8. On the ballot are the of- fices of U.S. Senator, Or- egon Governor, state rep- resentative, and state judge- ship positions. For the county are the offices of clerk, county commissioner, treasurer and sheriff. All include unop- posed candidates except the commissioner position. For commissioner are candi- dates Mark Wunsch and Mae Huston. On the local ballots in Jefferson County is measure 16-104, a renewal of the five-year local option tax for general operations of the Madras Aquatic Center Rec- reation District. The levy would not increase property taxes, but rather renews the current rate approved by voters in 2017 and will pro- vide district continued funds to sustain district’s current recreation operations and services. Tribal land of the reservation is not subject to the property tax. On the local ballots for Jefferson County, County Measure 16-101 is looking to prohibit psilocybin-re- lated businesses within Jefferson County. The ques- tion to Jefferson County voters is: ‘Shall Jefferson County prohibit psilocybin- related business, including product manufacturers and service centers in Jefferson County?’ There is a statewide bal- lot measure asking whether to remove language allow- ing “slavery and involuntary servitude” as punishment for a crime. Another state measure: “Requires a per- mit to acquire firearms; and police to maintain a permit/ firear m database; and criminally prohibits certain ammunition magazines.” Another state measure asks whether to amend the state constitution: “Legislators with ten unexcused absences from floor sessions are dis- qualified from holding the next term of office.” You can return ballots by mail with postage paid and it needs to be received by 8 p.m. on November 8 to count. You can also return ballots at any official drop box. Local drop boxes are located at Three Warriors Market in Simnasho, on campus near Fire and Safety in Warm Springs and at the County Clerk’s office in Madras. November 2, 2022 School district meeting in W.S. To families of the School Distirct 509-J, The purpose of this notice is to let our fami- lies and the community know there will be a meet- ing for our district to present data and gather feedback. Families and community members are invited. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, No- vember 9 at the Warm Springs Academy at 5:30 pm. Dinner will be served with the meeting to follow from 6-7 p.m. The district annually affords its patrons the op- portunity to offer com- ments and recommenda- tions relative to the dis- trict programs and out- comes and offer feed- back for all programs. This meeting had first been scheduled for late October; and has been changed to the Novem- ber 9 date. If anybody wishing to attend the meeting has a disability requir- ing assistance, please advise Tessa Bailey at 541-475-6192 about specific arrangements that may accommodate your participation in this meeting. IHS: Funding allocated for tribal infrastructure Recreation hosted Trunk-or-Treat and Hocus Pocus Halloween on Monday evening, with young people of all ages in their imaginative costumes. D.McMechan/Spilyay Courtesy IHS Tribal Council members met with the Indian Health Services leadership team, including director Roselyn Tso (here beside Council Chairman Jonathan Smith). Public Notice: School District 509-J Budget Committee Vacancy The Jefferson County School District 509-J Board of Direc- tors is accepting appli- cations from interested community members who would like to fill the district budget commit- tee positions. The ap- plications are due No- vember 6. The board will review applications, and ap- pointments will be made at the November board meeting. The appointment would become effec- tive immediately and end June 30, 2025. To be eligible for ap- pointment, the candi- date: Must live in Jefferson County. Must not be an officer or employee of Jefferson County School District. Must be a qualified voter of the district. Applications may be obtained at the District Office at 445 SE Buff Street or on our website: The position will be open until filled or un- til first official budget meeting in the spring of 2023. Please return your ap- plication to the District Office or email: (from page 1) The leadership group that visited with the tribes in- cluded, along with director Tso: Ann Church, acting IHS chief of staff. Jonathan Merrell, deputy director for Quality Healthcare. Rose Weahkee, acting deputy director for Intergov- ernmental Affairs. Ashley Tuomi, Portland Area Direc- tor of Clinical Support. Cpt. Jason Lovett, director, divi- sion of Health Facilities En- gineering. Cpt. Alex Dailey, director, Portland Area division of Sanitation Facilities Construc- tion. Cdr. Christopher Vaught, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering. Lt. Cdr. Patrick Fox, Of- fice of Environmental Health and Engineering Cpt. Roney Won, acting special assistant to the Port- land Area Director. Michelle Miller, clinic deputy chief executive officer, receives an Appreciation Pandemic Response coin from IHS director Tso. Coming up in November at Tribal Council (from page 1) Tuesday, November 8 11: Tribal Gaming Regulatory Authority dis- cussion with the Authority team. 1:30 p.m.: Summary of district meetings. Wednesay, November 9 9 a.m.: Range Insurance Group discussion with Jaime Cortes. Friday, November 11: Tribal organization is closed in observance of Veterans Day. Monday, November 14 9 a.m.: Review minutes and resolutions with the S- T/CEO. Tuesday, November 15: General Council meet- ing at the Agency Longhouse, 6 p.m. dinner and meeting at 7. Monday, November 21 9 a.m.: Secretary-Trea- surer update. 10: November agenda and review minutes with the S-T. 11: Draft resolutions. 1:30 p.m.: Legislative up- date calls, federal and state. 2:30: Enrollments with Lucille Sampson of Vital Stats. 3: Indian Health Services update with Hyllis Dauphinais. Tuesday, November 22 – Tribal Council meeting with committees. 9 a.m.: Culture and Heri- tage. 9:30: Education. 10: On Reservation Fish and Wildlife. 10:30: Off Reservation Fish and Wildlife. 11: Health and Welfare. 11:30: Land Use Planning. 1:30 p.m.: Range and Ag- riculture. 2: Timber. 2:30: Election and Count- ing Board. Wednesday, November 23 9 a.m.: Approve 2023 tribal budget and resolution. Wednesday, Novem- ber 23: Organization early shutdown at noon. Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25: Or- ganization closed for Thanksgiving holiday. Notes... Papalaxsimisha pre- sents a Youth Boys Big Drum Series on Wednesdays through November 16. This is for boys age 10 and older. Neal Morningowl and Johnson Bill facili- tate. Dinner is served each Wednesday at 5:45 and the Drum Ses- sion will run from 6:16- 7:30. Pa p a l a x s i m i s h a ’s next Mom’s Talking Circle is on November 16 during the noon hour at the Family Re- source Center.