E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Great job, Graduate! Warm Springs Elite Wrestling hosts special guest W Congratulations to Niya Charley! She is a graduate in the Class of 2022 at the Raynold Learning Academy in Portland. Parkrose High School Graduates Congratulations, Roman Bagley-Rios! Roman is a Class of 2022 graduate of Parkrose High School in Portland. Job at Credit The Warm Springs Credit Enterprise seeks to fill a Clerk I position. The salary is negotiable depending on qualifications. The job de- scription is as follows: Perform secretarial/re- ceptionist duties; knowledge and experience with com- puter; professional public relations, and telephone eti- quette. Responsibilities: Filing, data entry, front line receptionist greeting and screening customers; coordi- nate conference room reser- vation; take in loan applica- The Northwest Port- land Area Indian Health Board suicide prevention project—the Tribal Health-Reaching out InVolves Ever yone, or THRIVE—has partnered with the Indian Page 3 Spilyay Tymoo June 1, 2022 Great Job, Octavio Rios-Bagley ~ Class of 2022 graduate of Parkrose High School, Portland. tions, screen and assign. Re- ceive, sort, record and route all incoming mail; and all other duties as assigned. The tribal member pref- erence applies. A valid Or- egon driver’s license is re- quired; and a high school di- ploma or GED. Copy of Covid-19 vaccination card; or religious exemption card, or medical exemption letter. The job is open until filled. Applications are available at the Credit enterprise. For more information contact Bucky Cochran at 541-553- 3201. Health Ser vices, tribes and tribal or ganizations acr oss Indian Countr y. Together, they are develop- ing the 988 direct 3-digit mental health emer gency resource. The service is go- ing live in July. Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus in Memorium: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our of- fices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 489, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: david.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $20.00 ar m Springs Elite Wrestling in May hosted a vist from Gerry Abas, four-time All American wrestler and coach, icon from Fresno State. Warm Springs Elite Wrestling hosted Mr. Abas at the Martinez Kujkembo Stu- dio in Culver. Gerry is a wrestling in- novator and collegiate wrestling star with fame from coaching his Olym- pic silver medalist brother Stephen Abas. Gerry also won recent fame for his legacy shown through his son Jaden Abas, an All- American star at Stanford wrestling. If there is such a thing as a master level in the dis- cipline of the wrestling world, it would be Gerry, regarded at the upper tier of sensei, or master, with moves and styles named after his and his brother’s last name. “I want to bring life changing opportunities to these kids and to sharpen their wrestling skills as well,” said Warm Springs Elite coach Quentin Scott. “Gerry is the master. He comes from similair backgrounds as these kids, and understands over- coming obstacles.” Gerry is known to use wrestling as a platform of inter vention and also Tananáwit job openings The Tananáwit War m Springs artists co-op is seek- ing to an executive director, and a business and outreach coordinator. Both positions are full-time. Regarding the executive di- rector position: In alignment with Tananáwit’s vision and mission, the executive director serves as the chief administra- tive executive officer of the organization for the board of directors, overseeing all of the day-to-day administrative and management operations, as well as the long-range strategy and program development for the growth of artists of the Warm Springs reservation and community. You can find out more by emailing: warmspringsartists@gmail.com You can also use this email to find out more about the business and outreach coor- dinator position. Courtesy Jaime Scott Gerry Abas (second from left) with Warm Springs Elite Wrestling. community building, self confidence and self de- fense. Gerry has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminology, and understands all the aspects of these begining founda- tions and upstarts. And he is very passionate about helping Warm Springs Elite lay this paved path for the future kids. “This place is beautiful,” Mr. Abas said. “There is no reason we can’t do a four- to-five day camp here and mentor kids, especially Na- tive girls. Girl wrestling is the fastest growing sport in the world, and they need a Na- tive representation, straight up!” Warm Springs Elite have a full schedule of camps and tourneys this summer. They have a t-shirt sale and Grand CRITFC jobs nance worker. Wage range $16.58 to $17.69 hourly. CRITFC police officer, multiple vacancies. Salary $53,061 to $57,948. CRITPD Dispatcher/ Communications officer. Salary $41,135 to $44,971. Oceanographer , The Columbia River In- ter-Tribal Fish Commission is advertising a number of positinos with the commis- sion. See the website critfc.org/jobs Brief summaries are as follows: Deputy director. Salary is $125,000 to $142,000, de- pending on qualifications. Director of Human Resources, $100,000 to $110,000. Fishery Technician III (Habitat project); and four temporary, full-time posi- tions. Fishery Technician III (Lamprey project); and three temporary, full-time posi- tions. Public information spe- cialist, salary range $65,137 to $71,651. Ocean modeling pro- grammer, Salary $75,799 to $80,854. Fishing site mainte- All Warm Springs resi- dents are welcome for a free Wellness and Vac- cine Clinic on Saturday, June 11 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Services include free dog and cat services such as physical exams, vacci- nations, parasite, flea, tick prevention, treatment for minor wounds and Raffle planned and scheduled. For the raffle the young wrestlers and coach are gathering re- sources for cash prizes, Nintendo Switches and more. Please Support the Warm Springs Wres- tling Movement. Thanks, War m Springs Elite Wrestling. $75,993 – $88,485. Tribal Workforce Devel- opment and Outreach Coor- dinator, $61,262 – $71,651. Genomics researcher, $51,068 – $65,906. Fishery Technician III (Bonneville), $44,013 – $46,946. infections and nail trims. No appointments are needed. The clinic will be at the Warm Springs Fire Department, 2112 Wasco Street. If ques- tions in advance, please contact Fences For Fido at 402-416-6505. Or email: info@fencesforfido.org.