Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon June 1, 2022 In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs All proceedings are held at the CTWS Tribal Court. 27 TH day of JUNE, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs ASHLYNN SOHAPPY, RESPONDEN; Case No. JV177-08. TO: ASHLYNN SOHAPPY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to ap- pear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 22 ND day of JUNE, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs EDITH WYENA, Re- spondent; Case No. DO102-08. TO: EDITH WYENA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of JUNE, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MANDY SWITZLER, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV25-13. TO: MANDY SWITZLER, BENJAMIN HOLLIDAY, MARIA MACHIC- HOLLIDAY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an AS- SISTED GUARDIAN- SHIP REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to ap- pear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 30 th day of JUNE, 2022 @ 3:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs JASMINE CALDERA, Respondent; Case No. JV62-19. TO: JASMINE CALDERA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a SHOW CAUSE has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of JUNE, 2022 @ 11:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs PATRICE SPINO, Re- spondent; Case No. JV4- 21. TO: PATRICE SPINO, CPS, JV PROS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of JUNE, 2022 @ 4:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs DENA THOMAS, Re- spondent; Case No. JV92,94,95-17. TO: THO- MAS SAM, DENA THO- MAS: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CON- SERVATOR GUARDIAN- SHIP REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the CTWS, Petitioner, vs EDITH WYENA, Re- spondent; Case No. JV77- 17. TO: EDITH WYENA: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 29 TH day of JUNE, 2022 @ 9:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CYTHINA IKE, Respon- dent; Case No. JV53-17. TO: CYNTHIA IKE, REINA ESTIMO: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a AS- SISTED GUARDIANSHIP REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 11 TH day of JULY, 2022 @ 9:00 AM E S M E R A L D A LAWSON, Petitioner, vs TERRINE RABBIE, Re- spondent; Case No. DO6- 22. TO: ESMERALDA LAWSON, TERRINE RABBIE, SILAS HOWTOPAT, TYLASHA HOWTOPAT, BOBBY WARNER: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CON- SERVATOR GUARDIAN- SHIP has been scheduled with the War m Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 7 TH day of JULY, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs CODY MILLER, Respon- dent; Case No. DO57,58- 17. TO: CODY MILLER: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 11 TH day of JULY, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs SLYVIA SPINO, Respon- dent; Case No. DO18-19. TO: SYLVIA SPINO, JAS- PER SMITH SR.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a MO- TION FOR EMERGENCY PICK UP HEARING has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this mat- ter at a hearing scheduled for the 11 TH day of JULY, 2022 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs IVY WALLUALTUM, Re- spondent; Case No. JV113- 14. TO: IVY WALLULATUM: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 25 TH day of JULY, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CTWS, Petitioner, vs MARY JANE WILLIAMS, Respondent; Case No. JV29-21, DO15-19. TO: MARY JANE WILLIAMS, JERIMIAH SMITH, CPS, JV PROS, P&P: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a CUS- TODY REVIEW / PRO- BATION REVIEW has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 19 TH day of JULY, 2022 @ 3:00 PM PROBATE In the matter of the estate of Lucinda Scott Smith, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 572- PR13-86. To Alfred Smith, Ginger Smith, Wissie Smith, Tommie Smith, Annie Smith- Etheridge, Jamie Smith, Darryl L. Smith, Marcia Soliz, Dennis Smith Jr., Daniel Smith, Cher yl Smith, Emmitt Smith, Demus Martinez, Shadrack Martines, Rosetta Herkshan, Michael Martinez, Toni Made, Robert Smith, Julian Smith, Eldred Smith Sr., Pamela Cardenas, Kevin Smith Sr., Robin Smith, Uilani Smith, Maxine Clements, Stella Langley, Vanessa Langley, Martia Johnson, Levi Bobb, Lori Fuentes, Page 9 Noree Langley, Valerie Squiemphn, Terr y Squiemphen, Earlynne Squiemphen, Sammi O’Reilly, Carmel Begay, Teri Jo Squiemphen- Yazzie, Amanda Squiemphem-Yazzie, Tom Estimo Jr., Jolene Estimo, Jacie Estimo, Lois Estimo and Alfred Estimo Sr.: You are hereby notified that an in- formal probate hearing is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on June 28. In the matter of the es- tate of Josiah G. Thomp- son, W.S., U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2021-PR77. To Emily Seideman: You are hereby notified that an infor- mal probate hearing is sched- uled for 4 p.m. on August 1, 2022. In the matter of the es- tate of Dennis L. Smith Sr., W.S., U/A, deceased. Es- tate no. 2022-PR18. To Daniel Smith, Cher yle Smith, Dennis Smith Jr. and Emmitt Smith: You are hereby notified that an infor- mal probate hearing is sched- uled for 2 p.m. on August 1, 2022. In the matter of the es- tate of Allen W. Charley, W.S., U/A, deceased. Es- tate no. 2022-PR23. To Alveda Charley: You are hereby notified that an infor- mal probate hearing is sched- uled for 3:30 p.m. on Au- gust 1, 2022. In the matter of the estate of Lucy Ann Smith, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate no. 2021- PR49. To Laura Sahme, Milton Sahme and Carlos Miller-Smith: You are hereby notified that an in- formal probate hearing is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on August 1, 2022. In the matter of the es- tate of Herbert Stwyer Jr., W.S., U/A, deceased. Es- tate no. 2021-PR43. Notice is hereby given that Herbert Stwyer Jr., who at the time of his death last known resi- dence was 4302 Tommie Street, Warm Springs OR, died on the 4 th day of Au- gust 2021, and the court ap- pointed Valerie Squiemphen as the administrator. In the matter of the es- tate of Sterling Kalama Sr., W.S., U/A, deceased. Es- tate no. 2021-PR61. Notice is hereby given that Sterling Kalama Sr., who at the time of his death last known resi- dence was 1716 Foster Street, Warm Springs OR, died on the 9 th day of Octo- ber 2021, and the court ap- pointed Valerie Squiemphen as the administrator. CARE AND PROTECTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION CARE AND PRO- TECTION, TERMINA- TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION, DOCKET NUMBER: 20CP0136LO, Trial Court of Massachu- setts, Juvenile Court Department, COM- MONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, Middlesex County Ju- venile Court, Lowell Justice Center, 370 Jackson Street, 4 th Floor., Lowell, MA 01852 TO: Alan Warner and any unknown/ unnamed father of Tashawna L’Rey Tuckta: A petition has been presented to this court by DCF - Framingham, seeking, as to the following child, Tashawna L’Rey Tuckta, that said child be found in need of care and pro- tection and committed to the Department of Children and Families. The court may dispense the rights of the person(s) named herein to receive notice of or to consent to any legal proceeding affect- ing the adoption, cus- tody, or guardianship or any other disposition of the child named herein, if it finds that the child is in need of care and protection and that the best interests of the child would be served by said disposition. You are hereby OR- DERED to appear in this court, at the court ad- dress set forth above, on the following date and time: 09/09/2022 at 09:00 AM Hearing on Merits (CR/CV) You may bring an attorney with you. If you have a right to an attorney and if the court determines that you are indigent, the court will appoint an attorney to represent you. If you fail to ap- pear, the court may proceed on that date and any date there- after with a trial on the merits of the pe- tition and an adjudi- cation of this matter. For further infor- mation call the Office of the Clerk-Magis- trate at 978-441- 2630. WITNESS: Hon. Gloria Y. Tan, FIRST JUSTICE, Elizabeth Sheehy, Clerk-Mag- istrate, DATE IS- SUED: 05/10/2022