Spilyay Tymoo June 15 Page 3 Academy eighth-graders moving on Last week marked the end of the school year at the War m Springs Academy. The school celebrated the school year with a pow- wow on the Academy football field. And there was an Eighth-Grade Celebra- tion Parade to honor those eighth-graders who are moving on to high school. Those eighth- graders moving on to high school are: · Yamilei Adams. Shaki Aguilar. Jare Ander- son. Evaristo Antunez Jr. Jaurissa Bellanger. · Cody Brunoe. LaDainian Caldera Picard. Patrick Charley. Charmaine Chee. Mahayla Cisco. · Sandra Clements. Myron Crooked Arm. Ri- chard Crooked Arm. Peyton Frank. Kalyssa Fuentes. Ramon Greene. Wallace Herkshan. Brayden Hintsala. Jalena Howe Weaselhead. Daunte Hurtado. Janea Ike. Cayman Ippolito. LeQuisha Jackson. Aja Nah Jefferson. Jessica Johnson. Maria Johnson. Priscilla Johnson. Tamera Kalama Boise. Esther Kalama Tufti. Oriel Leal. Trayson Mireau Adams. Deklyn Parton. Jason Rabbie Jr. Mahayla Robinson Summary of Tribal Council The following is a sum- mar y of a Tribal Council meeitng from May: May 23, 2022 The meeting was called to order at 9:15 by Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Cap- tain’ Moody. Roll call: Lin- coln Jay Suppah, Carlos Calica, Alvis Smith III, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Rosa Graybael, Chair man Jonathan Smith, Chief Jo- seph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Due to technical issues Chairman Smith asked that the Vice Chair continue Chairing the meeting. · Tribal Council agenda. Motion by Jay approving the June agenda, subject to change. Second by Joe. Ques- tion. Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/ yes, Alfred/yes, Carlos/yes, Rosa/yes, Jonathan/yes, 7/ 0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Incentive request discus- sion with Isaac George: Motion by Alvis approv- ing the American Rescue Planb Act (ARPA) employee retention Incentive as pre- sented. Second by Jay. Ques- tion. Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/ yes, Alfred/yes, Carlos/yes, Rosa/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Personal time off dona- tion requests with William Sam: Motion by Carlos approv- ing William to proceed with the requests. Second by Alvis. Tribal Council June agenda (from page 1) Tuesday, June 21 9:30: Indian Head Ca- sino and Plateau Travel Plaza update with acting managers. 10: Warm Springs Ven- tures update with Jim Souers. 11: Phones update iwth Tim York, Telecom. 1:30 p.m.: CARES and ARPA update with Isaac George. 2:30: Education and Joint Health update iwth Caroline Cruz. 3: Northwest Area Health Board update with Caroline and Austin Reservation has so far avoided heatwave Large areas of the west in recent days have experi- enced a ‘dangerous and deadly heat wave.’ Along with Ari- zona, the states of California, Nevada and Texas were es- pecially hot during the wave. Meanwhile, the Warm Springs Res- er vation and the region have so far avoided the heat. Averag e tem- peratures here have been in the 70s, combined with an unusual though very welcome June rainfall. Greene. 3:30: Water treatment plant tour with Chico Holliday, Utilities. Wednesday, June 22 9 a.m.: PacificCorp dis- cussion with Matt Chan- cellor. 10: Akana update iwth Said. 11: Bluestone update with John Mooers. 1:30 p.m.: Confeder- a t e d Tr i b e s B r o a d b a n d Action Team and mem- bers. Monday, June 27: Branch and departmetn updates. 9 a.m.: Human Resources with William Sam. 9:30: Finance update with Angeles. Quincy Scott. Irenecia Smith Queahpama. Angelo Smith. Maylene Smith. Paradise Smith. Amarius Stevens. LaRhia Stevens. Heaven Stwyer. Ulysses Suppah Jr. Donavon Tane washa. Skye Victorino. Sterlin Wah-chumwah. Red Sky Waheneka. Dakota Wewa. Gavin Williams. Kayla Williams. CyRhon Wolfe. TeShaun Yazzie. Congratulations to those eighth-graders on your accomplishments. You can view the celebra- tion video at kwso.org Question. Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Carlos/yes, Rosa/yes, 6/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · District No. 4 Sidwalter Flat Grazing Association District Operational Rules and Grazing Plans discus- sion Terry Squiemphen: Tabled for more infor- mation from the Bureau of Indian Affairs Superinten- dent, and updated maps. · Intelligent Video Solu- tions demonstration with Josh Riebe. · Inheritance Act Pur- chase resolution discussion with James Halliday, Land Services: Motion by Jay adopting Resolution No. 12,941, that the Tribal Council hereby in- dicates its right and desire to purchase the interest of the decedent in land subject to the Act within the allowable timeframe. By the Tribal Council that the Council Chairman send a Notice of Intent to Purchase the inter- ests (1/576 undivided inter- est in Allotment 145-716) to the Superintendent on or be- fore May 1, 2022, and the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO and bureau of Indian Affairs are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and file all documents necessary to complete this Inheritance Act Purchase with funds from the real estate acquisition fund as quickly as possible. Second by Carlos. Question; Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Carlos/yes, Rosa/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Carlos to ad- journ at 11:40 a.m. Isaac George. 10: Governmental Affairs discussion with Raymond Tsumpti Sr. 10:30: Managed Care pro- gram update with Michael Collins. 11: Administrative Ser- vices discussion with the S- T. 11:30: Procurement up- date with Libby Chase. 1:30 p.m.: Tribal Court update with the chief judge. 2: Health and Human Ser- vices update with Caroline Cruz. 2:30: Public Safety update with Nancy Seyler, acting gen- eral manager. 3: Natural Resources with Robert Brunoe. 3:30: Veterans Service Office update with the S-T. 4: High Lookee Lodge update with Lonnie Parsons, acting director. Tuesday, June 28 9 a.m.: Education Branch update with Valerie Squiemphen. 9:30 a.m.: Public Utilities branch update with Chico Holliday. 10: Tribal Employment Rights Office—TERO—up- date with Wendell Jim. 10:30: Gaming Commissoin and Surveillance update with Josephine Johnson. 1:30 p.m.: 2023 tribal bud- get process and revenue fore- cast discussion with Isaac George, Finance, and the S-T. 2:30: Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team update with Chris Watson, Starla Green, staff and board. Around Indian Country Featured on new U.S. quarter Fewer than 100 people in American history have been depicted on U.S. coins and currency, and Kermit Mankiller knew one of them personally. Not only knew one, but is related to her. Kermit was born in Clarkston and previously served as chief executive of the Nez Perce Tribal Enterprises. Last week was a good one for him and his ex- tended family. That’s when the U.S. Mint released the first Wilma Mankiller quarters during a special ceremony in Oklahoma. Wilma is just the sixth American woman to ap- pear on a U.S. coin. She was the first woman to be elected primary chief of the Cherokee Nation — the second-largest Native American tribe in the country. She served 10 years in that position, from 1985-95.