Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 07, 2022, Image 1

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    Spílya Táimu
Coyote News, est. 1976
Budget for
2023 at
The following are some of the
items coming up on the Tribal Coun-
cil agenda in the month of Septem-
ber, including the 2023 budget pre-
sentations (subject to change at
Council discretion):
Wednesday, September 7
9 a.m.: 2023 proposed budget
with the S-T and Finance lead.
Monday, September 12 – Bud-
get presentations
9 a.m.: Budget overview with the
S-T and Finance.
10: Secretary-Treasurer.
11: Human Services with
Caroline Cruz.
1:30 p.m.: Public Safety with
Nancy Seyler.
2:30: Public Utilities with Chico
3:30: Warm Springs Ventures
with Jim Souers.
Tuesday, September 13 – Bud-
get presentations
9 a.m.: Natural Resources.
10: Education with Valerie
11: Human Resources with Wil-
liam Sam.
1:30 p.m.: Governmental Affairs
with Raymond Tsumpti Sr.
2:30: Finance with Isaac George.
3:30: Administrative Services
with the S-T.
Wednesday, September 14 –
Budget presentations
9 a.m.: Tribal Court with Gayleen
Adams, interim chief judge.
10: G&A, debt service, capital
and tribal gatherings with the S-T
and Finance.
11: Tribal Council with Doris
Miller and Minnie Yahtin.
1:30 p.m.: Council support ser-
vices with Doris and Minnie.
2:30: Fish and Wildlife Commit-
tee—On Reservation.
3:30: Fish and Wildlife Commit-
tee—Off Reservation.
Thursday, September 15 – Bud-
get presentations
9 a.m.: Timber Committee.
10: Water Board.
11: Health and Welfare Commit-
1:30 p.m.: Education Committee.
2:30: Land Use Committee.
3:30: Culture and Heritage Com-
September 7, 2022 - Vol. 47, No. 19
September – Wanaq’i – Fall - Tiyam
PO Box 489
Warm Springs, OR 97761
Postal Patron
U.S. Postage
Warm Springs, OR 97761
Great new addition for Languages
Speaking and listening, read-
ing and writing, language is our
main tool of expression. Lan-
guage is the road map of all cul-
tures, telling you where the
people come from and where
they are going. From this per-
spective the new edition of the
Warm Springs Ichishkiin Dictio-
nary is a thorough and user-
friendly road map to the culture
of the Warm Springs people.
The fascinating 455-page dic-
tionary has both Ichishkiin-to-
English and English-to-Ichishkiin
translations. This linguistic work
required great collaboration in-
volving many people for a num-
ber of decades now.
Some of the people who have
worked on the project gathered for
a celebration of the new publica-
tion at the HeHe Longhouse. Not
all could present in person as many
of the elders have now passed. Still,
the occasion was joyous and mov-
Henry Millstein, tribal linguist
of the Confederated Tribes in the
1980s and 1990s, wrote and ed-
ited the first dictionaries of both
the Ichishkiin and Kiksht lan-
guages. He visited from Califor-
nia for the Ichishkiin Dictionary
publishing celebration.
Courtesy Deanie Johnson
Presenting the new publication at Hehe were Joana Jansen,
Nariyo Kono, Heny Millstein, Merle Kirk and Valerie Switzler
(standing from left, with Jefferson Greene at far left).
Rodeo rides again in Warm Springs
Rodeo Queen Mary Olney (above) during the
opening ceremony, as presented by the Warm
Springs Rough Rodeo team (below); as Evan Spino
and Josh Olney (lower at right) enjoy the show.
Dave McMechan photos/Spilyay
School bells ring in fall semester
Friday, September 16 – Budget
9 a.m.: Range, Irrigation and Ag
10: Cannabis Commission.
11: High Lookee Lodge with
Lonnie Parsons.
1:30 p.m.: Museum at Warm
Springs with Liz Woody.
2:30: Tribal Employment Rights
Office (TERO) with Wendell Jim.
3:30: TERO Commission.
Monday, September 19 – Budget
TRIBAL COUNCIL continues on 3
This week is the first of the new school year with
most students returning on Tuesday, and tenth-
through twelfth-grades at the high school starting
this Wednesday, September 7.