Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Planning a visit to Memorial Wall May 4, 2022 Page 7 Around Indian Country American Indian Hall highest sustainable rating Courtesy Sandra Greene Randy Boise Sr. and Gerald Sampson Sr. plan to visit the Vietnam Memorial Wall. Vietnam War veterans Gerald Sampson Sr. nad Randy Boise Sr. are planning a trip to the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. To help them with travelling expenses, please see one of the following to purchase a raffle ticket, to have a chance at one of three prizes: 1) $1,000; 2) $500; 3) $250. Tickets are $5 each or five tickets for $20. Drawing will be on Facebook Live on May 23. Thank you for your support. The new American Indian Hall at Montana State University has become the first building to earn LEED—Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design— Platinum certification. “This rating substantiates our belief that the new American In- dian Hall is the finest building of its type,” said Montana State presi- dent Waded Cruzado. “Not only is it one of the most beautiful buildings of its kind in the world, but also has the highest sustainability rating possible, which will allow it to serve MSU students for decades to come.” Walter Fleming, director of MSU’s Department of Native American Indian Hall at Montana State University. American Studies, housed in the building, said the designation is im- portant for a building that sits on ancestral lands of many tribes. “It is always our mantra that if any building on campus needed to be LEED Platinum, it was impor- tant for the American Indian Hall Courtesy photo to earn that,” Fleming said. “It is also so consistent with the Native traditional practices of leaving nothing to waste. What is also important is the statement that an efficient building does not have to sacrifice beauty or cultural significance.” First adult offspring of translocated lamprey returns to Columbia From the Columbia River Inter- Tribal Fish Commission In 2007 the Nez Perce Tribe’s Pacific lamprey restoration team, led by the late Elmer Crow, re- leased a group of lamprey into Newsome Creek, a small tributary of the South Fork Clearwater River in Idaho. They had been collected from the lower Columbia River and transported 400 miles upriver to spare them from the risky journey passing the remaining dams and increase their likelihood of repro- ducing. The Nez Perce Tribe, Confed- erated Tribes of the Umatilla In- dian Reservation, and Yakama Nation have been conducting Pa- cific lamprey translocation efforts like this since 2000, in areas in- cluding the Yakima, Methow, Wenatchee, Tucannon, and Umatilla rivers. Through this work, the tribes have hoped to prevent extinction and increase abundance of lam- prey larvae and juveniles in wa- terways that historically supported populations of this culturally im- portant fish but were either strug- gling or locally extinct. The ulti- mate objective is that these trans- locations will lead to Columbia Ba- sin Pacific lamprey populations that are healthy enough to support a sustainable tribal harvest as they had since time immemorial. “When these programs began, there was no guarantee transloca- tion would even work, since the technique had never been used on lamprey before,” said Aja DeCoteau, executive director of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. “Despite this, the tribes pressed on, not only from confidence stemming from their successes re- building salmon populations, but also from our cultural obligation to help these fish that were disap- pearing throughout the Columbia Around Indian Country A brighter future for upriver Coho salmon Once upon a time, up to 15 million Pacific salmon and steel- head were thought to have re- turned to the Columbia River Ba- sin. A nearly continuous run of these magnificent fish migrated to spawning and rearing areas in the upper Columbia and Snake Riv- ers and tributary streams. Al- though Chinook salmon were the most abundant species, coho or “silver” salmon comprised an im- portant part of a virtual year- round opportunity for harvest. Regional tribes, in partnership with state fisheries manager part- ners, have been at the forefront of coho salmon restoration for over two decades. Much of the funding comes from Bonneville Power Administration’s Fish and Wildlife Program. Given the importance of coho to tribal culture, the Nez Perce tribe began reintroduction efforts in 1994 with a primary goal to pro- vide sustainable runs for tribal and non-tribal harvest in the Clearwater Basin. The Nez Perce tribal pro- gram now grows and releases up to 1.5 million smolts annually, mostly from local broodstock. The Yakama Nation has also ini- tiated efforts to restore naturally spawning populations of coho salmon to harvestable numbers. Their focus is in the upper Co- lumbia region—the Yakima, Wenatchee, Entiat, Methow, and Spokane Rivers—where as many as 165,000 coho returned annually during the pre-treaty era. A recently approved master plan for the Yakima River includes a hatchery facility for coho salmon, named in honor of Melvin Sampson, a tribal elder and long- time advocate for regional fisher- ies. Yakama fights to clean up highly contaminated Bradford Island The Bonneville Dam Complex sits in the Columbia River between Portland and Hood River. Within the complex is Bradford Island, his- torically used by the Army Corps of Engineers for chemical and equipment storage, as well as a haz- ardous waste landfill. In late March of this year, after nearly two de- cades of protest from the Yakama Nation, other tribes and environ- mental groups, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) listed Bradford Island as a Superfund site– a priority list for the most contami- nated sites in the country. The levels of contamination in the water around Bradford Island more than qualify for Superfund site listing. According to Rose Longoria, the Regional Superfund Projects Manager for the Yakama Nation, testing for the levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the tissue of fish is a major indica- tor of contamination levels. Basin.” Now, with over a decade of data, researchers at CRITFC’s Hagerman Genetics Laboratory have published their research showing the first direct evidence that the tribes’ translocation pro- grams in the Snake River basin are working. The research found that trans- location increased the production of juvenile lamprey in the interior Columbia Basin and demonstrated that these offspring successfully migrated to the Pacific Ocean and could one day return as adults. Their findings were published this week as a featured article titled “Pacific lamprey translocations to the Snake River boost abundance of all life stages” in the peer-re- viewed journal Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. The research found that the translocated adults produced more offspring than the adults arriving in those streams on their own, dem- onstrating that translocating adults Courtesy CRITFC Elmer Crow, Nez Perce Fisheries and Jeff Yanke, state Fish and Wildlife, releasing translocated lamprey into the Wallowa River in northeastern Oregon. to suitable habitats in the Snake River increased overall productiv- ity. “No matter how many adults are released in an area, around half of them contribute offspring,” said Tod Sween, the Nez Perce lamprey biologist. The research also confirmed the potential for the translocation pro- gram to restore Pacific lamprey to rivers and streams where they had been wiped out, which has both eco- logical and cultural benefits. Aaron Jackson, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Res- ervation lamprey research biologist added, “In 2018, a tribal fishery on Pacific lamprey was opened in the Umatilla River basin—the first one in 60 years,” said Jackson. “The tribes’ efforts and proactive initia- tives have a large role in these re- cent increases in abundance and we have the data to prove it.” The data is filling in gaps in the biology of Pacific lamprey that have been difficult to study in the past and provide information that is spe- cifically tailored to each region and subbasin.